Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Waiting Room

I went with my Mom today for her pulmonary function test. I sat in the waiting room and waited. Golf was on tv and there were many people in the room. I didn't pick up comforting energy sitting there.
I decided to play solitare on my phone. I could not concentrate. The energy puzzled me till this evening it was a shallow energy.
Although they had conversations between themselves all they talked of was golf, going on vacations, taking vacations, where to go next, where on these vacations is the best place to golf. Their children and what colleges they are going to attend, where thier kids are working, how many hours they are getting in, deciding whether or not their child should live at home, or on campus, all the collages they had to choose from, which ones accepted them, how much an apartment will cost and where.
Then it was the kids are older so our vacations won't be so expensive....then more golf. A little about the patient they were waiting for.
I sat there thinking my body went into another dimension. It was sureal. Nothing about current events, or the struggles people are going through today.
As an outsider looking in after that... I am glad I am on the outside.
Such a shallow way of life. I don't go by the bible but blessed are us who aren't on that side because we have true heart and true compassion. Our world doesn't revolve around money, vacations and golf. It revolves around our spirit and our value for each other.
I really wanted to open my mouth and ask them if they have ever listened to themselves talk. If not they really should.
I close with this Money isn't everything it can't buy true hearts, feelings and compassion. You can't take money with you on the otherside. Yes it is nice to have it but not to let life revolve around it.

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