Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tarotscope August 20, 2012-August 26, 2012


I hope you all have a good week. I have a bunch of doctor appointments to catch up on this week. Then I am going to do some Fall cleaning in the house. It was cooler this week in Ohio but little rain. We may get some today but it is a small chance. I think the nation should start doing some rain dancing. Without the thunder and lightning since there is way too many fires right now from the drought.

Well the Fae are visiting us again this week to give you some great advice and insight into your week. Please feel free to leave a comment if this advice helped you in some way.

If you are having problems or just feel lost in yourself right now a psychic reading can help you get out of that hole and back out in the open again. I do my readings via chat (skype, msn, yahoo, private chat etc), or email. No matter the problem or situation you don’t have to struggle with it much longer contact me for some guidance to an answer. Sometimes things come up that you haven’t considered.

Aries-Six of Cups 

The Six of Cups is often a card about nostalgia; looking back on how things “used” to be. It can be (but is not always) connected with children or childhood.  It's important not to spend too much time and effort thinking about the “good old days.” We all have many memories to reflect on from time to time, but if we start thinking that the “best of all years have gone by”, then that can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Something or someone is missing from your life, and you feel that loss quite deeply. You find a sort of the past. Memories are funny thing and are easily altered by time and distance. They can bewitching and invasive. They can even be tyrants. Reliving memories can be comforting, but don’t let them keep you from living in the present.

Taurus-Four of Wands

The Four of Wands typically indicates that you be attending a special event—one which is way more fun than you are anticipating. And so, go, and rejoice. Business is probably going well at on this occasion, you will likely be proud of yourself, and the like will be proud of you. Although this is a very good card in a very reading, it displays a message to keep ones wits concerning you, that though you deserve and should treat yourself to some enjoyment, also know that you are still in a very ‘building up’ phase and now is not any time to relax completely on your laurels. This card can also sometimes mean you are moving your place of residence.

An unexpected gift finds its way into your life. Someone wishes you well and wants to help you along the path. You may not know exactly how to incorporate the gift, but it's valuable and you should handle it carefully. Accept the gift gracefully, with joy and gratitude.

Gemini-Eight of Wands

Several things may be up in the air for anyone. You can be frustrated, tired of waiting. This card is definitely an indicator to be patient a while extended. You may have done all you can, apply all you can, and decisions now have to be made by other folks. Nothing seems to be moving ahead. Don’t make an effort to force things, as that will probably backfire on anyone. Speaking metaphorically, sometimes our behaviors are “all in the wrist, ” all you can apply is put
your very best self out there and discover where it lands. You’ve put your very best self out there. Currently wait.

Events are moving ahead very quickly. You are compelled to act, almost without thinking. You must go along with your gut feeling and trust that it is the right choice.

Cancer-Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles can be quite a card about holding to things, people, money, as well as situations longer than is usually healthy or realistic. When this card appears in a very reading, it’s a sure sign you need to look carefully at whatever you are clinging to, and whether others are clinging to your requirements in an unhealthy way. Relax. In general, the Four of Pentacles can examine anxiety/fear about money and/or the clinging to whatever it really is that makes you sense security. The key here is to attempt to realize that being anxious and grasping at straws will not bring security. If any card within the Tarot relates to the old saying about “If you like something set it free…” this is the one.

Gather the fruits of you labor and plan for the future. You have worked hard and long, and now it is the time to reap the benefits. It is also a time to make sure you have enough stored to sustain you though the times ahead, which may be lean. Admire and enjoy what you have accumulated, and be grateful for your bounty.

Leo-Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles is among the most uplifting and encouraging omens within the suit. This can mean your financial worries are over for a time, and that things (generally speaking) will be going a lot better than you thought possible. Enjoy this good energy, and talk about your wealth and pleasure with others. The message points to happiness and good results. This is on the mundane and the inner realms. You will have quite a lot to be proud of and hopeful about. Expect the very best to happen. You’ll maintain the position to assist those less fortunate when compared with yourself. Pay attention not simply to your material abundance but in addition to your spirituality.

You have worked hard to create a safe, secure life for yourself. You faced choices that weren’t easy. You overcame troubles and misfortune. Sometimes you sacrificed immediate pleasures for the sake of your long-term goals. If you don’t have the life you want, realize that you can if you are willing to do what it takes to make it happen.

Virgo- The Devil

The Devil isn't a frightening any card to interpret because the depiction on the cards indicates. It is just a card about bondage yet often this bondage will be metaphoric and interior. With this card you happen to be called to seem beyond superficial appearances in order to go deeper into your truth and meaning of a situation. You are also asked to remember that when you feel  restrained you often hold the keys to your own freedom. Don't surrender! It's important that you can remember that regardless of what your situation you always have options to select from. First things initial step, don't let other folks tell you that the options are restricted. If you come to that conclusion, know that you are coming to it alone. Regardless, it will be imperative to remember that you could free yourself through whatever restrictions are generally holding you back, at any time you decide to do so. You may have the feeling now that you will be not in control; sometimes this happens not just caused by your own activities, but more often being a byproduct of inaction. Consequently, take action, take whatever steps you possibly can to give yourself the impression, however slight, to be in control. Even if that's merely making different options on what you'll have for dinner. Small steps are important, too.

If you are in the Devil's Garden, your answers will not be easy, but they will be freeing. At some level, something is controlling, and thus you are not in control of your life. Identify what it is that holds you and bondage. Only then can you free yourself. Our impish fae would tell you not be afraid of all your desires. Enjoy the ones you can in ways that are beneficial to you and others, and don't give the destructive ones any hold in your life.

Libra-The World

The World can signify that you will be figuratively feeling the weight on the world on ones shoulders, which seriously isn't an easy place to be. It's an excellent time and energy to review how well you do at “asking for help” as it's needed. Remember you don't have to do everything yourself. This can often be a card of end. You've worked hard, and you are almost towards the “finish line” throughout some way. Don't quit given that you're almost finished! You're almost definitely in need of some well-earned rest and peace; don't be afraid for taking it. You are becoming closer to “who you really are,” at your deepest levels.

You may have recently completed soon will complete an important task. You are ready to enjoy success and receive the happy congratulations of others. These moments are, unfortunately, to infrequent and are always the results of some effort on your part, so do not sweep past it in your hurry to look for your project. If you have recently completed something, desire for this feeling is directing you to find a challenge. Listen to your heart, for you are clearly ready to take on something exciting.

Scorpio-Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles is really a very positive card, particularly with regard to function and career issues, but it’s a great overall omen that you'll be in general, succeeding. The Three of Pentacles informs you that the individuals around you appreciate you as well as your efforts, and notice the standard of what you carry out, even if you don’t get a paycheck. The Three informs you to keep carrying out what you’re doing when you are on target (although there is usually room for progress.) You don’t need to scrap something you need to again.

You have many wonderful skills, and now is the time to put the skills to good use. Work carefully and thoroughly, doing best that you can. Create things that are useful things that bring joy to your life. Experience the pleasure of doing something well.

Sagittarius-Knight of Cups

This Knight of Cups like most if not each of the Cups suit, can be an optimistic, good card to see in a examining. Like all Knights/Knights, this often comes displaying messages. Usually these are the type of good news that any of us all want to get. In general this Knight of Cups would show you that things might be going well. It's likely you'll be feeling r revved up, ready for action. This card often means that good news (particularly from the realm of matters in the heart) is likely to be headed your way soon.


Strength indicates the value of mind over issue, and reminds you to focus on what you choose to do want rather than what you do not want in your own life. Its main point is which you manage to harness your thinking and to work with them for the - and also everyone else's -- highest good. Not only do you have the capacity; you contain the responsibility. Consequently conquer your fears, management your desires, and never ever lose fortitude with yourself or what you do. It's significant now that you can make perfect time to meditate and also contemplate and devote more time alone even though you are in a committed relationship and teen youngsters! Definitely do not allow yourself to spend time in preoccupation and also fear. Outward things are going to be going perfectly but what's of the extremely paramount significance is keeping your brain on straight.

You have found yourself in a thicket and you are not sure what you should do, Strength will remind you to understand your inner dragon. Reconnect with the part of you that is fiercely connected with the deep power of the earth. Find the motion center that will fire your courage. Then infuse it with wisdom so you can wield your power with elegance, grace, and precision.

Aquarius-The Fool

The Fool is obviously an indicator involving newness; as well as the purity and open-hearted energy of the child. This is normally considered a good card, with the caveat that it is critical to take time to be certain that you are usually “looking where you happen to be going.” In general, this card would likely indicate new beginnings that have some deeper religious meaning - one example is, starting a meditation practice or even a relationship, as opposed to purchasing a new set of footwear. The appearance of the fool can depict a vital “fresh start.”

You are surrounded by enchanting choices that will vanish if you become distracted by analysis. This is not a time to make lists of pros and cons. Rather, it is a time to have childlike faith in the yearnings of your heart, and follow your dreams.

Pisces-Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune notifies you that in general, it looks that things are altering. In most situations, this indicates good, needed changes but for some people, change itself is incredibly difficult and can easily almost be traumatic. This is an incredibly spiritual and “Karmically” oriented time. Change is part of the cyclical nature involving life. This card always reminds us that “this too shall pass. ” Whether that's happy times or bad situations, it passes. If suddenly you can find yourself “sitting on the surface of the world,” keep perspective, as that too, like the rest, changes. Live within the now, count the blessings, and just be aware that much of life is outside of your control, but that even that's okay. Roll along with any changes, and also think positively.

Your answer isn’t so much about what is happening to you now, but rather about how you face what is happening. See all the challenges as opportunities. Look for spiritual lessons as you experience sadness. Remember to express gratitude though your joys, The more you learn to do this, the less traumatically you will be affected with each turning of the wheel.

For more readings and other services please visit: http://www.psychichealerchristine.com

You can also find me on Facebook at:  https://www.facebook.com/psychichealerchristine

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