Bug is his nickname he may be almost 25 but his functioning level begs to differ. It is apparent in our many conversations.
The other day I was out spending time with my Mom I get a call, a frantic Bug is on the other line telling me that I better have a plan to get him out of the United States by 2017. Because he says the government will try to microchip him. Um OK I tell him I will be home soon. When I get home he tells me all about being microchipped and is is possible he has one in him now? Since, I feel I was already losing ground in this conversation I tell him if you were microchipped by the government I would be on the phone yelling fix him! He started laughing. He left shortly after so the conversation ended.
The next day I was in the shower and he comes in the bathroom. (No he doesn't get it about the shower) proceeds to tell me that he is never leaving the United States. I roll my eyes and tell him first you are saying I need to have a plan to get you out of the US now you are saying you are never leaving. Make up your mind. He then starts saying he isn't getting on a plane and he isn't stepping foot on one of those big boats either because they will get a current and sink. I interject cruise ship and tidal wave and he says yeah a tsunami. I am just speechless and thoughtless at this point where he starts we aren't going zip lining either or rock climbing unless it is in a mall. A mall? You don't rock climb in a mall. Well then I want to go snowboarding. I said you do know snowboarding isn't bunny slopes. Oh yes they are he replies back. I am standing there wondering why I even tried to shower. He leaves I get out he is still taking to me through the door.
He said I should go air softing with him. I say paint ball. He says paintball leaves bruises. Reminding him of shooting me about a week ago I look down and remind him I still have one from when he shot me. He just laughs it off and goes on about all the airsoft I need to buy. I tell him I will rent "if" we go. He ignores me and runs down the list to buy then disappears into his room.