Sunday, March 24, 2013

Animal Message of the Week March 25, 2013- March 31, 2013 Rhinoceros

Animal Message of the Week March 25, 2013- March 31, 2013 Rhinoceros


Still the chatter within to see your true path in life.
Ancient Wisdom
Rhinoceros is a solitary animal and teaches how to be comfortable within yourself.
Rhino is the embodiment of the axiom:  "Know thyself!"
Since Rhino is an ancient animals, it often gives it totem people
insight into their own past lives.
Meditating on Rhino can often result in unlocking those memories.
Often how you see your Rhino gives insight into that past life.
Two horned Rhinos come from Africa while one horned Rhinos are from Asia.
People with a Rhino totem have a heightened sense of smell.
The sense of smell is symbolic of higher discrimination, spiritual idealism
and higher wisdom and Rhino gives all of these to their totem people.
Trust your inner wisdom.
Don’t look at appearance only – go beyond and trust your internal senses.
Rhino will help you see the wisdom in your life.
It has a solidity that will help you put your life in its proper perspective.
Wisdom, past life connections, ancient connections, brings energy in for one's own solitude, spiritual idealism, high sensitivity to feelings and smell. Rhino spans an assimilation of 17-18 months will arise new opportunities on all levels. He helps show you the wisdom of life and the innate wisdom to apply it at present time. Rhino's are very thick skinned creatures which can teach how to be tough to against comments, rejections and overall pain. Rhino will show the balance of being open to life but keeping protected as well. He aids in personal power and heightening intuition in which will aid in sharpening your instincts for discrimination and discernment. Do you prefer to work alone? Maybe it's time to work with others? Or vice versa? How are you handling others? Are you trusting you instincts at this time? Rhino will show you these key areas to work on for his wisdom is great.
Ancient behemoth, repository of primordial wisdom, Rhino, like supreme masters has no need for society. Rhino stands sturdily in your cards to counsel that you still the constant chatter in your head, take time out from hectic socializing, and simply be. At first your mind will echo with a thousand thoughts, but soon it will quieten and the true nature of your path and dreams will make themselves known. With Rhino by your side, you may turn them into reality.

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