Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Truth

Bradly Manning should not be on trial our own government and the NSA needs to be. They are spying on us and the rest of the world. They have no right. They need to be on trial.

I was hoping he wouldn't be guilty of anything. As a US citizen I am appalled by what our gov has been doing and hiding. The prosecution takes away from the fact that our gov is guilty. They need to go on trial for spying and treason.

The whistle blowers should be let go and apologized to. For it is the U S gov who hide behind their bs and not get held accountable. Manning shouldn't be sitting behind own gov needs to be.

These trials are trying to divert us into concentrating on the trial instead of on the fact that the government and the NSA have no business spying on us, listening to our phone calls and keeping our email. Our lives are none of their business. None of their business. They continue to us terror as an excuse for why they are allowed to do what they want.

It seems we need to be protected against them now. They are violating our constitutional right. They didn't say is it ok that we take your phone records? There are terrorists you know so we need to watch everyone. I am sorry but I don't believe the pack of lies a lot of Americans don't. I wish I knew know when I was on high school. Yes, my Mom is right I probably would have lived in the principals office but I would rather have that knowledge so I can burn my history book on thr government and say so you want to tell us the truth instead of a fairytale?

I would start off like this I'd explaining to the youth of today. Wake up! What you are learning in school about the government is fake. It is as fake as people's personalities. The government are liars. They all are. Money talks doesn't matter what is the importance of things money comes first. Congress...guess what it is the balls of the whole government. Yes the whole thing. It doesn't matter of we have a president...Congress is in charge. We elect those on congress are the for the people by the people. Well they are by the people but not for us. They are for the rich and the upper class. They aren't for the middle class or the poor. Guess what they can care less about you. Got money in your pocket? You will be on theirs.

Your government spies on you. They take your phone records your emails and they keep them. This is against your constitutional rights. You need to read the constitution. Learn it know your rights.

The government decides what is taught, who is taught, and what you will learn. Over the years I have noticed the government wants conformers. That means you will do what they tell you and believed what they tell you. You know the no child left behind act? Well guess what a lot of kids were left behind. They were pushed though school and given a high school diploma. Wow this is grest right? Um yeah ... No. There are adults out there who can't read, write or spell. They have bleak futures unless they re-educate themselves. How do I know my son is a product of this dumming down children idea. That is what the no child left behind act did. It dumbed down our children for the purpose of them not knowing what is going on in the world or what our government is really doing to us and American people.

Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden are our Wake Up call. It is for us to wake up to what is going on. These people aren't guilty of anything. The government and NSA is. These men just clearly showed America and the world what the government does behind everyones backs. They lie, spy and cheat us.

For those people who believe that the government is doing this to protect you. I am sorry I am glad you have this opinion. But in the future I implore you to have more of an open mind.

I don't hate the government. I do however feel if you are going to charge someone for spying it is time to charge yourself. It is hypocritical to the rest of the world that you can do what these whistle blowers are doing and it is ok because it is combatting terror. It is time that all their secrets be released. We as American people should not be kept on the dark. It is our country as well as congress and the NSA. So what they do in our country we should know about. If they aren't going to tell us. Let the whistle blowers do their job. Without prejudice. If you are so scared what Edward Snowden has hidden it shouldn't have been hidden for the American people. This is our country we have rights. It isn't just congress, the government or the NSA. We have the right to everything. We are Americans.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Invisable Illness and Rude People

My invisible illness tends to give off the impression that I'm not sick. Although I thank you for your opinion I am seriously ill. Wow I actually said it...still in denial about how I need to adapt.

This past week I fell...again and it wasn't good. I think my body said last straw. I have been walking about hunched over or just in massive pain. Back pain is like toothache pain. Omg I am telling you constant throbbing and spasms. Nothing works to get rid of it. I know what will but I don't feel like spending 4 hours in the er just for pain.

Well we were coming put of Walmart I was barely able to hold on to the cart as I was wakking. We put our stuff in the truck and I used the cart to get me to the door..stubborn me won't us my cane. Well I was able to push the cart over enough were it was out of everyones way but, this guy sees me and says some people just are too lazy to put a cart back. As he was rolling away with the cart I told him I had a back injury. Don't know why I felt I had to defend myself but I did.

Then a few years ago I was in the hospital with severe ibs. I had to be admitted cause I keep vomiting so much it wouldn't stop. Well as I was in my room a priest walked down the hall to go talk to patients. He walked past my door and said under his breath you don't look sick, why are you here and he walks on. I fought back the tears regarding the the idiot's way of thinking. I should have said something. I wanted to say something. I would have said something but, I was raised to respect my elders.

But every Wednesday when I go for IV therapy I walk past the chapel and I am tempted to go in and talk to whatever priest is there and school him respectfully on invisible illnesses and treat others as you wish to be treated needs to be expressed to his fellow priests. Will I? Don't know. Maybe one day. Maybe one day.

I have family members who put me down for my illness. I have accomplished so much in the 12 years I have been sick. But I am looked on as lazy or I need to go talk to s therapist. Guess what I did. Nothing wrong with me. I am finding ways to cope by studying or hobbies. U don't just lay around all the time. I fight my body to get out of bed these days. Things have to get done no one to do it but me. My husband can't be counted on cause he is always at work. So it falls on me. Yet I am lazy. I can't be put done it causes stress, stress makes my pain worse. So I had to distance myself. Even from my own Gram who I love dearly. I am struggling with my health and to be put down for being sick it's just well..hurtful. Family should understand each other not put them down. I wasnt raised that way.

There are so many people out there with chronic invisible illnesses. Instead of doing the old you don't look sick...just give us a hug. Show us some compassion. We are in pain all the time. We may not look it but we are.


I will be 42 years old next month. I am sitting here thinking what's next. Thinking how much my illness has progressed and wondering the dreaded what next?

I survived carbon monoxide poisoning but for 12 years surviving the after effects is killing my body. I fell again last week. Vertigo attack. All I was doing was taking curtains down. Then I was down on the ground and in pain. Went to urgent care, nothing broken. The pain is immense.

Life has allowed me to get several certifications, a degree in astrology and parapsychology, natural health consulting, wedding planner, graphic designer, Holistic Health Practitioner, Holistic Business. My journey into the other dimension takes me into my Spiritual Healing degree. But my business side is going to finish public relations and take business management. On the domestic side I will be taking hvac, and electrical. Due to owning a century home. Work is always needed. Think I may learn drywall.

My brain goes and follows knowledge. I am constantly learning more things. Ever expanding to the wisdom of the universe.

I have met so many wonderful, loving, compassionate and helpful people on my journey. You know who you are and how close you are to my heart.

My next path and milestone is turning 42. What will it bring? What will I learn? Who will I met? What will be necessary for me to grow? Those questions are what I will hold close as I turn 42

I think over the years what I have learned and gained. What I can remember. The carbon monoxide took some of my memories. It is like trying to look back cause you remember something but it is only a fragment. Life is like a bunch of fragments we are always trying to put those pieces together.

At 42 my body is week, poisoned, and broken. Yet I still stand tall and hold on to what I have. Continue to study and run my businesses until the goddess decides I should stop. Which she has no plans to do that for a long while.

So I move on doing what I can do with my life. I am in denial with what I can't do. Yes we healers can be a warrior to oir own health issues. We can help heal others but just not our selves. I walk thr path of a wounded warrior at 42 and on.

Life always moves forward you can't go back.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Each day increasing numbers of people become familiar with concerning the chakras. Although the science of chakras was formerly connected with Indian traditional medicinal practices, it's now noted that the majority races and individuals from different skills are utilizing these to enhance their lives.

Chakras can easily be understood to be energy points in your body of people. For those who have just run into the term chakras and wish to know what they're, you have to request yourself how on the planet they work. I requested myself exactly the same question initially when i first heard about them. Before I started my spiritual healing training I didn’t even know what a chakra was. I learned a lot from then and now.

Chakras are basically our body's energy centers. Seven major chakras are located across the spine. Every chakra is essential towards the proper functioning of certain organs, emotional, and mental facets of your life. When a chakra becomes unbalanced or perhaps is blocked, you might feel signs and symptoms in your head and the body, which lead to back discomfort.
Many people take advantage of these through carrying out yoga, others by mantra chanting, while and others rely on them through meditation. Each one of these functions can assist you to begin using your chakras.

One factor you have to be aware of would be that the 7 chakras all have different duties. Initiating the incorrect chakra to resolve a specific problem won't yield any improvements. The very first factor you will have to do would be to identify your condition. You should know in case your issue is physical, emotional or mental. With this thought you'll stimulate the best chakra to do the job.

For instance, should you physically cause discomfort to yourself constantly, you may want to use the main chakra, or for those who have sexual dysfunctions like impotence, the best chakra to make use of may be the sacral chakra and so forth.

Before using the chakras, the very first chakra to become opened up may be the root chakra. This is just due to the very fact that it's the first step toward the machine. Exactly why it is an essential happens because it handles survival, wholesomeness and also the physical body. Despite the fact that meditation is helpful to improve ones concentration, concentration is an essential part if this involves meditation.

With an effective meditation, you'll need full concentration. To begin with you might find this very hard, but don't forget that there is nothing easy. Always try allowing it your very best shot and within couple of days you'll realize that you could concentrate easily and rapidly.
Though we are able to study the chakras 1 by 1, their real miracle lies in the manner they interact. They're like instruments within an orchestra, or gamers on the basketball team. Its their working together that means something most.

In the following paragraphs, Ill describes each chakras color, and exactly how that chakras of certain colors interact. Every colour of the rainbow comes with an opposite. Chakras of opposite color complement one another and synergy as partners.

The Main Chakra is red-colored. Situated at the bottom of the spine, it plays a vital role within our physical survival and wellness, and forms our primary energetic link with our planet.
Next may be the Sacral Chakra, that is orange and it is situated within the pelvic area. This chakra governs our creativeness and sexuality. It influences our success in relationship, and our financial success too.

The Photo voltaic Plexus Chakra, situated close to the stomach, is yellow. This chakra reflects our confidence, self-esteem and self-image, and influences our capability to take effective action.
In the center from the chest close to the heart youll discover the Heart Chakra, that is eco-friendly. One's Heart Chakra carries our love and reverence for life, and our greatest desire too.
The Throat Chakra at the bottom of the neck has got the color blue. It reflects our expressiveness and talent to speak. If this chakra evolves in the greater wavelengths, it is really an organ for clairaudient hearing.

The well-known Third Eye Chakra, situated in the heart of the mind, governs our intellect and insightfulness. The color purple. If this evolves in the greater wavelengths, it is really an organ for clairvoyant vision.

The Crown Chakra, whose color is really a luminous whitened, connects us towards the heavens and allows us to see the divine.

Three special close ties occur between chakras of opposite color. The very first pair is red-colored and eco-friendly, the main and Heart Chakras. Cooperating, they allow you to bring your heart’s desire lower to earth and manifest it within the physical realm.

The 2nd pair is orange and blue, the Sacral and Throat Chakras. Both of these allow you to express yourself artistically and passionately, as with music, poetry, song or dance.
Third we've yellow and purple, the Photo voltaic Plexus Chakra and Third Eye. With these chakras you are able to acquire deep understanding and broad comprehension. They allow you to learn and also to train.

These 3 chakra pairs all interact underneath the auspices from the Crown Chakra. Once we undergo life, we constantly learn and grow. For the reason that process, all seven chakras enter into greater alignment and harmony with one another, thus getting us new amounts of richness and pleasure.

Many people ask me what are the health aspects of the Chakra’s? Believe me there are many. They are the root of some of our most simple health issues.

Certain words, sounds, touches, and reminiscences enable you to get within the mood, right? Which are just what sex chakra yoga asana concentrates on.

Chakras are basically our body's energy centers. Seven major chakras are located across the spine. Every chakra is essential towards the proper functioning of certain organs, emotional, and mental facets of your life. When a chakra becomes unbalanced or perhaps is blocked, you might feel signs and symptoms in your head and the body, which lead to back discomfort.
Apart from back discomfort, weak associations would be the other symbol of weak second chakra.

Generally, womens second chakras are more powerful compared to mens. Women need this chakra to create a new individual. If you're a lady and have a problem with your associations with others, probably the most likely, you've got a weak sex chakra.

In comparison to other kinds of fitness exercises, the positions utilized in yoga really are a safer method to eliminate back discomfort, lose weight, and get a flatter stomach. Yoga asanas, that do not result in injuries, are ideal for burning body fat and tight abs. Yoga poses are extremely safe that they'll be even made by diabetics.

All yoga poses are great for the. An individual who is definitely tense and anxious can seem to be better after doing standing positions, which trigger the power from the stomach level reactions or even the third chakra.

Yoga can be used to balance every energy center in your body. Within the first chakra, yoga positions lead to wealth, security, and health. Within the second chakra, yoga positions can help ignite your passions, enhance your performance, and your feelings under control. Within the third chakra, yoga positions offer energy and. Yoga positions for that 4th chakra can be cultivated empathy, love, and peace. For that fifth chakra, you are able to increase your communication capabilities and creativeness. The sixth and seventh chakras, that are opened up through meditation and breathing techniques, can result in better vision and spiritual connection.

You can contact me for a Chakra Balancing Session. I will concentrate on what Chakras need to be opened and cleared. You can find out more at where I offer a variety of balancing for any illness or problem. We can’t cure things but we can balance things out and make them better.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Another travesty of our justice system

I am a bit disgusted this evening. Although I had a feeling he would get away with murder I was hoping I was wrong. But as the verdict was read another child killer walks free.

People say reasonable doubt. A child is dead, a man fired a gun. There is no reasonable doubt. A murderer walks free a family grieves and is left to mourn a loss forever. Murder it is when one person kills another. Murder is what George Zimmerman did. Murder is what he got away with.

Why should we count on a justice system anymore? It seems more people walk, more people get away with murder. There is no justice for a young teen who was murdered. Our justice system has no regard for human life anymore. First Casey Anthony now George Zimmerman.

Let use all now worry cause we can now gun down a child because (we think) that they are doing something wrong.

George Zimmerman is a murderer and although I am not Catholic anymore God knows he is a murderer. I hope Mr. Zimmerman can hold his head up high that he murdered a child and got away with it.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Today is another nightmare

My bipolar son decided to have a meltdown because I don't have time to fix or do maintainance on his game website.

I told him when I made it for him that I can't run it or work on it cause I have my own business and I don't have time with everything else. If he was going to have it built he was going to have to do everything with it. But this am I woke up with no voice and severe pain in my legs and he was on me while I was trying to go to the bathroom that I needed to work on his site. I said it won't be today. He kept pestering. I told him if I can it will be later. But it didn't stop. I sat down to type up readings and he brought in the papers to sign into the site. I told him not now.

He kept on and on and on. I looked at the site typed in the stupid summary. Then I started getting yelled at cause I said I was done. Well what I did wasn't good enough. I was supposed to do the gallery for him and pay for an upgrade. Which I keep trying to explain you have to have money for which I don't have because I stopped taking readings because I have to take care of him and everything he keeps demanding. 

So now I am a bad Mom who doesn't care about him or love him. And he is shutting down all his computer stuff cause it is all my fault that I won't do everything for him. So I am rotton and he is outside my bedroom door giving me the guilt trip from hell.

Being the mother of a bipolar is hard. Having one that is 23 but functional between 8-14 is harder. No matter what you do you cannot get them to see any realistic reason whatsoever. He doesn't understand consequences he never did.

He tells me he does everything for me. Yet I am stunned by that answer. Cause it is so backwards it isn't funny.  I don't know if he is crying cause the guilt trip is being ignored or the fact that I do not have time to help run his gaming clan.

I understand he wanted to do something that would make him happy. But hr doesn't comprehend that I cannot be involved in it. It is his clan his site. He made it he needs to learn to build it. But since I said that it is just the opposite. Normal kids would say ok and teach themselves. Mine is going tear an entire weekend of work down, cancel his Xbox live account, cancel his facebook and send his laptop back. Which he doesnt get that isn't how the world works. And cancel everything he has cause he can't run it. Telling him he needs to learn to opens up another battle.

Nothing I can say or do does anything but open up another battle. He says this is why he is moving out cause I am controlling. Another question mark on that one. I have been controlled for years by him. Everytime I have tried to have my own life one of his demands got in the way. Or my illness.

I am chronically ill and I am not even allowed to sleep in the morning. He wakes me up like a little kid would wake there mom. Pestering and pestering until I get up.

Control he needs to look in the mirror. I did today. I don't like what I see. I see a women who has been emotionally and mentally abused by my son for 23 years now. I don't know how I have survived. But it ends today. I am taking back my control. I am calling his social worker tomorrow and tell her he needs more help then I can give. I can't stuggle anymore with helping him and trying to get him functioning somewhat near an adult. Because I can't do it. It is time to let go and let someone else handle things with him. Maybe they can do a better job. Maybe my son is right I am a rotten Mom.
Maybe I don't know as parents even of an adult mentally unstable child we don't know or have all the answers. Sometimes we have to let others in who do.


Some say pain is a part of life. It seems like so many have good days and bad. My bad seem to out weigh the good.

Don't know if it is the heat or my body just hates me but I am in head to toe pain. I got a little bit done today. Well all my sons stuff. All his I folded laundry is all the my stuff I got done.

In pain but my son who is bipolar and functions at 8-14 doesn't get it. He acts like he does but he pushes and pushes till I collapse. It is one thing after another. I think the stress of the situation is making my pain worse.

I don't remember being in so much pain your joints even hurt. Along with my other illnesses I have pre ms. Which means I have all the symptoms of ms but nothing is showing on my scans. But my neuro doctor said that modern medicine doesnt understand that the lesions don't have to be there to have ms.

I may have over did with cleaning yesterday for our Bbq or the fact that the central air isn't working right may have a lot to do with it.

Pain seems to be a part of life. Sometimes I can cope and go about my merry way. Sometimes life has to stop and be on hold for a bit. Not my style but I am being forced to learn it.

Surviving carbon monoxide leaves you with a chronic slew of illnesses that cause pain. I just don't have one I have multiple. I think I will name them multiple buddies. Chronic illness just sounds like a death sentence to me. I survived that. Well truthfully..for now I have. Survival is up to the universe. I leave it at that. I live day to day. Can't make plans they always fall through. I don't like to say my multiple buddies rule me but in a way they do. The pain dictates my live, my plans. I don't feel I have my own life sometimes the pain takes over and there is nothing you can do.

Tonight I cried. I haven't did that regarding my multiple buddies since the diagnosis if my neuropathy. It took my dreams of going back to school for medical massage. I was crushed I cried. I cried this evening cause the pain is so intense. This is what I have to look forward to. This is what is going to complicate things. This makes me weak.

My cry was a release. I stopped asking why a long time ago. The why is Christy Bristol who sold us this house. She claimed she had it checked out she claimed she wasn't even here. Although neighbors tell us different.

I struggle with chronic pain. My pain managemeny doctor in no uncertain terms that what do you expect me to do?

Seriously, that day I came home and just cried. Told him pain management is a no until I can get my other illnesses in line. Well thank you doctor. I hope when I go see him that it will be different. That he might show a little compassion for my pain. I can hope but I am filled with doubt.

When you go to the doctor they always ask 'How are you?" Hmm truth I am dying in pain, my brain is scrambled because of the pain, some days I can't even walk any more, or pick my neck off the pillow, my bones hurt throughout my whole body. I used to say "Fine". Lately I have been telling them pain.

My outlet for my pain seems to be writing. Sorry if it isn't well written. I had my head in books not the ones from school but, the library. The ones about real life. English had no bearing on me. Have forgotten most of my writing skills. But hey I just need to write.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day

As I think about the meaning of America's Birthday I remember the past celebrations with my family. It was so much fun cooking out, spending time together and fireworks.

No not the pack up your car and go to some crowded location to watch them with a bunch of people. I think we did that once and I didn't like it. I miss the days when my Grandpa and Dad would light a bunch of fireworks and throw them in the yard. To feel that energy and excitment is what I miss.

America is supposed to be about freedom but sadly our Government has taken so many of our rights away.

With trampling the constitution and what it means to taking basic rights from women etc. Freedom isn't Free and I don't feel America is about freedom anymore.

I understand the dangers of fireworks I really do. My Mother worked in the medical field and told us about how fingers were blow off etc. But the saying of how fireworks are dangerous is yet another freedom that has been taken from us by yet another law. Yes they are dangerous but they are also fun.

Families would get together and blow them off now barely anyone on the street do it anymore for fear of the fine and or jail time. Fireworks should be legal on Independence Day, The Fourth of July, July 4th whatever people call it. People aren't dumb and they can be responsible. They know they are dangerous so some are careful those that aren't and injure themselves well then that is on them. But taking everyone's right to blow of fireworks on the nation's birthday is wrong. Yes I said it wrong. Cleveland allows cheesy fireworks to be let off by residents. Oh wow such fun. So it is not. It is so boring just like sitting watching a bunch of people packed in just to watch fireworks.

They sell the good fireworks here but you have to sign a waiver about not shooting them off. Seriously if you are going to sell them we we should be able to buy them to light them off without the fear of a ticket or fine. The law needs to be changed already for at least the day of the fourth of July. So many of our other freedoms and rights have been taken from us by the government. We should be allowed to show at least some celebration on Independence Day.

With that I bid everyone a safe and fun Independence Day. Have fun with your family and friends and remember big brother is watching.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

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