Monday, January 28, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of Jan. 29, 2013-Feb. 5, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of Jan. 29, 2013-Feb. 5, 2013

Tuesday Jan. 29, 2013
Archangel Raziel
Hidden Worlds

There are realms that exist beyond our everyday perception. Realms of color, sound, thought, feeling, and realms of myth. Realms of unimaginable vastness that cover both time and space.
There are times of increased awareness and increased sensitivity, where everyday perception shift in our senses become heightened. This occurs during major life or personal transition, the artistic or creative process and during the heightened spiritual or psychic awareness.
During these periods, the veil that separates the world become thinner in our everyday awareness becomes hyper awareness. Our senses become refined as we tune into new colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings, myths and the vastness of time space. All the sudden you seem to be experience in a time of putting awareness. This is a time for truly listening, feeling and opening up to the hidden worlds of the universe.
You may have thought yourself drawn to new thoughts, ideas and new experiences recently. You may become more aware of signs or omens from universe. Strange synchronicity may be occurring regularly. Your dreams are becoming stronger, stranger and more vivid. The veil may be thinning at this time, to reveal new worlds from both within and around you.

It is asked dreamily importance that you take note of what is revealing itself to you. There are secrets, keys and signs from the universe that want to reveal to you. It is an ideal time to write, draw, meditate, communicate and create. Let the secrets of the hidden world inspired you into a new state of consciousness. With this being 2013 a being the year of new beginnings and new start this message is extremely important for everyone to practice.

Wednesday Jan. 30, 2013
Archangel Zadkiel

The meaning of "Zadkiel" is" the righteousness of God".

Considered  to be the Angel of Mercy, Archangel Zadkiel teaches compassion and forgiveness, both towards ourselves and others so that we can move forward with our lives and not remain. Inside the world past hurts and disappointments.   

Perfection that exists within you perfection in all that is.

To forgive yourself is to forget the whole world. To see the perfection that exists within you is to see the perfection in all that is.

You may see mistakes, atrocities and error in the world around you, but all these things exist to make up the synchronistic progress of mankind. Even if it is through what we perceive this error, the experience of that is what will take us to the next place.

What we often perceive as wrong-doings, either from life or other people, is exactly what propels growth and creates change in our lives. Every challenge offers us the opportunity to learn more about ourselves and life, and then we have the opportunity to offer something valuable back to the world. 

This doesn't mean we choose to put ourselves in danger or unsupportive environments, it just means that we are able to move on, except life upset and are able to use them as gifts.

This same thing applies to you. You must learn to see the potential for growth in yourself, each time a “mistake" is made. We have all made mistakes and hurt others, whether knowingly or not. We have also been hurt by others. Sometimes hurting another is the only way to tell the truth or force them to stand on their own feet and be accountable for themselves and their life.

There is no right or wrong, good or bad, there is only life, growth and self-knowledge to be gained from each and every situation were in.

Right now it is time to let go of past hurts. It is time to see life from a higher perspective. We need to let self-acceptance and self-forgiveness fill our hearts and let that love flowing into life and the world around you.

Thursday Jan. 31, 2013
Guardian Angel
Special Message 

The Angel that comes to you now is your own personal Guardian Angel and the message you must receive can only come from within. 

Introspection is needed. The answers you seek exist within your own heart. The time now since and really listen to what is your inner voice is truly saying. Trust your own heart. It is time to listen to your own truth above all other outside influences. 

Your Guardian Angel will speak to your heart now in your heart will show you the way. This may to regarding Angel is simple and easy. We just need to train our minds be still and listen to the whispers of our heart, feel the loving presence of our Angels and receive their internally loving guidance. You can communicate with your Angels by just sitting down, relaxing your mind and calling them to you. Ask your Angel message needs to be shared with you. 

Friday Feb. 1, 2013

Archangel Jophiel-Illumination

Archangel Jophiel means “Beauty of God” She is the Angel of illumination. She appears to bring light where there is darkness and is a shining light of hope at the end of a seemingly endless night.

Illumination occurs when light fills a space where there was once darkness. The light of consciousness spreads, allowing us to see into the space that was once darkness and mystery of the unknown.

Illumination often occurs when least expect it. When we are lost in the dark and forgotten what the light and it looks like, up comes the sun in all its glory, lighting our way and filling us with new insight and inspiration.

When we are in darkness we often lose sight of the bigger picture.  We can easily forget everything comes in phases.  Without the darkness of introspection and the unknown changes cannot occur.  The phases we experience are extremely important to growth and success in our lives.

The sun is rising for you now, illuminating all the dark corners of your life and consciousness. This is a time of rebirth, renewed life and renewed clarity and inspiration. Within the light of the sun, every color exists, ready to bring color into our world.

There is unlimited potential all around you right now. You have the power to create anything you want for yourself and your life. All color is available to you now. 

Pay close attention to awakenings, realizations, ideas, answers and inspirations.  All the answers you are looking for are revealing themselves to right now.

Saturday Feb. 2, 2013

Fire is the light that brings life to our whole solar system. All the planets within this solar system are held in place though the gravitational force of the sun. The sun brings  life to the whole planet as we see though the changing seasons and the changing of the night to day. We live our life in the way that we do because of the sun. it is the original creative source.

When man learned to control fire, set the basis for all our future developments. From the controlled use of fire for light, warmth and cooking to crafting metal, fire has given us the power to create better and more progressive lives for ourselves.

You are a microcosm of our galaxy. You are the sun with your created worlds spinning around the direction of your gravitational pull. This is the time for you to use the creative influence of the sun to create the life you want to live.
Sunday Feb. 3, 2013
Archangel Cassiel

Before we can move on to the next stage in our lives there needs to be a clearing out of the old. Cassiel, the angel of tears and solitude, is the ruler of the planet Saturn and teacher us about the dual nature of life and about reconciling opposites.

Astrologically, everyone goes thought a period known as a Saturn Return (occurring roughly every 29 years) which is a speeded-up time of karmic examination and rapid clearing. This is commonly a hard time, where people are forced into what is known as a “Dark night of the Soul” where they have no choice but to be face to face with all there karmic lessons.

Cassiel can provide the much important stillness you need to go within and examine your life so that you may come out the other end (changed forever) and move on to the next stage.

It is within the stillness and silence of the womb that all life is formed. It is often though the space of non-activity that we allow something deeper to emerge. When we surrender out will to the universe we become receptive to the will of the divine. We become open to life while we allow new life to from within us.

Stillness and silence are essential parts of your daily balance. Without sleep we cease to function, both physically and psychologically.

Still needs in this fast-paced, action-packed world, both physically and psychologically, is considered a hindrance and an annoyance. Yet every process of life; integration, healing and manifestation requires a period of stillness. This is a period where action and force actually hinder and hold up the process,, a period where true surrender is the only option.

If you see to think you are feeling confused, frustrated or stuck, it may be time for you to stop trying to force action and outcome in your life. For the moment just let it all go. Just let go.
You may be feeling anxious or excited to have a particular sort of movement in your life or experience a particular outcome but it is not yet the time for that outcome to occur, It is a time of surrendering.

When the time is right for activity and movement you will know because it will be natural and easy rather than frustrated and forced.

It is a time for stillness and going within ourselves, for pruning our inner gardens before we decorate them.

Monday Feb. 4, 2013
Archangel Jeremiel-Clarity

Archangel Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the ability to help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and patterns, Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself.

Clarity is the state attained when the mind becomes still. When our fears, assumptions, expectations and projections stay long enough for the fog to clear from our eyes, our ability to see returns. When we let go of coddling the inner voices of the ego and emotions fog of our perceptions and take it out of the present moment, we cannot be free to see the bigger picture.

To experience your clarity we must still the chatter of the mind, let go of staying stuck in the fog the motion and step away from ourselves long enough to see ourselves and our lives from a higher perspective.

When we feel clear, we are able to see ourselves and our lives clearly. We understand with clarity what is occurring for us and why, and we know what action to take to best honor our personal truth.

Oftentimes, to achieve this state we must clear with the fog and medicine our lives-from cleaning and clearing our homes, to cut any negative ties to clearing away replacing negative self- talk. We have to engage in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual clean out. It will always give us the space necessary to find clarity.

Now it is essential to clear way what has been keeping you in the fog and find a space necessary for you to return to your center. This may mean cleaning your house, letting go of grief or anger or demanding a space for yourself in your life.

Clarity is coming to you now if you're willing to step up and embrace it.

Another form of clarity is a chakra balancing. A chakra is a point within the body's energy system. Another way to define chakras is to call them points in space and time where our physical bodies meet with metaphysical energies. When the chakras are open, aligned, and balanced we are at our absolute optimal levels of health. But when one or more of our chakras become closed, unbalanced, or out of alignment we can suffer from great discomfort and even a wide variety of health problems. Chakra treatments have also been known to heal or relieve serious issues even when traditional medicine has failed to do so.

Tuesday Feb 5, 2013
Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel is the patron angel of communication and is known as “The Messenger Angel”.  He assists all matters of communication, whether it be on a personal level (as far as personal expression is concerned) or as the messenger of creative inspiration for artists (and for all art related projects).

Art is the message. Indefinable colors, symbols and found to contain an express the indescribable. Art is the manifestation or materialization of consciousness that exists in ethereal form. This is why when a new artist emerges and finds a way to express a vibration that has been bubbling below the surface of our awareness, a revolution takes place.

Whenever a society becomes rigid, represses and energy or becomes too much the extreme of an energy or value system, new art always emerges to challenge and bring balance to the whole.  From Picasso to the Beatles, the artist dives deep into the unconscious to bring forth something new.

The artist is a channel; an explorer of the tangible realms, a messenger of what was found or what found the artist.

To be an artist is to be open to the colors, sounds, symbols or stories that embody the world and are talking to you; to be willing to explore what is hidden in the unconscious worlds and to be brave enough to be a messenger of what you experience.

The moment the intellect or ego become involved, the artist become a blocked channel. Fear, arrogance, pride and insecurity are feeling that relate to the ego and the identity. The artist comes to you because it needs to be expressed and it is you is the correct birth canal.

It doesn't want you to take credit or own or judge what it. Just be a good parent nurture and protect it. The artist is the messenger not the message.

Now it is time for you to open yourself up these new ideas and new worlds of creative opportunity.

Release your fears, your pride and be brave enough to go to new territories within your inner landscape. The messages, images, sound and ideas you receive now are important to you personally, spiritually, creatively and vocationally.

Pay attention and be brave and open.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Universe De-Clutters

The Universe De-Clutters

Remember my post at the beginning of the month when I talked about we need to de-clutter the things in our lives that just don’t belong any more. Not only things but, people.

Well I had a pretty eventful month this month. I have been getting things de-cluttered I have about 3 bags for donation and I have been tossing out a lot of useless items. I even started tackling putting the Yule décor away. I had to tackle that tangled mess of lights and garland and that took me about a good 30 minutes. I put everything in boxes so I know where everything will be lights in one box, ornaments in another etc. I even told hubby that label maker he was looking at we do need it.

Sometimes the Universe helps us de-clutter I found out this month. When we have a situation or problem or person in our life and the Universe feels it isn’t needed gets de-cluttered as well.

My son and I lost our best friends this month. It was over a bunch of bull to tell you the truth. I was under the impression that she knew something that was going on with her son and she didn’t. I was staying out of the whole situation. For what her son does behind her and my back I don’t know about or have control over. But apparently I did I found out. This cost me my friendship and my son’s friendship with his friend of over 10 years. He took it hard and I took it hard. I retreated into fairy tale realm by discovering the show Once Upon a Time on my Kindle while I was at the hospital with my parents for my Mom to get her nerve stimulator implanted. She is doing great btw. But I was searching on my Kindle for something to watch. My Dad was already hooked up to his dvd player and watching a movie and I was searching for something. I happened upon Once Upon a Time and I downloaded the pilot episode. By the end of the day I had about 4 episodes downloaded and watched. You could say I become an addict overnight.

I took a week off from life and everything else and just watched the whole season 1 of Once Upon a Time. During my watching I was able to think that sometimes we do need to step back from things in our life. Losing our-self in fairytale land actually does help and heal the mind. I was grieving for my friendship and I had to just step back away from the whole world to grieve.

My son was beside upset with me. He kept informing me laundry, dishes..etc…I just didn’t want to move I was embraced into stories I enjoyed as a child. As I watched I was taught something new.  I can’t tell you exactly what but I felt it a different type of energy. I guess when things are at their worst you can find magick in just doing nothing.

The Universe decided it was time for friendships to end and for me to move on. I am very heart-broken by this but things do happen for a reason and one day I may or may not ever know why. For days I shouldered the blame as she sent me messages that did nothing but upset me and make me cry. Then when I was still wallowing in self-pity and blaming myself ( I have no idea why I didn’t’ do anything wrong that I should even feel sorry for)a friend of mine reminded me that this is high school crap and I shouldn’t beat myself up over it. Thank you Janine I love you for that. Those words helped most of all and drilled into my feeble brain.
So I realized it was just time to let go and let the Universe take on all the karma of the situation. I said good-bye to the situation and I moved on.

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Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of 1-22-2013-1-28-2013

Tuesday 1-22-2013- Archangel Gabriel -Art

Gabriel is the patron angel of communication and is known as “The Messenger Angel”.  He assists all matters of communication, whether it be on a personal level (as far as personal expression is concerned) or as the messenger of creative inspiration for artists (and for all art related projects). 

Art is the message. Indefinable colors, symbols and found to contain an express the indescribable. Art is the manifestation or materialization of consciousness that exists in ethereal form. This is why when a new artist emerges and finds a way to express a vibration that has been bubbling below the surface of our awareness, a revolution takes place.
Whenever a society becomes rigid, represses and energy or becomes too much the extreme of an energy or value system, new art always emerges to challenge and bring balance to the whole.  From Picasso to the Beatles, the artist dives deep into the unconscious to bring forth something new. 

The artist is a channel; an explorer of the tangible realms, a messenger of what was found or what found the artist. 

To be an artist is to be open to the colors, sounds, symbols or stories that embody the world and are talking to you; to be willing to explore what is hidden in the unconscious worlds and to be brave enough to be a messenger of what you experience. 

The moment the intellect or ego become involved, the artist become a blocked channel. Fear, arrogance, pride and insecurity are feeling that relate to the ego and the identity. The artist comes to you because it needs to be expressed and it is you is the correct birth canal. 
It doesn't want you to take credit or own or judge what it. Just be a good parent nurture and protect it. The artist is the messenger not the message. 

Now it is time for you to open yourself up these new ideas and new worlds of creative opportunity. 

Release your fears, your pride and be brave enough to go to new territories within your inner landscape. The messages, images, sound and ideas you receive now are important to you personally, spiritually, creatively and vocationally. 

Pay attention and be brave and open.  

Wednesday 1-23-2013- Ramaela-Joy 

Joy is the expression of the heart at its highest vibration. The ability to stop and experience the beauty and perfection of life, without focus on outcomes, to be able to celebrate the beauty and grace of the goddess. That is what we experience will be allowed joy into our hearts. 
Joy is the freedom of the heart, the inner child, the wild self, the true self. When we liberate ourselves from the heaviness of the mind, we free our hearts and give ourselves permission to be an express ourselves without the usual set of rules and limitations. These moments are food and nectar for the soul.

Joy connected to her true self the inner fire alive. Too much of this fire can burn out but not enough can leave us an empty vessel. Joy and the expression of joy is vital to our body, mind and soul. 

Now is the time for laughter, play and the exploration of all things that bring you joy. It may be a time for being irreverent and carefree, a time to bring balance serious aspects of the self. 
In many cultures of the world, there exists a trickster archetype, who trips people up when things are getting too serious or when they are taking themselves too seriously. 
This is a time for you to trip yourself up in order to get back to earth. It is essential now let go of the heaviness that is around you, and have fun, play dance with life and find the lightness within the heart, mind and soul. 

Find out what lights the flame of joy within your heart and give yourself the freedom to experience beautiful soul enriching feeling in your life right now.

Thursday 1-24-2013- Dokiel Balance 

Dokiel, Angel balance, is known as" The Weighing Angel". In the testing of Abraham XIII stated that Dokiel is the Angel" who is like the sun, holding the balance in his hand" and it is also equated with the Egyptian God Anubis, "the Guardian of the scales". 
Whenever there is a need for balance in our lives, the Angel Dokiel can provide us with assistance. 

All of life is made up of the will forces. Polarities holding in place opposite aspects of the same central force. Masculine and feminine, day and night, the flesh and spirit, activity impasse activity, thought and feeling, all of life operates through these opposing forces. 
When we become aware of the Zhongshan polarities that make up the way of life, we see that our perceptions about right and wrong, good and bad are essentially one-sided views and therefore not true of the whole. 

In order to see clearly, we must recognize that both polarities operate within everything, which makes it impossible for anything the only right and wrong, good or bad. In fact it is always both and they cancel each other out, making everything perfect just as it is, no matter which side of the coin your mind wants to wreck nice. Once we are able to see the to joule T of life and release are limited, one-sided perceptions of reality except perfection present within each moment, we can reflect on what role we wish to play as part of the greater whole.

Now is the time for reflecting on how you can bring a greater sense of balance to the perceptions you have in your life, yourself and your world, so that you can go to the eternal space within that is unattached to petty thought and emotion and find your own truth. This truth will guide you on your way. This Angel teaches us about balance extremes. What goes up, must come down, what things in one direction, must at some point, swing the other way. This message reminds you of this. 

Friday 1-25-2013- Archangel Michael - Clearing 

In all major faiths or religions, the Archangel Michael is considered the highest angelic ranks. 
Archangel Michael is the Angel of protection and clearing. You can call upon him to provide protection to yourself, your loved ones, your home or property and can also help you cut any negative ties in your life.  

In order to clearly in your life you must be clear. There also time, old issues and old thought patterns. There any mental, spiritual, emotional or physical clutter.   

This message has, for you; this means there are areas in your life in need of clearing.

On a physical level, it may be time to clear your home. When anything that is not relative to you now for the future life you want. Clean out all closet and corners. Get light and air circulating through your home. Clear your bodies fill yourself with fresh, nourishing food that is easy to digest and supports your system. Most importantly drank at least 2 liters of water every day. 
If you feel unclear on an emotional level, the first thing you can do is spend some time writing or journaling exactly what you are feeling. It will provide you with a direct reflection of what is going on for you and what you can do to resolve present issues. It also will provide you with the space to release pent up energy.  

You may also need to release someone or something from your life. You may need to cut ties with the person, place or event or clean an old emotional issue. Once you take the time to see what needs clearing and releasing, it becomes easier to take the action necessary to allow this to happen.   

It may be necessary to review your mental and spiritual space at this time. What are the old thought patterns, beliefs and self -talk habits polluting your mental and spiritual space?

Quite often the key breaking a habit is to create a new one that is more supportive to your growth and happiness. If you are telling yourself things that are not in line with your highest truth and highest potential, it’s time to simply start telling yourself something different. This will take work, lots of discipline and awareness, but you'll get through and change the mental pattern if you keep repeating and honoring the new thought pattern.   

Ultimately the message here is that you need to take space for yourself now. Create a sense of inner stillness and calm. Then with strength and courage, clear away the clutter and destructive tides in your life.   

Saturday 1-26-2013- Muriel Home 

Muriel, the Angel of the sign of Cancer, can be called upon for all matters relating to the home and family. Also the Angel of emotions and sensitivity, Muriel is said to be able to procure a magic carpet for those who invoke him. 

The home is a physical structure that provides us with the foundation from which we operate. Home provides us with all our basic physical, emotional and spiritual needs on a very primary level. It is through the home that we receive our sense of security, stability and safety. 

The home and experience in many different levels for each individual. Our first home is our body. We may experience home and space where our immediate family or guardians are. As we become adults, our homes exist wherever we are. It may further develop to including new family that we ourselves create. 

When we lose our connection to whatever of these places we consider home, we lose our connection to our foundations, our sense of security, our connected-ness to the world and ultimately our place in the world. 

Yet we are always at home the matter where we are and what our structures are like. Our most important primary home is in our body and on this planet and there is no way of escaping either of these places while still alive. 

Life is showing you that you may require greater attention on the home and what this means to you. It's time for reflecting on your foundation and cleaning up the debris. 

Through connecting to our home space we experience a greater sense of connection to ourselves. Time to cleaning clear out the old stagnant energies and put the time and love you deserve it having the kind of physical space that truly supports and nurses you on all levels of your being. 
It's also time to start letting go of your old belief systems around the concept of home. Home is where the heart is. It is a space of love, nourishment for. The matter where you are, who you are with or where you live, you carry home in your heart as you walk this planet which is your home. 

Sunday 1-27-2013- Archangel Chamuel-Divine Love 

Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love and relationships, both with the self and with others. He can be called upon to heal, strengthen and improve relationships, and can help with resolving relationship issues or challenges. Chamuel also teaches you how to love and accept yourself more wholly. 

Love is the essence of all things. If everything in the universe is in divine and perfect order and every situation, event and experience brings about the next step of the cosmic dance, then every experience whether happy or sad, is God/Goddess’s love working though our lives, teaching us and helping us to grow and evolve.
When you can look at your experiences and see what your soul has gained, you allow the love of the God/Goddess into your heart. Every experience offers you the opportunity to learn and grow and this is the greatest gift of all. 

Life the muscles in the body, when the psyche is not challenged and exercised, it becomes weak, limp and eventually dies. 

The time has come to realize that you are loved! You are love! That is the simple truth whether you are conscious of it or not. The time has come for turning the act of love inward on yourself. The universe offers endless supplies of love but what you do with that is your choice. All relationships are a reflection of what you feel about yourself and what you feel you deserve. 
It is the time to really start noticing what you relationships are saying about you. It is time to go within and really give yourself, set new boundaries of pamper and adorn yourself. Whatever it is, it is imperative that you pinpoint what it is you really need and work on fulfilling that need for yourself. 

Sit down and look at what you feel is missing in your relationship or what is attracting you about a person and in turn give those things to yourself. 

Once you take it upon yourself to love, honor and respect yourself and remove any harmful influences, you will find that the world will reflect that love right back to you. 
Monday 1-28-2013- Archangel Jeremiel-Awakening 

Archangel Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the ability to help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and patterns, Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself. 

Each person is born a unique fingerprint of God. We are the summation of a multitude of ingredients that together make us who we are. 

We are born into specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing that we need to learn and grow into who we are to become. 

Beyond that, we are made up of instinctive traits, fears, passions and longings that also reflect our nature. 

Then we have a set of experiences for our lives where we may experience challenges or awakenings that move us even further along the path of who we are. We learn certain lessons or get naturally guided to different experiences and places. Beyond all that, we feel a calling; a drive to do, experience and become something, whether this is a career or an internal state. 
All these things give us “clues” to what we need to gain and experience in order to learn and grow in this life and they show us what are soul longs to express  and feel.  It is time to look at what these clues are telling us about you. 

It is time to truly feel the perfect God/Goddess that exists at the core of your being. It is then that  you may better see the true path that your experiences are taking on and what parts of yourself and your life must let go of in order to experience more happiness and integrity. Right now this is a time of awakening in your life, of waking up to the core of who you are and immense potential that you hold in each moment of your life.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of 1-14-2013-1-21-2013

Monday 1-14-2013-Archangel Gabriel -Art

Gabriel is the patron angel of communication and is known as “The Messenger Angel”.  He assists all matters of communication, whether it be on a personal level (as far as personal expression is concerned) or as the messenger of creative inspiration for artists (and for all art related projects).

Art is the message. Indefinable colors, symbols and found to contain an express the indescribable. Art is the manifestation or materialization of consciousness that exists in ethereal form. This is why when a new artist emerges and finds a way to express a vibration that has been bubbling below the surface of our awareness, a revolution takes place.

Whenever a society becomes rigid, represses and energy or becomes too much the extreme of an energy or value system, new art always emerges to challenge and bring balance to the whole.  From Picasso to the Beatles, the artist dives deep into the unconscious to bring forth something new.

The artist is a channel; an explorer of the tangible realms, a messenger of what was found or what found the artist.

To be an artist is to be open to the colors, sounds, symbols or stories that embody the world and are talking to you; to be willing to explore what is hidden in the unconscious worlds and to be brave enough to be a messenger of what you experience.

The moment the intellect or ego become involved, the artist become a blocked channel. Fear, arrogance, pride and insecurity are feeling that relate to the ego and the identity. The artist comes to you because it needs to be expressed and it is you is the correct birth canal.

It doesn't want you to take credit or own or judge what it. Just be a good parent nurture and protect it. The artist is the messenger not the message.

Now it is time for you to open yourself up these new ideas and new worlds of creative opportunity.

Release your fears, your pride and be brave enough to go to new territories within your inner landscape. The messages, images, sound and ideas you receive now are important to you personally, spiritually, creatively and vocationally.

Pay attention and be brave and open.

Tuesday 1-15-2013-Archangel Chamuel - Divine Justice

Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love and relationships, both with the self and with others. He can be called upon to heal, strengthen and improve relationships, and can help with resolving relationship issues or challenges. Chamuel also teaches you how to love and accept yourself more wholly.

The other side of this angel is that he is the incarnation of Divine Justice and has great knowledge of Karma. He can supply great courage in the face of adversity.

Everything that exists in our universe, every single Atom is part of a perfectly synchronized dance. Whether we see it or not, everything in this universe and everything that occurs is occurring in perfect balance and order.

Everything that happens to womankind and mankind propels us forward. Even though certain events may be that or painful from a higher perspective it is still perfect and synchronized dance. It is when we stop seeing things as positive and negative and see beyond that to the higher truth that may see the God and Goddess.

Divine justice is but truly understanding perfect order that exists, both in life and in our lives. It is about seeing the deeper meaning that exists behind all the events you have experience and are experiencing. Start seeing how every event is taking you where you need to be. Start seeing the patterns have occurred in your life. More importantly to see the part you have played in your life.

The universe dances around and through your life but how you respond makes up your experience.

This is a time now for seeing the deeper meaning behind your experiences becoming responsible for your own reality .This is also time for complete honesty with yourself. There is no such thing as action without consequence. For every action, comes a reaction whether that is to manifest something, experience or lost or simply learn a lesson, pleasant or painful. We are constantly creating our own reality through how we perceive life and how we choose to act in this world.

It is not our responsibility to control how others act consequence of the image may or should experience.

If we become clear within out our mind, we are self- responsible and we speak and stand in our truth with complete clarity and honesty, we have already balanced the scales. Then we must hand things over to the universe and trust that the higher intelligence will take care of the rest.

Wednesday 1-16-2013-Archangel Raguel - Conflict Resolution

Raguel (which means “Friend of God”) is known as the angel of order and fairness. He is said to have been entrusted with the job of watching over other Angels to ensure their good behavior.

Being a master at resolving conflicts, Archangel Raguel can be called upon whenever you find yourself stuck in situations or disputes it seemed almost impossible to remedy any helping hand to restore harmony or diplomacy.

Conflict resolution occurs when polarities balance the heart and the mind is able to harmonize. Like the positive and negative charges of Adam, polarities exist to balance the whole. Although polarities may seem like total opposites, they are actually connected at the core. It is just that they hold the opposite aspects of thing in a place so that the whole is actually balanced.

If you feel your experience in complex with another person at this time, in order to heal the situation, you must see the person as a reflection of yourself. There may be something you don't want to look at in yourself or your life, is now become a reflection of that it may seem that you are in opposite states of mind are opposite places in your life that you can see beyond the surface issue you will be able to see what it is that this person is reflected within you.

Then take action based on a higher truth.

You may be experiencing an inner conflict where you notice your feelings, and your mind taking opposite stances. In this circumstance you must come silent so you hear and feel what fear is and what truth is, and what is ego what is higher self.

It is very important at this time to open up to experiencing a sense of oneness in connection with all that is. The world around you is a total reflection of you, and you are total reflection of the world this includes relationships you have, the work that you do in the way you respond to people.

Right now you need to realize that when you see to polarities playing out is always forming the whole picture. If we are balance to begin with then we don't need to play out the players outside of ourselves. When you consider the lesser within the conflict you can then balance issue within yourself and thereby release the needs of the issue, which releases others having play out their role in the conflict to.

This is the alternate form of conflict resolution and the road to forgiveness.

Thursday 1-17-2013-Archangel Uriel-Alchemy

Archangel Uriel means “Fire of God” Alchemy is the science and philosophy of turning base metals into gold, the magickal power of transmutation.  You can call on Archangel Uriel when you need to gain the spiritual knowledge and understanding to transform some part of your life or self, or to change the form of negative or destructive forces and positive.  With this ability, like a snake shedding its skin, you are able to let go of the old and renewing yourself.

Alchemy is the art and science of turning base metals into gold. This entire process involves raising the vibration of the metal so high that transforms.

This is reflected in the alchemy of the spirit. We have within us the ability to transform ourselves and our experiences, taking in the poison and using a higher vision of higher understanding to transform it into spiritual gold.

In order to experience this, we must first take the time and energy necessary to see the divine order in the universe and allow that insight to penetrate and transform our perceptions about our lives, ourselves and our experiences.

In every moment there is great opportunity for movement and growth.  All it takes is one moment of illumination and the decision to create what you want. Every moment offers the opportunity to see a larger picture and acquire a greater understanding of our lives  and the situations occurring within them. When we take this opportunity we can experience clarity, joy, peace and greater sense of personal power.

This is a time where deep alchemical changes are occurring from within. This is a time to transcend the mundane perspectives of reality and experience the world with new eyes.  Profound changes are occurring for you now, both in yourself and your life.  

Your life may be changing, opening up and transforming.  This is a time of increased power as the infinite potential of life appears clearer than ever. This is a time of courage and diligence.  You are integrating personal and universal knowledge, as well as opening up the true potential of your life.

This requires work, focus and bravery to take on what needs to be done at this time. Right now it is time to embrace transformation and as you turn your inner base metals into gold.

Friday 1-18-2013-Guardian Angel - Special Message

The Angel that comes to you now is your own personal Guardian Angel and the message you must receive can only come from within.

Introspection is needed. The answers you seek exist within your own heart. The time now since and really listen to what is your inner voice is truly saying. Trust your own heart. It is time to listen to your own truth above all other outside influences.

Your Guardian Angel will speak to your heart now in your heart will show you the way. This may to regarding Angel is simple and easy. We just need to train our minds be still and listen to the whispers of our heart, feel the loving presence of our Angels and receive their internally loving guidance. You can communicate with your Angels by just sitting down, relaxing your mind and calling them to you. Ask your Angel message needs to be shared with you.

Saturday 1-19-2013-Cassiel-Dark Night of the Soul

Light is consciousness. It reflects a waking world to us so that we can experience its reflection; interpreting and making sense of it so that we can more effectively walk within this world.

When the world around us or within us begins to changes, our conscious minds cannot make sense of the new data as the old interpretations and meanings no longer apply. We enter a new territory and the mind needs to release old ideas, illusions and patterns and at the same time expand to integrate a new level of consciousness.

The inner or outer changes that occur to provoke these shirts in consciousness are usually shocking, disorientating and overwhelming. The mind leaves the safety, clarity, comfort and warmth or the day and must journey into the unconscious realm of night. Here we experience the breakdown of our previous reality and begin to experience a new truth emerging from within.

The whole process is scary but ultimately it is this type of death and rebirth of consciousness, that allows us to grow, expand and proceed through the phases of life.

You are currently experiencing a dark night of the soul. You may feel lost, scared, confused, stuck, angry or overwhelmed. You may feel helpless and hopeless, as though nothing can or will change, no matter what you do. You may feel alone, isolated, like no one in the world understands you. You may feel scared, angry and confused that what you believed to be your fixed reality has been shattered.

It is important for you to understand that this is a necessary shift in consciousness. You must leave the past behind and surrender to being in this strange, unknown space until all that must be faced is faced, all that must be cleared is cleared and all the must be integrated is integrated.

This rebirth occurs thought the passage of time and it will bring more to you than you could ever imagine and when that sun rises, a new and clarified self will emerge into a new day, where a new world of possibilities will be open to you.

Sunday 1-20-2013-Samael - The Shadow Self

Samael is a representation of the Shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and fallen angel, Samael is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and a powerful fighter in battle.

When you seem up against insurmountable odds and opposition Samael can assist you.

The shadow self holds the keys to unlocking the wisdom of the deeper self. It is the shadow that holds the secrets to creating true and profound change and realization. All our hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions lie in the shadow.

Through facing our shadow we can dissolve the underlying impulses that govern our lives, thereby allowing a deep and profound shirt in consciousness to occur. We can become capable of standing whole, in our integrity as we direct our lives forward.

We all have hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions. When they exist and operate underneath our conscious awareness, we lose our sense of what is occurring or us in our life. We may complain about money, work, relationship or health, not seeing how our unconscious workings are dictating all of these things.

When we face our shadow, we reclaim full ownership and responsibility or our lives and give ourselves the power to transform both ourselves and our lives into what we want them to be.

Monday 1-22-2013-Anael-Sexuality

Sexuality is the physical expression of our soul’s essence. It is the part of us that connects to the physical world. Sexual energy connects us to our bodies and inspires us to express ourselves thought use of our bodies, though clothes, make-up, body art and dance. It is though our sexuality that we reveal the deeper side of our nature. This is revealed in the particular way we choose to decorate ourselves and move in our bodies.

Our sexual energy brings us to life. It puts a sparkle in our eyes, a kick in our step and a sway in our hips.

It is through our senses that we develop “sensitivity” on all levels. Though touch, sight, sound, smell and taste we awaken to the richness of life. It is though pleasure that we celebrate life and though ecstasy that we experience oneness with divinity and the nature of the divine.

This may be a time for you to begin exploring and becoming sensitive to your physical self. Have you been honoring your body and sexuality as sacred? Does your physical being, reflect and express your spiritual being? Do you allow yourself to feel sensitive and awake inside your body? Do you feel free to express yourself physically and sexually?

This is a time for reflecting on these questions and bringing balance to this area of your life. If you have a relationship that needs healing in this area or you wanting to bring in a new partner, you must first heal and balance these things within yourself. Others will only ever reflect the true and often hidden feelings you have about yourself.

Therefore, this is the time to love yourself, explore your sensuality, become sensitive, honor your body as scared and enjoy your sexuality.

A Reiki Healing Session What to Anticipate

A Reiki Healing Session What to Anticipate
by Psychic Healer Christine

Reiki is a kind of energy healing that is a well known complement to medicine plus an alternative healing
therapy used around the world. Although its roots could be tracked back centuries, it coded in its modern form in Japan in early last century. And, it's from two Japanese words (rei and ki) that people obtain the word Reiki.

Roughly converted, Reiki means "universal life energy".

Professionals of Reiki think that there's a kind of subtle energy that flows around everybody and all things in
the world. It is primarily the universal life energy that a Reiki specialist funnels toward the person throughout
a healing session.Reiki professionals think that all ailments have non-physical components. The objective of a Reiki healing session would be to funnel additional life energy, or ki, to the one who is affected with some form of physical or mental trauma. The extra energy clears obstructions and determines an elevated, and much more efficient, internal flow of one's inside the person. When this happens, true healing can start.

The time needed for a personal healing session varies with respect to the client and also the particular problem addressed. However, Reiki practitioners generally schedule their periods for 45 minutes to an hour. The customer remains fully dressed throughout a Reiki session. She or he may lie flat or sit upright. It's particularly important that both the healer and the one who has searched for out healing feel at ease, peaceful, and peaceful throughout the healing session. Soft lighting and relaxing music are frequently utilized by Reiki professionals to improve this sort of feeling.

Once the client feels safe, the Reiki healer places their hands gently on, or slightly above, the individual's body. Both the hands from the healer are held palms down with fingers and thumbs in. Throughout the session, the Reiki healer will move their hands to specific locations on our bodies, carrying out a specific routine. You will find 12-15 Reiki hands positions which match energy centers. The healer will stop at all these locations to deliver energy. The healer will pause each and every location before the flow of one's energy appears to subside or stop. Once the energy flow subsides, the healer will proceed to another hands position, working from mind to heal. You should observe that a Reiki healing doesn't direct the power within an active sense.

The Reiki healer is basically a conduit. She or he simply switches into the intent to heal. The life energy is intelligent. It is going where it's needed.A sensation of warmth is frequently felt being an indication of Reiki energy flow. However, an array of personal perceptual encounters might be reported by both healer and also the recipient. Among other things, a tingling, coolness, warmth, or even the sensation of colors might be experienced.

For the client who is having a distant healing it is a little different. The healer meditates on the client and
visualizes on the client and implements the same healing as they would do if the person was in front of them.

Based on Reiki practitioners, people typically leave a Reiki session feeling very relaxed and tranquil. However, clients of Reiki therapy sometimes experience what practitioners call a cleansing crisis. They might feel as if they have a headache, nauseous, dizzy, or weak. For Reiki professionals, these signs and symptoms would be the result simply from the body eliminating harmful toxins and realigning itself towards the flow of ki. Relaxation and elevated fluid intake are frequently suggested to assist the individual deal with these signs and symptoms. This will pass within a few days it is known as the Reiki achies.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Un-Decking the Tree

Un-Decking the Tree

Each year we put a Christmas tree and at the end of the season we take it down. Yesterday my son and I decided to take down the tree. Since it was garbage day everyone was putting their tree on their lawns. So even though the garbage men weren’t that far away we decided to see if we could take the tree down before they got here.

He and I weren’t feeling up to par but, we decided that we were going to get tree on the lawn before the garbage men came.

So I emptied the laundry basket and I put it by the tree. Normally I bring all the Christmas boxes down from the attic and take the tree down in an organized manner. But, this wasn't going to be organized. Since the garbage men were about an hour away we started taking ornaments off the tree, flinging them in the laundry basket, and candy canes lying on the floor, pine needles scattered everywhere. Then came to the beaded garland and the lights. During this un-decking, my son and I were laughing and saying lots of sap, lots of sap. My son saying good-bye Griswald family Christmas Tree.

First my son was trying to pull all the beaded garlands off the tree. It didn’t go to well as the beaded garland was getting tangled with each other and the remaining ornaments on the tree.

Then it was my turn, taking off the lights. Now normally I unwrap the first strand of lights from the top of the tree but, my son had the entire beaded garland tangled up with the lights. We were still trying to take the tree down in a somewhat organized manner. We started to hear the sound of the garbage truck so there was no more organization. I tried pulling all the Christmas lights down from the top of the tree with the beaded garland to the bottom of the tree. My son was helping to do this. I have to admit this wasn’t a good idea.
I remembered that I had a wrapped the lights around the branches. Instead of the lights just coming off the tree they were getting tangled in the branches and the garland. I must of apologized to the poor tree at least 20 times. Realizing that I couldn't just take the lights down I had to unwrap each one from the branches. This took some added time. By now we have a large pile of pine needles under the tree, at our feet and all over the dining room floor. (Glad for the Shop Vac we call R2).

We finally got the tree un-decked and we were ready to take it out the door. But, before we can do that we need to get it out of the dining room. Which again was a chore for the bottom of the tree base was still filled with water. Very full of water. So I tell my son to just pick it up and carry it outside.He says what are you crazy it is too tall. He is laughing at me about doing that cause it is full of water and it won’t fit out of the dining room with the base on it was too tall. So he picks it up tips it sideways and somehow he managed to keep most of the water in the base. Then he starts to take it out the door. I am standing on one end trying to push the tree out the door. Garbage men just a few streets away and we get it on the porch. One huge mess but it is on the porch. We are standing outside still laughing so hard at the mess and the situation we had created and we couldn’t get the base off the tree. My dear husband tightened it like it was going to uproot itself and walk away I guess. So we got the vice grips..people are driving by watching us and laughing themselves because we can’t get the darn base off the tree and we looked so funny trying to. First pulling and prying, then the vice grips, then my son picked the tree up and kept shaking it until the tree fell out of the base or vice versa.

He gets the tree on the lawn which it then blows into the street so he has to go back out and put it back on the lawn. We decided we may have some time to get the mess cleaned up before the garbage men came. So here we go again. Got the shop-vac aka big R2 (yes as in R2-D2 from Star Wars) and starting sweeping and cleaning. We weren’t getting enough picked up with the broom so my son goes outside and gets the outdoor broom, he comes in like he is yielding a magick weapon or power tool and he gets to work sweeping. We get the dining room done in minutes (that is what happens when you sweep everything into the living room). Then just as we were scooping up the last of the needles with the dust pans the garbage men are 2 houses away. We move into fast motion and get the rest cleaned up and the bag out the door. Then my son goes Mom what about the front porch…I said Spring…I am tired.