Saturday, June 8, 2013

Psychic Coming Out As A Human

Hey guess what? I am a real person. I have feelings and emotions like everyone else. I am human. I am coming out as A human. I real human with skin, a heart, and a brain.

When people crack jokes about me being a psychic it is hurtful. I didn't choose this it chose me. It is something I decided to embrace. I am human I am no different from anyone else except I was born with abilities. When people make fun of me just like you it hurts me. It makes me feel bullied. Those who bully it isn't Christlike. Love thy neighbor. Accepting people for who they are is what you are supposed to do. Not bully, laugh and joke about me. You have no right to bully me and judge who I am because of what I do. I am coming out as A human like everyone else. Your job is to accept me as you would anyone else. Don't judge a book by its cover. Don't judge me. I am actually a very shy person. I am against animal abuse, domestic abuse, child abuse. I help try to find missing persons. I am for the Vietnam Veterans and against the poisoning of them with agent orange. I am against what the gov teaches us. I prefer what my gut tells me first. I am constantly pushing people to have a carbon monoxide detector in their homes cause I nearly died from poisoning. For 10 months straight. I try to help who I can. Those who come to me I do what I can to help. I am a empathic person. I try to put myself in other shoes.

I am the proud daughter of a Vietnam Veteran. I love both my parents. My Mom is my Mom but my best friend. I have one sister who is married. I also have a nephew who is addicted to his iPod and laptop.

I have a husband, son, daughter and grandbaby. I have hobbies..beading, crocheting, reading, writing, herbs yoga. I love to swim and I love watching documentaries. I am a science nerd with brains and people say beauty. Although I blush at that.

I have 3 dogs, 8 cats and a turtle all rescues. They came to us we took them in.

I am also a digital artist, graphic artist, I love designing. It is a great stress relief.

I study constantly in order to improve who I an so I can help others. I am an ordained healing minister and have a doctorate in divinity. I have a Natural Health degree as well as Astrology and Parapsychology.

See as I said I am human. I laugh, love, cry, joke, play, learn, and feel. Just like you so today I am coming out as a human....for those who think psychics aren't.

Life is crazy but I am human and Iove it.

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