Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Truth

Bradly Manning should not be on trial our own government and the NSA needs to be. They are spying on us and the rest of the world. They have no right. They need to be on trial.

I was hoping he wouldn't be guilty of anything. As a US citizen I am appalled by what our gov has been doing and hiding. The prosecution takes away from the fact that our gov is guilty. They need to go on trial for spying and treason.

The whistle blowers should be let go and apologized to. For it is the U S gov who hide behind their bs and not get held accountable. Manning shouldn't be sitting behind own gov needs to be.

These trials are trying to divert us into concentrating on the trial instead of on the fact that the government and the NSA have no business spying on us, listening to our phone calls and keeping our email. Our lives are none of their business. None of their business. They continue to us terror as an excuse for why they are allowed to do what they want.

It seems we need to be protected against them now. They are violating our constitutional right. They didn't say is it ok that we take your phone records? There are terrorists you know so we need to watch everyone. I am sorry but I don't believe the pack of lies a lot of Americans don't. I wish I knew know when I was on high school. Yes, my Mom is right I probably would have lived in the principals office but I would rather have that knowledge so I can burn my history book on thr government and say so you want to tell us the truth instead of a fairytale?

I would start off like this I'd explaining to the youth of today. Wake up! What you are learning in school about the government is fake. It is as fake as people's personalities. The government are liars. They all are. Money talks doesn't matter what is the importance of things money comes first. Congress...guess what it is the balls of the whole government. Yes the whole thing. It doesn't matter of we have a president...Congress is in charge. We elect those on congress are the for the people by the people. Well they are by the people but not for us. They are for the rich and the upper class. They aren't for the middle class or the poor. Guess what they can care less about you. Got money in your pocket? You will be on theirs.

Your government spies on you. They take your phone records your emails and they keep them. This is against your constitutional rights. You need to read the constitution. Learn it know your rights.

The government decides what is taught, who is taught, and what you will learn. Over the years I have noticed the government wants conformers. That means you will do what they tell you and believed what they tell you. You know the no child left behind act? Well guess what a lot of kids were left behind. They were pushed though school and given a high school diploma. Wow this is grest right? Um yeah ... No. There are adults out there who can't read, write or spell. They have bleak futures unless they re-educate themselves. How do I know my son is a product of this dumming down children idea. That is what the no child left behind act did. It dumbed down our children for the purpose of them not knowing what is going on in the world or what our government is really doing to us and American people.

Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden are our Wake Up call. It is for us to wake up to what is going on. These people aren't guilty of anything. The government and NSA is. These men just clearly showed America and the world what the government does behind everyones backs. They lie, spy and cheat us.

For those people who believe that the government is doing this to protect you. I am sorry I am glad you have this opinion. But in the future I implore you to have more of an open mind.

I don't hate the government. I do however feel if you are going to charge someone for spying it is time to charge yourself. It is hypocritical to the rest of the world that you can do what these whistle blowers are doing and it is ok because it is combatting terror. It is time that all their secrets be released. We as American people should not be kept on the dark. It is our country as well as congress and the NSA. So what they do in our country we should know about. If they aren't going to tell us. Let the whistle blowers do their job. Without prejudice. If you are so scared what Edward Snowden has hidden it shouldn't have been hidden for the American people. This is our country we have rights. It isn't just congress, the government or the NSA. We have the right to everything. We are Americans.

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