Wisdom Message Reading Week of 5-20-2013 – 5-27-2013
5-20-2013 - Micah-Time
angel of time and plans can help you with acquiring patience when it feels like
things aren’t moving as fast as you would like them to. Everything happens in
its right time and sometimes things cannot be rushed. You can also call upon
this angel to help you with your Divine Plan and show you what moves to be made
is what we use to measure cycles. The cycles of the sun, the moon, the Earth.
Cycles of progress, cycles of age and cycles of change.
are constantly in the middle of shifting cycles. Daylight, summer, winter,
childhood, parenthood, ideas turning to manifestations. There is a constant
transition and constant movement forward and there is always enormous gift and
every moment.
order for any successful shift to occur, we must go through the entire cycle
times may find ourselves wishing, wanting or wasting away our time, being stuck
in the past or the future, instead of being fully aware and present in this
every single moment, there exists every single possibility in existence. If we
are aware that we truly understand that every moment offers endless
possibilities and incredible potential and opportunity for growth and movement,
then we can receive the gift that the present moment offers.
decision, every action, has a consequence. Our lives are made of many small and
seemingly insignificant decisions. Decisions that include how we choose to interpret
and react to the world around us. If we are aware and present each moment, we
have the potential and empower decision to take this where you want to go in
our lives.
you find yourself wishing your time away, believing that everything we better
when “blank” happens, is absolutely time to snap out of it.
will ever happen keep your head in the future and the present. Tomorrow never
comes. All you will ever have now. You can't do it now, you will never do it.
be no hand coming out the sky to make all your dreams come true. You must at
that to the present and make your own dreams come true, right now!!!!
then will you find yourself exactly where you need to be.
you have found your head stuck in the past is also time to snap out. Until you
put your head on straight you have no idea what kind of existence you are
living, let alone what opportunities you may be missing.
is made up cycles; the wheel must continue is rotations forward. You can go
with it or be crushed by it. That's your choice.
you are currently in the middle of the cycle that requires a period of waiting,
processing and patient. Allow yourself to surrender to this process, knowing
that every stage of each phase is necessary in order to get to the next point.
Try enjoying the process and surrendering all the thoughts about possible
is time to keep your awareness in the present.
5-21-2013 - Archangel Jeremiel-Clarity
Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the ability to
help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and patterns,
Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself.
is the state attained when the mind becomes still. When our fears, assumptions,
expectations and projections stayed long enough for the fog to clear from our
eyes, our ability to see returns. When we let go of coddling the inner voices
of the ego and emotions fog of our perceptions and take it out of the present
moment, we cannot be free to see the bigger picture.
experience your clarity we must still the chatter of the mind, let go of
staying stuck in the fog the motion and step away from ourselves long enough to
see ourselves and our lives from a higher perspective.
we feel clear, we are able to see ourselves and our lives clearly. We
understand with clarity what is occurring for us and why, and we know what
action to take to best honor our personal truth.
to achieve this state we must clear with the fog and medicine our lives-from
cleaning and clearing our homes, to cut any negative ties to clearing away
replacing negative self- talk. We have to engage in a physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual clean out. It will always give us the space necessary to
find clarity.
it is essential to clear way what has been keeping you in the fog and find a
space necessary for you to return to your center. This may mean cleaning your
house, letting go of grief or anger or demanding a space for yourself in your
is coming to you now if you're willing to step up and embrace it.
form of clarity is a chakra balancing. A chakra is a point within the body's
energy system. Another way to define chakras is to call them points in space
and time where our physical bodies meet with metaphysical energies. When the
chakras are open, aligned, and balanced we are at our absolute optimal levels
of health. But when one or more of our chakras become closed, unbalanced, or
out of alignment we can suffer from great discomfort and even a wide variety of
health problems. Chakra treatments have also been known to heal or relieve
serious issues even when traditional medicine has failed to do so.
5-22-2013 - Anael-Sexuality
is the physical expression of our soul’s essence. It is the part of us that
connects to the physical world. Sexual energy connects us to our bodies and
inspires us to express ourselves thought use of our bodies, though clothes,
make-up, body art and dance. It is though our sexuality that we reveal the
deeper side of our nature. This is revealed in the particular way we choose to
decorate ourselves and move in our bodies.
sexual energy brings us to life. It puts a sparkle in our eyes, a kick in our
step and a sway in our hips.
is through our senses that we develop “sensitivity” on all levels. Though
touch, sight, sound, smell and taste we awaken to the richness of life. It is
though pleasure that we celebrate life and though ecstasy that we experience
oneness with divinity and the nature of the divine.
may be a time for you to begin exploring and becoming sensitive to your physical
self. Have you been honoring your body and sexuality as sacred? Does your
physical being, reflect and express your spiritual being? Do you allow yourself
to feel sensitive and awake inside your body? Do you feel free to express
yourself physically and sexually?
is a time for reflecting on these questions and bringing balance to this area
of your life. If you have a relationship that needs healing in this area or you
wanting to bring in a new partner, you must first heal and balance these things
within yourself. Others will only ever reflect the true and often hidden
feelings you have about yourself.
this is the time to love yourself, explore your sensuality, become sensitive,
honor your body as scared and enjoy your sexuality.
5-23-2013 - Archangel Jophiel-Illumination
Jophiel means “Beauty of God” She is the Angel of illumination. She appears to
bring light where there is darkness and is a shining light of hope at the end
of a seemingly endless night.
occurs when light fills a space where there was once darkness. The light of
consciousness spreads, allowing us to see into the space that was once darkness
and mystery of the unknown.
often occurs when least expect it. When we are lost in the dark and forgotten
what the light and it looks like, up comes the sun in all its glory, lighting
our way and filling us with new insight and inspiration.
we are in darkness we often lose sight of the bigger picture. We can
easily forget everything comes in phases. Without the darkness of
introspection and the unknown changes cannot occur. The phases we
experience are extremely important to growth and success in our lives.
sun is rising for you now, illuminating all the dark corners of your life and
consciousness. This is a time of rebirth, renewed life and renewed clarity and
inspiration. Within the light of the sun, every color exists, ready to bring
color into our world.
is unlimited potential all around you right now. You have the power to create
anything you want for yourself and your life. All color is available to you
close attention to awakenings, realizations, ideas, answers and
inspirations. All the answers you are looking for are revealing
themselves to right now.
5-23-2013 - Sachiel - Prosperity
is the angel of money, wealth and prosperity. He rules over the day Thursday,
and is one of the angels of the planet Jupiter. (The planet of luck and good
can be called to help bring wealth and abundance into your life.
is energy. Pure energy. It is a piece of paper that represents our time, work
and energy and it represents the potential of living. It takes care of our
basic survival such as food and shelter as well as offering the means to create
what we want in our life. The ability to travel, have better work options or be
pampered. It gives us the means to live life the way we want to.
will not hold or cuddle you, it won't give birth to your children, TV spiritual
awareness or have a conversation with you but it will pay for the couch you
cuddle on, pay for your child's clothes and nappies, by books that inspire
spiritual awareness and pay for the coffee you converse over. While money
doesn't bring you love or happiness, it does provide you with the means to
nurture love and happiness in your life.
is also the energetic equivalent of your time and energy. When you work, you
received money in exchange for your time, energy and talent. Every dollar you
spent is worth a certain amount of your time and energy. When you overspend or
stop noticing where your money is going, you are essentially not valuing yourself
or your time and leaking your money, thereby draining yourself of both energy
and resources.
essential right now to notice your feelings, beliefs and behaviors regarding
money. It is time to truly love, honor and respect your money and in turn it
will want to be with you and work for you. If you take the time and the effort
to truly look after this area of your life that gives you so much, you will
find that the rewards can be infinite. If you think of money as a friend that
you are happy to make the time and effort for, money will be your friend in
you ignore, roadway, or think lowly of a friend you cannot possibly expect a
good relationship to develop. Likewise you fear losing, playing to in this
trust your friend, you are likely to scare your friend way. It is time to
develop healthy, loving relationship with money.
comes from within, not without. You have the power to create accumulate wealth
and prosperity now.
5-25-2013 - Archangel Azrael - Completion
as the Angel of Death, (in Islamic and Christian faiths), her primary role is
to help souls crossover and to supply comfort to the grieving. She is the Angel
who accompanies souls to heavens after that passed on.
can call upon her to help you through the grieving process and help you come to
terms with and accept the natural cycle of life and death.
is a natural emotion during certain death cycles that involve both loss and the
experience of something dear to you having come to an end. Often through grief,
we honor what is lost in our feelings concerning that loss. If you are
experiencing any grief at this time, it is important that you honor, respect
and express this natural part of the human cycle.
must remember though, that the grief you feel is for yourself. If you have lost
loved one, they had already moved on to the next stage of their cycle. They are
where they are meant to be.
stage in your life has completed itself, this too has been necessary in order
for you to move forward within your life and grow.
opportunity is present for you now and while it doesn't replace where you have
been, it is essential for your growth to begin a new phase.
while is important that you feel and express what you are feeling at this time,
you must always remember the bigger picture.
just cannot allow yourself to become stuck on the wheel of grief. Acceptance is
your next part of this cycle to reach a place where you honor your sadness but
also understand the bigger picture and become willing to move forward into your
next phase of life.
5-26-2013 - Ramaela-Joy
is the expression of the heart at its highest vibration. The ability to stop
and experience the beauty and perfection of life, without focus on outcomes, to
be able to celebrate the beauty and grace of the goddess. That is what we
experience will be allowed joy into our hearts.
is the freedom of the heart, the inner child, the wild self, the true self.
When we liberate ourselves from the heaviness of the mind, we free our hearts
and give ourselves permission to be an express ourselves without the usual set
of rules and limitations. These moments are food and nectar for the soul.
connected to her true self the inner fire alive. Too much of this fire can burn
out but not enough can leave us an empty vessel. Joy and the expression of joy
is vital to our body, mind and soul.
is the time for laughter, play and the exploration of all things that bring you
joy. It may be a time for being irreverent and carefree, a time to bring
balance serious aspects of the self.
many cultures of the world, there exists a trickster archetype, who trips
people up when things are getting too serious or when they are taking themselves
too seriously.
is a time for you to trip yourself up in order to get back to earth. It is
essential now let go of the heaviness that is around you, and have fun, play
dance with life and find the lightness within the heart, mind and soul.
out what lights the flame of joy within your heart and give yourself the
freedom to experience beautiful soul enriching feeling in your life right now.
5-27-2013 - Archangel Sandalphon - Prayer
which means “brother”. Is the angel in charge of delivering and answering
prayers. Once a mortal man, Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah and is the
twin brother of the Archangel Metatron.
as one of the tallest angels in heaven, Archangel Sandalphon’s main role is as
a guide who carries your prayers to the God/Goddess.
is the ultimate form of communication with a higher consciousness, be it Jesus,
Mary, Angels, Buddha, the universe, life or any other aspect of the divine.
When we pray, we automatically open our crown chakra, which is the center or
space within us that connect us to God/goddess, life and the divine support
that is always available to us. We become aware of our own divine nature and
the unconditional universal love that exists for all.
is an extremely powerful tool for invoking healing, wisdom, love and support
for self.
connect to nature; we connect the universal aspect of ourselves. Instinct,
feeling, intuition and the life- death- rebirth cycles of nature. The
individual self is lost in the vast sea of the universal and we become a link
in the chain of existence, at one with all of nature. When we connect to the
spirit we feel our individual presence in this world. Thought enters us and
create a sense of separation for varying beliefs and values.
nature and spirit unite in us as the divine, we become in accord with all of
life. We may experience the tragedy and ecstasy of life from a place of
acceptance, surrender and union with higher source of
we pray from truly loving, open and humble space for answers or assistance, all
we need to do is be open to receive what we need when the time is right, with
an open heart and a willingness to take responsibility and be accountable for
our lives. You may even experience miracles help you on your way. This is also
way of offering love and respect the divine. It may be a way of acknowledging,
honoring and appreciating the divine. The more you honor the relationship, the
more it will offer to your life. Whatever we nourish will grow for us. If you
make this effort you will experience an immense amount of love, synchronicity
and support from the divine every day.
the sudden there's a great opportunity available for you now in the form of
prayer. It is a time for recognizing the universal love and support that is
available to you, all that. All you need to do is acknowledge and connect to
you have sunshine and moonsong and Angels as your constant companions."
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