Tuesday 1-22-2013- Archangel Gabriel -Art
Gabriel is the patron angel of communication and is known as “The Messenger Angel”. He assists all matters of communication, whether it be on a personal level (as far as personal expression is concerned) or as the messenger of creative inspiration for artists (and for all art related projects).
Art is the message. Indefinable colors, symbols and found to contain an express the indescribable. Art is the manifestation or materialization of consciousness that exists in ethereal form. This is why when a new artist emerges and finds a way to express a vibration that has been bubbling below the surface of our awareness, a revolution takes place.
Whenever a society becomes rigid, represses and energy or becomes too much the extreme of an energy or value system, new art always emerges to challenge and bring balance to the whole. From Picasso to the Beatles, the artist dives deep into the unconscious to bring forth something new.
The artist is a channel; an explorer of the tangible realms, a messenger of what was found or what found the artist.
To be an artist is to be open to the colors, sounds, symbols or stories that embody the world and are talking to you; to be willing to explore what is hidden in the unconscious worlds and to be brave enough to be a messenger of what you experience.
The moment the intellect or ego become involved, the artist become a blocked channel. Fear, arrogance, pride and insecurity are feeling that relate to the ego and the identity. The artist comes to you because it needs to be expressed and it is you is the correct birth canal.
It doesn't want you to take credit or own or judge what it. Just be a good parent nurture and protect it. The artist is the messenger not the message.
Now it is time for you to open yourself up these new ideas and new worlds of creative opportunity.
Release your fears, your pride and be brave enough to go to new territories within your inner landscape. The messages, images, sound and ideas you receive now are important to you personally, spiritually, creatively and vocationally.
Pay attention and be brave and open.
Wednesday 1-23-2013- Ramaela-Joy
Joy is the expression of the heart at its highest vibration. The ability to stop and experience the beauty and perfection of life, without focus on outcomes, to be able to celebrate the beauty and grace of the goddess. That is what we experience will be allowed joy into our hearts.
Joy is the freedom of the heart, the inner child, the wild self, the true self. When we liberate ourselves from the heaviness of the mind, we free our hearts and give ourselves permission to be an express ourselves without the usual set of rules and limitations. These moments are food and nectar for the soul.
Joy connected to her true self the inner fire alive. Too much of this fire can burn out but not enough can leave us an empty vessel. Joy and the expression of joy is vital to our body, mind and soul.
Now is the time for laughter, play and the exploration of all things that bring you joy. It may be a time for being irreverent and carefree, a time to bring balance serious aspects of the self.
In many cultures of the world, there exists a trickster archetype, who trips people up when things are getting too serious or when they are taking themselves too seriously.
This is a time for you to trip yourself up in order to get back to earth. It is essential now let go of the heaviness that is around you, and have fun, play dance with life and find the lightness within the heart, mind and soul.
Find out what lights the flame of joy within your heart and give yourself the freedom to experience beautiful soul enriching feeling in your life right now.
Thursday 1-24-2013- Dokiel Balance
Dokiel, Angel balance, is known as" The Weighing Angel". In the testing of Abraham XIII stated that Dokiel is the Angel" who is like the sun, holding the balance in his hand" and it is also equated with the Egyptian God Anubis, "the Guardian of the scales".
Whenever there is a need for balance in our lives, the Angel Dokiel can provide us with assistance.
All of life is made up of the will forces. Polarities holding in place opposite aspects of the same central force. Masculine and feminine, day and night, the flesh and spirit, activity impasse activity, thought and feeling, all of life operates through these opposing forces.
When we become aware of the Zhongshan polarities that make up the way of life, we see that our perceptions about right and wrong, good and bad are essentially one-sided views and therefore not true of the whole.
In order to see clearly, we must recognize that both polarities operate within everything, which makes it impossible for anything the only right and wrong, good or bad. In fact it is always both and they cancel each other out, making everything perfect just as it is, no matter which side of the coin your mind wants to wreck nice. Once we are able to see the to joule T of life and release are limited, one-sided perceptions of reality except perfection present within each moment, we can reflect on what role we wish to play as part of the greater whole.
Now is the time for reflecting on how you can bring a greater sense of balance to the perceptions you have in your life, yourself and your world, so that you can go to the eternal space within that is unattached to petty thought and emotion and find your own truth. This truth will guide you on your way. This Angel teaches us about balance extremes. What goes up, must come down, what things in one direction, must at some point, swing the other way. This message reminds you of this.
Friday 1-25-2013- Archangel Michael - Clearing
In all major faiths or religions, the Archangel Michael is considered the highest angelic ranks.
Archangel Michael is the Angel of protection and clearing. You can call upon him to provide protection to yourself, your loved ones, your home or property and can also help you cut any negative ties in your life.
In order to clearly in your life you must be clear. There also time, old issues and old thought patterns. There any mental, spiritual, emotional or physical clutter.
This message has, for you; this means there are areas in your life in need of clearing.
On a physical level, it may be time to clear your home. When anything that is not relative to you now for the future life you want. Clean out all closet and corners. Get light and air circulating through your home. Clear your bodies fill yourself with fresh, nourishing food that is easy to digest and supports your system. Most importantly drank at least 2 liters of water every day.
If you feel unclear on an emotional level, the first thing you can do is spend some time writing or journaling exactly what you are feeling. It will provide you with a direct reflection of what is going on for you and what you can do to resolve present issues. It also will provide you with the space to release pent up energy.
You may also need to release someone or something from your life. You may need to cut ties with the person, place or event or clean an old emotional issue. Once you take the time to see what needs clearing and releasing, it becomes easier to take the action necessary to allow this to happen.
It may be necessary to review your mental and spiritual space at this time. What are the old thought patterns, beliefs and self -talk habits polluting your mental and spiritual space?
Quite often the key breaking a habit is to create a new one that is more supportive to your growth and happiness. If you are telling yourself things that are not in line with your highest truth and highest potential, it’s time to simply start telling yourself something different. This will take work, lots of discipline and awareness, but you'll get through and change the mental pattern if you keep repeating and honoring the new thought pattern.
Ultimately the message here is that you need to take space for yourself now. Create a sense of inner stillness and calm. Then with strength and courage, clear away the clutter and destructive tides in your life.
Saturday 1-26-2013- Muriel Home
Muriel, the Angel of the sign of Cancer, can be called upon for all matters relating to the home and family. Also the Angel of emotions and sensitivity, Muriel is said to be able to procure a magic carpet for those who invoke him.
The home is a physical structure that provides us with the foundation from which we operate. Home provides us with all our basic physical, emotional and spiritual needs on a very primary level. It is through the home that we receive our sense of security, stability and safety.
The home and experience in many different levels for each individual. Our first home is our body. We may experience home and space where our immediate family or guardians are. As we become adults, our homes exist wherever we are. It may further develop to including new family that we ourselves create.
When we lose our connection to whatever of these places we consider home, we lose our connection to our foundations, our sense of security, our connected-ness to the world and ultimately our place in the world.
Yet we are always at home the matter where we are and what our structures are like. Our most important primary home is in our body and on this planet and there is no way of escaping either of these places while still alive.
Life is showing you that you may require greater attention on the home and what this means to you. It's time for reflecting on your foundation and cleaning up the debris.
Through connecting to our home space we experience a greater sense of connection to ourselves. Time to cleaning clear out the old stagnant energies and put the time and love you deserve it having the kind of physical space that truly supports and nurses you on all levels of your being.
It's also time to start letting go of your old belief systems around the concept of home. Home is where the heart is. It is a space of love, nourishment for. The matter where you are, who you are with or where you live, you carry home in your heart as you walk this planet which is your home.
Sunday 1-27-2013- Archangel Chamuel-Divine Love
Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love and relationships, both with the self and with others. He can be called upon to heal, strengthen and improve relationships, and can help with resolving relationship issues or challenges. Chamuel also teaches you how to love and accept yourself more wholly.
Love is the essence of all things. If everything in the universe is in divine and perfect order and every situation, event and experience brings about the next step of the cosmic dance, then every experience whether happy or sad, is God/Goddess’s love working though our lives, teaching us and helping us to grow and evolve.
When you can look at your experiences and see what your soul has gained, you allow the love of the God/Goddess into your heart. Every experience offers you the opportunity to learn and grow and this is the greatest gift of all.
Life the muscles in the body, when the psyche is not challenged and exercised, it becomes weak, limp and eventually dies.
The time has come to realize that you are loved! You are love! That is the simple truth whether you are conscious of it or not. The time has come for turning the act of love inward on yourself. The universe offers endless supplies of love but what you do with that is your choice. All relationships are a reflection of what you feel about yourself and what you feel you deserve.
It is the time to really start noticing what you relationships are saying about you. It is time to go within and really give yourself, set new boundaries of pamper and adorn yourself. Whatever it is, it is imperative that you pinpoint what it is you really need and work on fulfilling that need for yourself.
Sit down and look at what you feel is missing in your relationship or what is attracting you about a person and in turn give those things to yourself.
Once you take it upon yourself to love, honor and respect yourself and remove any harmful influences, you will find that the world will reflect that love right back to you.
Monday 1-28-2013- Archangel Jeremiel-Awakening
Archangel Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the ability to help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and patterns, Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself.
Each person is born a unique fingerprint of God. We are the summation of a multitude of ingredients that together make us who we are.
We are born into specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing that we need to learn and grow into who we are to become.
Beyond that, we are made up of instinctive traits, fears, passions and longings that also reflect our nature.
Then we have a set of experiences for our lives where we may experience challenges or awakenings that move us even further along the path of who we are. We learn certain lessons or get naturally guided to different experiences and places. Beyond all that, we feel a calling; a drive to do, experience and become something, whether this is a career or an internal state.
All these things give us “clues” to what we need to gain and experience in order to learn and grow in this life and they show us what are soul longs to express and feel. It is time to look at what these clues are telling us about you.
It is time to truly feel the perfect God/Goddess that exists at the core of your being. It is then that you may better see the true path that your experiences are taking on and what parts of yourself and your life must let go of in order to experience more happiness and integrity. Right now this is a time of awakening in your life, of waking up to the core of who you are and immense potential that you hold in each moment of your life.
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