Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Visions & Premonition

My first vision was of shaking of the earth and hearing someone shout "Earthquake". Then I saw buildings tumble and catch fire. After I saw a vision of New York water flowing into the city at such force dark skies and winds around.

My next vision was more personal it was a cocoon. A large comforting cocoon. A shield of protection, calling me to awaken, to learn to grow to spread my wings. I then saw a silver butterfly emerge. I felt the wings at my back. I am ready to fly, to awaken, to transform again. We go through many of these in life but we don't pay attention. We let our awakenings pass us, like a butterfly still trapped in a cocoon. We need to start paying attention. The silver butterfly is within me now it is me. Time to learn and grow, and transform into something amazing. Are you ready?

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