Friday, January 9, 2015

Paranormal Experiences Death the Show

Krystyna Pohl-Peters:

Trailer for new Paranormal Experiences Death the Show:  Special guest @PsychichealerC   Going to be one great show!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year 2015

Since I promised myself I would write more this year. Trying to figure out what to write about isn't easy. So much to write about hard to pick a subject.

As we move into 2015 we need to realize we aren't going to be without challenges. We will have new ones, after we finish moving through our old ones.

We need to realize these challenges are needed in our lives. We also need to realize they aren't punishments. They are learning steps in our life. Stepping stones so to speak.

Life cannot just remain stagnant. It has to move and change just as everything around us does. Growth is a wonderful thing but, not without some challenges. Let them take place see them through.

For a more personalized yearly forecast to find out what your challenges will be, feel free to contact me at