Seriously I am just stunned that this is even going on. The Dad didn't know his daughter was going to be adopted before going to Iraq. These people had his daughter for 2 years and they are claiming "ownership" of this child who her Dad wants.
Excuse me if I am missing the whole thing. A Dad wants his daughter, loves his daughter, wants to raise his daughter and these people are claiming kidnapping. What kidnapping? She isn't being harmed or abused by her biological family. She is being loved and taken care of. How dare they rip a child from her loving Father.
A judge needs to step in and do what is right. Sit these people down and explain in common sense that what they are doing is foolish to say the least. The very least. Why would you want to remove a child who is in a loving home with her "real" dad? I don't get it. These people need to have their heads examined. Sure they raised her for 2 years. He was off serving his country. He didnt know what he was signing. These people are clearly taking advantage of him and the system.
When this little girl is older if they get custody she is going to hate them for taking her away from her real family.
Adopted kids aren't pawns, toys, or possessions. If the Father and his family want his daughter then let them. They are her family these people are not. To cause this huge stink about this is reprehensible. They need to grow up drop all this bs and let the child live with her Dad already. Someone seriously needs to talk some sense into them.
If she were my daughter there would be no way on hell that I would let them near her. Their actions are just psycho. I would hide her too.
She truly should be with her dad and these people need to back the heck off.
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