Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Universe De-Clutters

The Universe De-Clutters

Remember my post at the beginning of the month when I talked about we need to de-clutter the things in our lives that just don’t belong any more. Not only things but, people.

Well I had a pretty eventful month this month. I have been getting things de-cluttered I have about 3 bags for donation and I have been tossing out a lot of useless items. I even started tackling putting the Yule décor away. I had to tackle that tangled mess of lights and garland and that took me about a good 30 minutes. I put everything in boxes so I know where everything will be lights in one box, ornaments in another etc. I even told hubby that label maker he was looking at we do need it.

Sometimes the Universe helps us de-clutter I found out this month. When we have a situation or problem or person in our life and the Universe feels it isn’t needed gets de-cluttered as well.

My son and I lost our best friends this month. It was over a bunch of bull to tell you the truth. I was under the impression that she knew something that was going on with her son and she didn’t. I was staying out of the whole situation. For what her son does behind her and my back I don’t know about or have control over. But apparently I did I found out. This cost me my friendship and my son’s friendship with his friend of over 10 years. He took it hard and I took it hard. I retreated into fairy tale realm by discovering the show Once Upon a Time on my Kindle while I was at the hospital with my parents for my Mom to get her nerve stimulator implanted. She is doing great btw. But I was searching on my Kindle for something to watch. My Dad was already hooked up to his dvd player and watching a movie and I was searching for something. I happened upon Once Upon a Time and I downloaded the pilot episode. By the end of the day I had about 4 episodes downloaded and watched. You could say I become an addict overnight.

I took a week off from life and everything else and just watched the whole season 1 of Once Upon a Time. During my watching I was able to think that sometimes we do need to step back from things in our life. Losing our-self in fairytale land actually does help and heal the mind. I was grieving for my friendship and I had to just step back away from the whole world to grieve.

My son was beside upset with me. He kept informing me laundry, dishes..etc…I just didn’t want to move I was embraced into stories I enjoyed as a child. As I watched I was taught something new.  I can’t tell you exactly what but I felt it a different type of energy. I guess when things are at their worst you can find magick in just doing nothing.

The Universe decided it was time for friendships to end and for me to move on. I am very heart-broken by this but things do happen for a reason and one day I may or may not ever know why. For days I shouldered the blame as she sent me messages that did nothing but upset me and make me cry. Then when I was still wallowing in self-pity and blaming myself ( I have no idea why I didn’t’ do anything wrong that I should even feel sorry for)a friend of mine reminded me that this is high school crap and I shouldn’t beat myself up over it. Thank you Janine I love you for that. Those words helped most of all and drilled into my feeble brain.
So I realized it was just time to let go and let the Universe take on all the karma of the situation. I said good-bye to the situation and I moved on.

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