Cleaning and De- Cluttering Your Life
As we come upon a new year we start to think about cleaning.
Cleaning our closets and getting rid of what is no longer of use to us.
What we don't think about is cleaning out our lives of
people and situations that no longer serve us, or have a purpose in our lives.
We need to think about these things. These negative things are blocking our
path of positive energy. Sometimes there are people in our lives that are
surrounded by chaos, drama and negative energies. Sometimes there are
situations in our lives that carry chaos, drama and negative energies. These
things should no longer have a purpose in our lives.
When we carry these type of energies around us we have
created blocks. Blocks that stop us from being the great people we want to be.
It isn't easy to remove these blocks from our lives. Sometimes these blocks are
close friends or relatives and we wonder what we should do. Sometimes letting
go refers to a relationship. In these cases we need look at our situation, the
pros and cons, and what purpose are they still serving in our lives. If we have
more negatives than positives that we have our answer. It's time to let go.
It's time to clear out the things in our life that are negatively blocking us
from achieving a more positive life and positive goals.
In cleaning and decluttering our lives we are telling the
universe that we are open to change. We are open to new relationships personal
and professional. We are open to letting the universe guide us in the direction
that our life path wishes us to follow. We are open to new experiences and new
challenges. Yes I say challenges with each new year it does bring us more
challenges. Challenges are just lessons in our lives that we need to overcome
in order to move forward to the next phase.
A clearing out not only helps our mental state it helps our
emotional, physical and spiritual state. Because we are asking for more
positive ventures and more positive challenges. In 2013 we should start asking
ourselves what do I need to clear out? Clearing out certain things may be a
challenge, you may have guilt for letting go of the person or the relationship
that is not creating a positive atmosphere around you, but you must let go of
that guilt. It is positive changes you want to make. Positive changes to
replace the negative ones. Positive energy to replace negative energy.
So as you are cleaning out your attics, basements, closets
etc. make sure that you also clean out the negative situations and people or
relationships in your life.
I want to wish all my clients and readers a happy, a
prosperous and a positive 2013. I will always be here to advise, heal a guide
you in the right direction. All you need to do is ask. Make sure you order your
2013 yearly forecast on life, love and money to find out what your year will
Have a blessed and happy 2013! Happy New Year! Psychic Healer Christine
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