Welcome to my personal website/blog. Below you'll discover my own musings, thoughts and inspirations all influenced by my encounters and the world around me. Many thanks with regard to spending some time to read my blog/website, Psychic Christine. Remember to stop back often and drop me an opinion about my site. Blessings to you. I welcome you to explore my world.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Have you read this life changing book yet? Why not?
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Mental Illness Doesn't Discriminate
As the world was shocked and stunned of Robin Williams death I thought about the mental illness that drove him to commit suicide.
I also thought about our son who is also bipolar. How we got him though his teen years. The whole family did. We knew the risk and we were extra diligent in making sure he was stable. I think I still do.
I know as a teen growing up my bipolar caused me to be suicidal. I was able to hide it well. I also had this block that made sure I didn't go though with it. One night I did though. My Mother by the grace of her intuition knew something was wrong and was able to stop me. Was I weak then? I don't really know. The carbon monoxide took a lot of my memory. But when I heard about Robin Williams I had flashbacks. Like demons coming out of the closet to tell you "guess what we are still here". Yes thanks a lot for that.
We all have our demons to deal with. Depression is the hardest one. It has impacted my family in more ways then one. Impacted it very deeply. From some out of the blue knowledge I learned to control my bipolar. I know when I get depressed if it is internal (chemical imbalance) or external (something in every day life). I am not on any meds for it. Goddess knows I was on enough as a kid. Plus when they tried to put me on something my moods went up and down like a roller coaster. To the point in which I was literally crying over split milk. I felt horrible. I feel I need to rephrase that I FELT HORRIBLE! Ok there that is better. My doctor said try it for a few more days well I told the doctor where to sick it. They decided to try medication for my depression after the carbon monoxide. I told them I did not need a mood stabilizing medication. I was fine I knew why I was upset. I had carbon monoxide poisoning and from here on out my life was going to be one big rock in my path. I also had a doctor that let all my health deteriorate for the 4 years that he decided there are no after effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. Yes, well that was that. So yes I was depressed.
Control was a big part of it and resilience. I wish I was able to teach our son that. But , we have tried. Right now he is 24 but since he functions 8-14 we still have a teen and we still have to be vilagent.
Today when he found out Robin Williams died he says "How can he be depressed? He is rich". I told him Depression doesn't discriminate. Rich, poor, black, white it doesn't matter. That is what I keep telling you when you say I would be happy if I was rich. I told him as he is now he is never satisfied with anything and it would be that way if you were rich. It doesn't matter who you are you are not immune to depression.
I told him sadly our family knows that all to well. Maybe that is why I walk on eggshells daily to keep him stable. Do I think he would do that? No and it is for one reason and one reason alone, that is that he knew someone very close to him who is no longer around. Except in spirit. He is always there watching him and making sure he is ok.
Being depressed isn't just a state of mind. People tell you to get up snap out of it. But, sadly for some their mind is only surrounded in a deep dark abyss. In their mind everything around them is wrong, negative or just not worth it anymore. It is hard to reach people when they are like that.
The important thing we need to do is to celebrate live and be vilagent of people around us and their suffering and depression. To not let it get to the deep abyss. We ourselves also need to understand when we need help and to get it. Many of use are still in the stereotype of being weak if they ask for help You need to understand your weakness will lead to strength. You just have to take the first step.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Shark Week A Shark named Submarine
Shark Week started last night. I turned on Discovery just to catch the middle of the program. I knew form the dialogue people were in the water and one was already killed by a shark. The one guy was in the water screaming. There was no way to help him for the shark itself was pushing the person from the rescuers. Yes, you read that right.
All the sudden this huge shark attacks this man and instantly kills him. They said the shark is about 38 feet long. I never saw a shark attack like that.
They find out that 3 people are still not accounted for. So they decide to do a heat seeking camera on the boat. It picks up the 3 people in the water and the shark circling the sunken boat.
They set up a rescue using a shark cage. When the rescuer gets into the boat underwater, the shark starts ramming the hull. As the rescuer tries to get the people out the helicopter above is still using the heat camera to let him know where the shark is.
As they are swimming to the shark cage the shark is already chasing them. When they get to the cage the shark slams right into it. Full mouth open. The shark does this several more times. I had to check if this was a real documentary or a mockup. No it was real.
I am watching with my hand covering my mouth the whole time and thinking has this Shark been watching Jaws.
The shark is ramming the cage so hard the other rescuers are struggling to get the cage lifted out of the water. The shark is damaging the pulley.
They are finally able to get them out if the water. They talk about what happened and how "Submarine" has been just a legend until this amateur footage was able to document it. No wonder this shark knows what it is doing. It is a cross between Jaws and the Deep Blue Sea. Somewhere in it's lifetime this shark has been able to act in a way that scientists over the years have said it not possible.
These people instantly became the hunted. Watching Submarine I was stunned. It truly is there water not ours. If we invade in their space things may or may not happen. We have to decide if we want to tempt fate.
Watching this really stunned me. Even this afternoon when I write the picture of how it attacked the man sits deeply in my mind. Where it will probably stay along with other things that have shocked me over the years. I think of these people and the utter fear they felt as this shark was determined to attack them all.
Science has a lot to investigate when it comes to sharks. Is Submarine a once in a million shark with the taste for humans and the hunt for them? Or have other sharks developed this?
If someone else encountered this shark, who would be alive to tell?
You really should watch this documentary it will really make you think about who's water it is.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
System for Joint and Pain Relief
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Winter in Cleveland
You know when I was growing up in the 70s we had snow like the 8-10 they are forecasting in this snow storm. It was common and it was great. The snow was beautiful.
When I was little we went up to Canada and the next morning the snow was up to the windows. It was the best thing I ever saw.
When I was little I loved to sled ride. Much to my Dad's dismay I loved sledding down the front stairs with my sister. I also loved when we would go out to Mentor Headlands in Winter. Lake Erie was frozen over. She resembled a beautiful dazzling ice skating rink from nature. The sand dunes were covered under the mounds of sparkling snow. The Headlands lighthouse was breath taking, amazing, mystifing all at the same I would look at her covered in the snow and ice and tell her Spring would come soon and she would be normal again. I love her covered in ice and snow.
I don't know if she was the reason I am drawn to lighthouses. The Marblehead lighthouse and the Headlands one my both be the reason.
I loved the Blizzard of 78 it was marvelous. No visibility. Snow all around wind. I can close my mind and hold it to memory.
Then growing up less and less great snow storms. We didn't live in the snow belt but on the Westside of Cleveland. They got more we got less.
To me and my husband growing up like that unless it is at least 3 ft to me and him it is a powder. People say that is 3 inches. I say well have you heard of the Blizzard of 78? That was snow.
I miss that type of snow I miss that type of nostalgia that the memories bring. The sledding, the playing in the snow making snowmen and snow angels.
I love watching people panic when it gets like this. I looked outside before I crashed and we had about 2 inches. My husband asked about it...still a powder I said it has one more inch then it won't be. :-)
Monday, February 3, 2014
Angel Spirit Messages Week of February 3 - February 10, 2014
When we connect to the spirit and connect to being part of something bigger, it is the mind perspective and allows our bodies to the strong center.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Angel Spirit Message for the Week of January 27,2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Thinking About Adopting a Furbaby
Thinking of adopting a furbaby or two? So many need rescuing due to being abandoned. Before you bring a furbaby into your home consider them as children. Understand that they are a life long responsibility. You can't just decide it is too much responsibility and just abandon them.
They aren't disposable. They aren't for deciding that they are too much work then take them to a shelter.
The rescues are taking over the responsibility of owners who decided to dispose of their pets. They are struggling too because more and more people are deciding that pets aren't family and they can just get them when they are cute then return them when they get older.
You need to think long and hard before you go get a pet. I am all for giving furbabies homes. In fact our home is blessed with 3 furbaby dogs and several fur kitty's. All are rescues.
Brady our Puggle
Spunky our Chug (Chihuahua Pug mix)
Mindy our German Shepherd Chow mix
Recently adopted kitten Samhain
Itty Bitty Mitty
Silver Moon
Harvest Moon
All our furbabies. All cuddling and always lovable. Spoiled so much. Sharing our hearts, lives, bed lol and everything else. Couldn't ask for more of a wonderful family.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Struggles with Autism and Video Gaming
People seem to think that video gaming addiction seems to be a heavily rooted problem in video gaming when autistic. Well that is partially true. There is also a deeper problem for them it involves playing and interacting.
I know this because my son along with his bipolar happens to have pervasive development disorder. It is a form of autism. His days can go from good, to bad, to worse in matter of minutes. It comes from other gamers lack of understanding.
For a few days now he has been fighting like mad with his Xbox360 clan. Which is another name for a gamers group. I didn't think this was a good idea. I was right as it brought more fighting.
He has a lot of trouble with kids, and young adults alike understanding his functioning level. Which is somewhere between 8-14.
His educational level is lower. He was passed along and graduated to high school level with the No Child Left Behind Act. Now he is really behind and can't get into any school that can help him due to having a high school diploma. So much for children not being left behind. This is even happening in online schools today.
The bullying and the fighting that occurs in video gaming is downright destructive to an autistic child or young adult. He will explode due to a game. These games help him to release stress but they can also cause a great deal.
Tonight I started a search for groups for Autistic kids and young adults. I told him I would find him something after he cried his eyes out to me on the phone that no one understands him. No one understands how he functions. I apparently have a good search ahead of me. For I only found a few. It may come down to of I build it they will come.
It isn't fair that they have to deal with the lack of understanding. Some can't even understand what is going on with themselves let alone trying to explain themselves to someone else. Someone who they thought is a close friend. Even close friends don't understand him. They think he is either faking or he is exaggerating his illness.
Tonight was another one of those times when I wish he was normal. Just so he didn't feel so much pain and hurt. He can't shrug it off or let it go. He doesn't understand that concept or how to do that. So he just crys and tells me how much he hates his life and how everyone keeps screwing him. I told him (as I have told him before) that he is hanging out with the wrong people. He needs to be with people like him and who understand him. I hope in the next few days I can find this for him. If not I will build a gaming group for children and young adults with disabilities.
They face constant put downs and bullying in their lives. They shouldn't have to when they are playing a video game.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Why Change?
So many people are faced with changes. Instead of facing them they run. Fear seems to be the driving force in running from changes. Maybe you have accepted change before and it turned out bad. So due to that reason you fear change.
Then you have those people who think change is bad for them or they are in denial that they need to change.
Life is about change and growth. When you are running from change and not facing it, you are the one impacting your growth. You..not anyone else. You are putting up a road block and in a sense telling the universe that you don't want the new opportunities that are coming your way.
You need to just embrace change. The more you run and the more you fear it the harder it will be for you to accept. Time goes by and with it changes. Changes that alter or course in life. Changes that can put you on the right path to following your light. Changes that can improve you and improve your situation.
Just stop and think for a minute. How many times have you ran or feared change? What happened when you did? How did it impact your life. Think about it for awhile. Then make a mental note that next time change comes your way remember what happened when you ran. Remember where it got you. Look at change as a great tool to help you grow and expand in your path.
If you need help accepting change I offer Holistic Life Coach sessions for help with finding your path and getting life back on track for you. Goals. Goals are important. Even little goals.