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Sunday, January 13, 2013
Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of 1-14-2013-1-21-2013
Monday 1-14-2013-Archangel Gabriel -Art
Gabriel is the patron angel of communication and is known as “The Messenger Angel”. He assists all matters of communication, whether it be on a personal level (as far as personal expression is concerned) or as the messenger of creative inspiration for artists (and for all art related projects).
Art is the message. Indefinable colors, symbols and found to contain an express the indescribable. Art is the manifestation or materialization of consciousness that exists in ethereal form. This is why when a new artist emerges and finds a way to express a vibration that has been bubbling below the surface of our awareness, a revolution takes place.
Whenever a society becomes rigid, represses and energy or becomes too much the extreme of an energy or value system, new art always emerges to challenge and bring balance to the whole. From Picasso to the Beatles, the artist dives deep into the unconscious to bring forth something new.
The artist is a channel; an explorer of the tangible realms, a messenger of what was found or what found the artist.
To be an artist is to be open to the colors, sounds, symbols or stories that embody the world and are talking to you; to be willing to explore what is hidden in the unconscious worlds and to be brave enough to be a messenger of what you experience.
The moment the intellect or ego become involved, the artist become a blocked channel. Fear, arrogance, pride and insecurity are feeling that relate to the ego and the identity. The artist comes to you because it needs to be expressed and it is you is the correct birth canal.
It doesn't want you to take credit or own or judge what it. Just be a good parent nurture and protect it. The artist is the messenger not the message.
Now it is time for you to open yourself up these new ideas and new worlds of creative opportunity.
Release your fears, your pride and be brave enough to go to new territories within your inner landscape. The messages, images, sound and ideas you receive now are important to you personally, spiritually, creatively and vocationally.
Pay attention and be brave and open.
Tuesday 1-15-2013-Archangel Chamuel - Divine Justice
Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love and relationships, both with the self and with others. He can be called upon to heal, strengthen and improve relationships, and can help with resolving relationship issues or challenges. Chamuel also teaches you how to love and accept yourself more wholly.
The other side of this angel is that he is the incarnation of Divine Justice and has great knowledge of Karma. He can supply great courage in the face of adversity.
Everything that exists in our universe, every single Atom is part of a perfectly synchronized dance. Whether we see it or not, everything in this universe and everything that occurs is occurring in perfect balance and order.
Everything that happens to womankind and mankind propels us forward. Even though certain events may be that or painful from a higher perspective it is still perfect and synchronized dance. It is when we stop seeing things as positive and negative and see beyond that to the higher truth that may see the God and Goddess.
Divine justice is but truly understanding perfect order that exists, both in life and in our lives. It is about seeing the deeper meaning that exists behind all the events you have experience and are experiencing. Start seeing how every event is taking you where you need to be. Start seeing the patterns have occurred in your life. More importantly to see the part you have played in your life.
The universe dances around and through your life but how you respond makes up your experience.
This is a time now for seeing the deeper meaning behind your experiences becoming responsible for your own reality .This is also time for complete honesty with yourself. There is no such thing as action without consequence. For every action, comes a reaction whether that is to manifest something, experience or lost or simply learn a lesson, pleasant or painful. We are constantly creating our own reality through how we perceive life and how we choose to act in this world.
It is not our responsibility to control how others act consequence of the image may or should experience.
If we become clear within out our mind, we are self- responsible and we speak and stand in our truth with complete clarity and honesty, we have already balanced the scales. Then we must hand things over to the universe and trust that the higher intelligence will take care of the rest.
Wednesday 1-16-2013-Archangel Raguel - Conflict Resolution
Raguel (which means “Friend of God”) is known as the angel of order and fairness. He is said to have been entrusted with the job of watching over other Angels to ensure their good behavior.
Being a master at resolving conflicts, Archangel Raguel can be called upon whenever you find yourself stuck in situations or disputes it seemed almost impossible to remedy any helping hand to restore harmony or diplomacy.
Conflict resolution occurs when polarities balance the heart and the mind is able to harmonize. Like the positive and negative charges of Adam, polarities exist to balance the whole. Although polarities may seem like total opposites, they are actually connected at the core. It is just that they hold the opposite aspects of thing in a place so that the whole is actually balanced.
If you feel your experience in complex with another person at this time, in order to heal the situation, you must see the person as a reflection of yourself. There may be something you don't want to look at in yourself or your life, is now become a reflection of that it may seem that you are in opposite states of mind are opposite places in your life that you can see beyond the surface issue you will be able to see what it is that this person is reflected within you.
Then take action based on a higher truth.
You may be experiencing an inner conflict where you notice your feelings, and your mind taking opposite stances. In this circumstance you must come silent so you hear and feel what fear is and what truth is, and what is ego what is higher self.
It is very important at this time to open up to experiencing a sense of oneness in connection with all that is. The world around you is a total reflection of you, and you are total reflection of the world this includes relationships you have, the work that you do in the way you respond to people.
Right now you need to realize that when you see to polarities playing out is always forming the whole picture. If we are balance to begin with then we don't need to play out the players outside of ourselves. When you consider the lesser within the conflict you can then balance issue within yourself and thereby release the needs of the issue, which releases others having play out their role in the conflict to.
This is the alternate form of conflict resolution and the road to forgiveness.
Thursday 1-17-2013-Archangel Uriel-Alchemy
Archangel Uriel means “Fire of God” Alchemy is the science and philosophy of turning base metals into gold, the magickal power of transmutation. You can call on Archangel Uriel when you need to gain the spiritual knowledge and understanding to transform some part of your life or self, or to change the form of negative or destructive forces and positive. With this ability, like a snake shedding its skin, you are able to let go of the old and renewing yourself.
Alchemy is the art and science of turning base metals into gold. This entire process involves raising the vibration of the metal so high that transforms.
This is reflected in the alchemy of the spirit. We have within us the ability to transform ourselves and our experiences, taking in the poison and using a higher vision of higher understanding to transform it into spiritual gold.
In order to experience this, we must first take the time and energy necessary to see the divine order in the universe and allow that insight to penetrate and transform our perceptions about our lives, ourselves and our experiences.
In every moment there is great opportunity for movement and growth. All it takes is one moment of illumination and the decision to create what you want. Every moment offers the opportunity to see a larger picture and acquire a greater understanding of our lives and the situations occurring within them. When we take this opportunity we can experience clarity, joy, peace and greater sense of personal power.
This is a time where deep alchemical changes are occurring from within. This is a time to transcend the mundane perspectives of reality and experience the world with new eyes. Profound changes are occurring for you now, both in yourself and your life.
Your life may be changing, opening up and transforming. This is a time of increased power as the infinite potential of life appears clearer than ever. This is a time of courage and diligence. You are integrating personal and universal knowledge, as well as opening up the true potential of your life.
This requires work, focus and bravery to take on what needs to be done at this time. Right now it is time to embrace transformation and as you turn your inner base metals into gold.
Friday 1-18-2013-Guardian Angel - Special Message
The Angel that comes to you now is your own personal Guardian Angel and the message you must receive can only come from within.
Introspection is needed. The answers you seek exist within your own heart. The time now since and really listen to what is your inner voice is truly saying. Trust your own heart. It is time to listen to your own truth above all other outside influences.
Your Guardian Angel will speak to your heart now in your heart will show you the way. This may to regarding Angel is simple and easy. We just need to train our minds be still and listen to the whispers of our heart, feel the loving presence of our Angels and receive their internally loving guidance. You can communicate with your Angels by just sitting down, relaxing your mind and calling them to you. Ask your Angel message needs to be shared with you.
Saturday 1-19-2013-Cassiel-Dark Night of the Soul
Light is consciousness. It reflects a waking world to us so that we can experience its reflection; interpreting and making sense of it so that we can more effectively walk within this world.
When the world around us or within us begins to changes, our conscious minds cannot make sense of the new data as the old interpretations and meanings no longer apply. We enter a new territory and the mind needs to release old ideas, illusions and patterns and at the same time expand to integrate a new level of consciousness.
The inner or outer changes that occur to provoke these shirts in consciousness are usually shocking, disorientating and overwhelming. The mind leaves the safety, clarity, comfort and warmth or the day and must journey into the unconscious realm of night. Here we experience the breakdown of our previous reality and begin to experience a new truth emerging from within.
The whole process is scary but ultimately it is this type of death and rebirth of consciousness, that allows us to grow, expand and proceed through the phases of life.
You are currently experiencing a dark night of the soul. You may feel lost, scared, confused, stuck, angry or overwhelmed. You may feel helpless and hopeless, as though nothing can or will change, no matter what you do. You may feel alone, isolated, like no one in the world understands you. You may feel scared, angry and confused that what you believed to be your fixed reality has been shattered.
It is important for you to understand that this is a necessary shift in consciousness. You must leave the past behind and surrender to being in this strange, unknown space until all that must be faced is faced, all that must be cleared is cleared and all the must be integrated is integrated.
This rebirth occurs thought the passage of time and it will bring more to you than you could ever imagine and when that sun rises, a new and clarified self will emerge into a new day, where a new world of possibilities will be open to you.
Sunday 1-20-2013-Samael - The Shadow Self
Samael is a representation of the Shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and fallen angel, Samael is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and a powerful fighter in battle.
When you seem up against insurmountable odds and opposition Samael can assist you.
The shadow self holds the keys to unlocking the wisdom of the deeper self. It is the shadow that holds the secrets to creating true and profound change and realization. All our hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions lie in the shadow.
Through facing our shadow we can dissolve the underlying impulses that govern our lives, thereby allowing a deep and profound shirt in consciousness to occur. We can become capable of standing whole, in our integrity as we direct our lives forward.
We all have hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions. When they exist and operate underneath our conscious awareness, we lose our sense of what is occurring or us in our life. We may complain about money, work, relationship or health, not seeing how our unconscious workings are dictating all of these things.
When we face our shadow, we reclaim full ownership and responsibility or our lives and give ourselves the power to transform both ourselves and our lives into what we want them to be.
Monday 1-22-2013-Anael-Sexuality
Sexuality is the physical expression of our soul’s essence. It is the part of us that connects to the physical world. Sexual energy connects us to our bodies and inspires us to express ourselves thought use of our bodies, though clothes, make-up, body art and dance. It is though our sexuality that we reveal the deeper side of our nature. This is revealed in the particular way we choose to decorate ourselves and move in our bodies.
Our sexual energy brings us to life. It puts a sparkle in our eyes, a kick in our step and a sway in our hips.
It is through our senses that we develop “sensitivity” on all levels. Though touch, sight, sound, smell and taste we awaken to the richness of life. It is though pleasure that we celebrate life and though ecstasy that we experience oneness with divinity and the nature of the divine.
This may be a time for you to begin exploring and becoming sensitive to your physical self. Have you been honoring your body and sexuality as sacred? Does your physical being, reflect and express your spiritual being? Do you allow yourself to feel sensitive and awake inside your body? Do you feel free to express yourself physically and sexually?
This is a time for reflecting on these questions and bringing balance to this area of your life. If you have a relationship that needs healing in this area or you wanting to bring in a new partner, you must first heal and balance these things within yourself. Others will only ever reflect the true and often hidden feelings you have about yourself.
Therefore, this is the time to love yourself, explore your sensuality, become sensitive, honor your body as scared and enjoy your sexuality.
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