Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Animal Message of the Week of April 29, 2013 – Ray

Stingrays show how to maneuver with grace, style and elegance in the watery depths of emotions. Stingray will teach the importance of undulating and persistent movements in life. He will demonstrate the importance of regularly cleaning and cleanliness; to clear and maintain the clutter at home and work, to clean, balance and center your emotional and spiritual beingness. Stingrays teach the art of camouflage and blending in. Are you acclimating to your surroundings? Stingray's adaptation abilities will aid in transitions. This is also a time to drink plenty of fresh water and pay attention to salt and overall food intake. Stingray will show the balance of nutritional needs. Are you being too defensive or not being defensive enough? He will show how and when to use the venomous spines to strike effectively. Have you started a new endeavor recently? He shows that in 2-4 months ideas will come to fruition and be alive with possibilities. Stingray shows that movements in life must be balanced with sharp action and graceful tenacity.

The stingray symbolizes sensitivity, restraint, protection, and maneuverability. Stingrays have a heightened sense of touch and often show up around Empaths or "feeling" psychics that pick up on the energy and emotions of others.
Stingrays blend into their surroundings on the ocean floor and are not aggressive unless provoked. When they feel threatened they use a poisonous barb to defend themselves that can be lethal. Stingrays go to great lengths to protect themselves and avoid conflict, but will defend themselves when necessary.

Personal Reflection...
Stingrays may be telling you to not overreact to your emotions, to calm down and wait before reacting. Stingrays maneuver themselves quite well despite their size and shape and they tell us to also carefully maneuver the complex emotional waters of our inner world. Balance and restraint are strong themes of this totem animal. When it appears to you consider your actions carefully and allow your intuition to guide you rather than raw emotion.

Counter malicious talk by casting its import from your mind

Supreme predator of the blue planet, spiny teeth protrude from Ray’s muscular body, delivering a potent toxin. Teeth help form our words, allowing us to poison others with spite, malice, and lies. If you have been attacked by this fearsome weapon, Ray has come to give you the strength to take heart and cast from your mind the venom that is morphing into ever-more destructive thought.

Malice dwelt upon gains strength; ignored, power diminishes daily.

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of April 29, 2013 – May 6, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of April 29, 2013 – May 6, 2013

Monday April 29, 2013 - Archangel Azrael - Completion

Known as the Angel of Death, (in Islamic and Christian faiths), her primary role is to help souls crossover and to supply comfort to the grieving. She is the Angel who accompanies souls to heavens after that passed on.  

You can call upon her to help you through the grieving process and help you come to terms with and accept the natural cycle of life and death.  

Grief is a natural emotion during certain death cycles that involve both loss and the experience of something dear to you having come to an end. Often through grief, we honor what is lost in our feelings concerning that loss. If you are experiencing any grief at this time, it is important that you honor, respect and express this natural part of the human cycle.  

You must remember though, that the grief you feel is for yourself. If you have lost loved one, they had already moved on to the next stage of their cycle. They are where they are meant to be.  

If stage in your life has completed itself, this too has been necessary in order for you to move forward within your life and grow.  

New opportunity is present for you now and while it doesn't replace where you have been, it is essential for your growth to begin a new phase.  

Therefore, while is important that you feel and express what you are feeling at this time, you must always remember the bigger picture.  

You just cannot allow yourself to become stuck on the wheel of grief. Acceptance is your next part of this cycle to reach a place where you honor your sadness but also understand the bigger picture and become willing to move forward into your next phase of life.   

Tuesday April 30, 2013 - Archangel Sandalphon - Prayer

Sandalphon, which means “brother”.  Is the angel in charge of delivering and answering prayers. Once a mortal man, Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah and is the twin brother of the Archangel Metatron.  

Known as one of the tallest angels in heaven, Archangel Sandalphon’s main role is as a guide who carries your prayers to the God/Goddess.  

Prayer is the ultimate form of communication with a higher consciousness, be it Jesus, Mary, Angels, Buddha, the universe, life or any other aspect of the divine. When we pray, we automatically open our crown chakra, which is the center or space within us that connect us to God/goddess, life and the divine support that is always available to us. We become aware of our own divine nature and the unconditional universal love that exists for all.  

Prayer is an extremely powerful tool for invoking healing, wisdom, love and support for self. 

We connect to nature; we connect the universal aspect of ourselves. Instinct, feeling, intuition and the life- death- rebirth cycles of nature. The individual self is lost in the vast sea of the universal and we become a link in the chain of existence, at one with all of nature. When we connect to the spirit we feel our individual presence in this world. Thought enters us and create a sense of separation for varying beliefs and values.  

When nature and spirit unite in us as the divine, we become in accord with all of life. We may experience the tragedy and ecstasy of life from a place of acceptance, surrender and union with higher source of consciousness.  

When we pray from truly loving, open and humble space for answers or assistance, all we need to do is be open to receive what we need when the time is right, with an open heart and a willingness to take responsibility and be accountable for our lives. You may even experience miracles help you on your way. This is also way of offering love and respect the divine. It may be a way of acknowledging, honoring and appreciating the divine. The more you honor the relationship, the more it will offer to your life.

Whatever we nourish will grow for us. If you make this effort you will experience an immense amount of love, synchronicity and support from the divine every day. 

All the sudden there's a great opportunity available for you now in the form of prayer. It is a time for recognizing the universal love and support that is available to you, all that. All you need to do is acknowledge and connect to it. 

Wednesday May 1, 2013 - Archangel Michael-Protection

In all major faiths or religions, the Archangel Michael is considered the highest angelic ranks.

He is always shown with a golden sword; Michael is the angel of protection and clearing. He can be called upon to provide protection to yourself, your loved ones, your home and property and can also help you to cut any negative energy or ties in your life.

Protection exists in our ability to draw boundaries in your life. Protection occurs when we learn about what is and isn’t good for us and we learn how to take the appropriate action to ensure that our boundaries are respects.

Even when we are in strange and frightening places, we become more able to protect our self when we clearly know our boundaries. We make better decisions, inform ourselves more thoroughly and project a stronger energy.

Even with all the protection in the world, sometimes we are meant to have certain experiences in order to learn and grow into what we are meant to be in our lives and there is nothing we can do in those circumstances other than surrender to the higher plan playing out.

Oftentimes, we do have the power to protect and honor ourselves and our boundaries. Divine protection is always available to us. By simply calling on the higher powers of protection and asking for assistance, we can experience the love and protection of our guides, angels and the universe.

There is also something that needs to be known about overprotecting yourself. If you have built walls around you, protecting you from love, life, intimacy, success or anything else, it is definitely the time to re-evaluate where this is getting you. If you feel the need to be overprotected, then there is an issue with feeling unsafe.

You need to reflect and clear a hurt or pain you are holding onto. You may need to let go of the inner voice that is telling you that you are not safe. Clarify your boundaries, do not let them be crossed, call on the divine assistance and let those walls down.

You are asked to start reflecting on the boundaries in your life and what you can do about them.

You may need to ask yourself; do you know what your boundaries are in relation to work, relationships, home and other important areas of your life? Are you feeling safe in your home, workspace, relationships etc? What can you do now to ensure that your needs are met and you are able to feel safe and protected in your life?

Ask yourself these questions this week as you reflect on your boundaries.

Thursday May 2, 2013 - Archangel Raziel - Hidden Worlds

There are realms that exist beyond our everyday perception. Realms of color, sound, thought, feeling, and realms of myth. Realms of unimaginable vastness that cover both time and space.

There are times of increased awareness and increased sensitivity, where everyday perception shift in our senses become heightened. This occurs during major life or personal transition, the artistic or creative process and during the heightened spiritual or psychic awareness.

During these periods, the veil that separates the world become thinner in our everyday awareness becomes hyper awareness. Our senses become refined as we tune into new colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings, myths and the vastness of time space. All the sudden you seem to be experience in a time of putting awareness. This is a time for truly listening, feeling and opening up to the hidden worlds of the universe.
You may have thought yourself drawn to new thoughts, ideas and new experiences recently. You may become more aware of signs or omens from universe. Strange synchronicity may be occurring regularly. Your dreams are becoming stronger, stranger and more vivid. The veil may be thinning at this time, to reveal new worlds from both within and around you.

It is asked dreamily importance that you take note of what is revealing itself to you. There are secrets, keys and signs from the universe that want to reveal to you. It is an ideal time to write, draw, meditate, communicate and create. Let the secrets of the hidden world inspired you into a new state of consciousness. With this being 2013 a being the year of new beginnings and new start this message is extremely important for everyone to practice.

Friday May 3, 2013 - Samael - The Shadow Self

Samael is a representation of the Shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and fallen angel, Samael is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and a powerful fighter in battle.

When you seem up against insurmountable odds and opposition Samael can assist you.

The shadow self holds the keys to unlocking the wisdom of the deeper self. It is the shadow that holds the secrets to creating true and profound change and realization. All our hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions lie in the shadow.

Through facing our shadow we can dissolve the underlying impulses that govern our lives, thereby allowing a deep and profound shirt in consciousness to occur. We can become capable of standing whole, in our integrity as we direct our lives forward.

We all have hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions. When they exist and operate underneath our conscious awareness, we lose our sense of what is occurring or us in our life. We may complain about money, work, relationship or health, not seeing how our unconscious workings are dictating all of these things.

When we face our shadow, we reclaim full ownership and responsibility or our lives and give ourselves the power to transform both ourselves and our lives into what we want them to be. 

Saturday May 4, 2013 - Archangel Chamuel - Divine Justice

Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love and relationships, both with the self and with others. He can be called upon to heal, strengthen and improve relationships, and can help with resolving relationship issues or challenges. Chamuel also teaches you how to love and accept yourself more wholly. 

The other side of this angel is that he is the incarnation of Divine Justice and has great knowledge of Karma. He can supply great courage in the face of adversity. 

Everything that exists in our universe, every single Atom is part of a perfectly synchronized dance. Whether we see it or not, everything in this universe and everything that occurs is occurring in perfect balance and order. 

Everything that happens to womankind and mankind propels us forward. Even though certain events may be that or painful from a higher perspective it is still perfect and synchronized dance. It is when we stop seeing things as positive and negative and see beyond that to the higher truth that may see the God and Goddess. 

Divine justice is but truly understanding perfect order that exists, both in life and in our lives. It is about seeing the deeper meaning that exists behind all the events you have experience and are experiencing. Start seeing how every event is taking you where you need to be. Start seeing the patterns have occurred in your life. More importantly to see the part you have played in your life. 

The universe dances around and through your life but how you respond makes up your experience. 

This is a time now for seeing the deeper meaning behind your experiences becoming responsible for your own reality .This is also time for complete honesty with yourself. There is no such thing as action without consequence. For every action, comes a reaction whether that is to manifest something, experience or lost or simply learn a lesson, pleasant or painful. We are constantly creating our own reality through how we perceive life and how we choose to act in this world. 

It is not our responsibility to control how others act consequence of the image may or should experience. 

If we become clear within out our mind, we are self- responsible and we speak and stand in our truth with complete clarity and honesty, we have already balanced the scales. Then we must hand things over to the universe and trust that the higher intelligence will take care of the rest.

Sunday May 5, 2013 - Nathaniel - Passion

Nathaniel (which means gift of God) is the Angel of fire. The elements of fire rules drive, passion, purification, creativity, spirit and change. Nathaniel can be called upon to assist with these qualities are required.

Passion is the flame the lights the soul.  It keeps us warm,   connected,   integrated and alive. It awakens within us a desire and a drive.  A desire for knowledge, love, travel, expansion, expression and change.  It drives us forward and awakens in us the need to truly experience life.
Like fire, passion comes with the danger of burning out of control and wreaking havoc on our insides as well as our outsides. It also comes with the danger of burning out.
When nurtured and cared for, fire has the power to bring life, light and warm into our lives and so does passion.

When we surrender our ego and personal will to something higher, the power, energy, ecstasy of the divine is given room to move within us. We are filled with the all-consuming essence of love and the overwhelming ecstasy occurs when the barriers of the ego dissolve and we experience unification.

It is from this state that we have a deeper and higher experience of passion.  This is the passion that ignites and inspires love.    This is the passion that drives and inspires us to do great things.  This is the passion that awakens our sense of purpose.

Now is a time to allow a higher sense of passion and purpose to fill your heart,  for the light of that flame to illuminate the path ahead, leading you to new paths and new adventures in your life.

Now is the time to surrender your personal will to the higher will of God/Goddess allowing a true sense of purpose to fill you.  This is the time to release the ego, allowing a sense of oneness to permeate your being and let the power and passion of love to move within you. This is a time to be passionate, courageous and inspired. Take a leap of faith and let the light of passion guide you to your new adventures.

Monday May 6, 2013 - Nathaniel-Creativity

Fire is the light that brings life to our whole solar system. All the planets within this solar system are held in place though the gravitational force of the sun. The sun brings life to the whole planet as we see though the changing seasons and the changing of the night to day. We live our life in the way that we do because of the sun. it is the original creative source.

When man learned to control fire, set the basis for all our future developments. From the controlled use of fire for light, warmth and cooking to crafting metal, fire has given us the power to create better and more progressive lives for ourselves.

You are a microcosm of our galaxy. You are the sun with your created worlds spinning around the direction of your gravitational pull. This is the time for you to use the creative influence of the sun to create the life you want to live.

"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't.
Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.”
~ Denis Waitley

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Animal Message of the Week of April 22, 2013 Spider

Animal Message of the Week of April 22, 2013


Travel will open up new possibilities and one special connection

Spider flies on silken strands through azure skies and brooding storms, and knows that the time is come to expand your horizons. Travel, BA to faraway lands for a flower strewn meadow, and see the world through new eyes, with the deep understanding that nothing is impossible. Spider sees her world through touch, not light, translating vibration into knowledge.

Take wisdom from what you cannot see it is this leading touch of another affects you, acknowledge that connection and allow it to flourish.

Spider Symbolism

The Spider is an ancient symbol of mystery, power and growth.

We take our first lesson from the ancient symbol of the Spider by contemplating its web.

Just as the Spider weaves a web, so too must we weave our own lives. The Spider symbol meaning here serves as a reminder that our choices construct our lives. When the Spider appears to us, it is a message to be mindful of the choices we are making - and ask ourselves:

How are my choices affecting my life?
How can my choices improve my life?
How are my choices affecting others in my life?
Not only do Spiders and their webs draw attention to our life choices, they also give us an overview of how we can manipulate our thinking in order to construct the life we wish to live.

Spiders do this by calling our awareness to the amazing construction of their webs. Fully functional, practical, and ingenious in design - Spider webs serve as homes, food storage, egg incubators - seemingly limitless in their functionality.

When we consider this ingenious diversity, we can also consider the web-like construct of our own lives. How are we designing the most effective life?

When we see our decisions, choices and actions as far-reaching, effective tools in life - we can see how we weave a web that can either serve us or enslave us. The Spider symbol meaning beckons us to be mindful of our behaviors - be smart about the life we weave for ourselves.

We can derive more Spider symbol meaning when we consider certain subtle characteristics that represent ancient symbols of infinity.

The infinity symbol meanings occur when we consider most Spiders have eight eyes and all have eight legs. The number eight is also a symbol of infinity or lemniscate (an eight turned on its side). Also, the vibrational frequency indicates the meaning of number eight involves cycles, passage of time, and evolution.

Further Spider symbol meaning:

In Native American symbolism, the Spider is a symbol of protection against torrential storms. In yet other Native American lore accounts, the Spider (personified as the Grandmother) was the teacher and protector of esoteric wisdom.

The meaning of Spider in India is associated with Maya. The term Maya comes from the Sanskrit root Ma which means no form or limit. The term Maya describes the illusory nature of appearances. The Spiders association with Maya brings about the understanding that not all things are as they appear to be.

The Spider symbol meaning in Egypt, is akin to Neith, a complex deity usually depicted with arrows as she is associated with hunting. Along with hunting, she is also associated with the creation, specifically the process of recreation in the dawning and dusking of each day. Neith is also a weaver, and is often shown with a shuttle in her hand (a tool used for weaving). It is this activity that gains her association with the Spider.

And of course, no conversation about the meaning of spiders is complete without discussing the Greek myth of Arachne, a mortal (although of noble stature) who was a spectacular weaver. Acclaim for her luscious lively looms spread over hill and dale and ultimately reached the immortal ears of Athena. Arachne claimed she was the best weaver, and thus prompted a challenge from Athena.

And so, they played a round of dueling looms, but no one could confirm the victor. However, Arachne was quite smug about the whole process. So much so, that Athena smote her with a mighty blow of conscience and a dose of guilt. Arachne took the dosage hard, and could not live with the intense feelings of guilt and sorrow so she killed herself. Athena felt awful over the whole mess and decided to resurrect Arachne in the form of a spider so that she and all her offspring would forever be the best weavers of the universe.

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of April 22, 2013- April 29, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of April 22, 2013- April 29, 2013

Monday April 22, 2013 – Archangel Michael-Protection

In all major faiths or religions, the Archangel Michael is considered the highest angelic ranks.

He is always shown with a golden sword; Michael is the angel of protection and clearing. He can be called upon to provide protection to yourself, your loved ones, your home and property and can also help you to cut any negative energy or ties in your life.

Protection exists in our ability to draw boundaries in your life. Protection occurs when we learn about what is and isn’t good for us and we learn how to take the appropriate action to ensure that our boundaries are respects.

Even when we are in strange and frightening places, we become more able to protect our self when we clearly know our boundaries. We make better decisions, inform ourselves more thoroughly and project a stronger energy.

Even with all the protection in the world, sometimes we are meant to have certain experiences in order to learn and grow into what we are meant to be in our lives and there is nothing we can do in those circumstances other than surrender to the higher plan playing out.

Oftentimes, we do have the power to protect and honor ourselves and our boundaries. Divine protection is always available to us. By simply calling on the higher powers of protection and asking for assistance, we can experience the love and protection of our guides, angels and the universe.

There is also something that needs to be known about overprotecting yourself. If you have built walls around you, protecting you from love, life, intimacy, success or anything else, it is definitely the time to re-evaluate where this is getting you. If you feel the need to be overprotected, then there is an issue with feeling unsafe.

You need to reflect and clear a hurt or pain you are holding onto. You may need to let go of the inner voice that is telling you that you are not safe. Clarify your boundaries, do not let them be crossed, call on the divine assistance and let those walls down.

You are asked to start reflecting on the boundaries in your life and what you can do about them.

You may need to ask yourself; do you know what your boundaries are in relation to work, relationships, home and other important areas of your life? Are you feeling safe in your home, workspace, relationships etc? What can you do now to ensure that your needs are met and you are able to feel safe and protected in your life?

Ask yourself these questions this week as you reflect on your boundaries.

Tuesday April 23, 2013 – Archangel Jeremiel- Awakening

Archangel Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the ability to help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and patterns, Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself.

Each person is born a unique fingerprint of God. We are the summation of a multitude of ingredients that together make us who we are.

We are born into specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing that we need to learn and grow into who we are to become.

Beyond that, we are made up of instinctive traits, fears, passions and longings that also reflect our nature.

Then we have a set of experiences for our lives where we may experience challenges or awakenings that move us even further along the path of who we are. We learn certain lessons or get naturally guided to different experiences and places. Beyond all that, we feel a calling; a drive to do, experience and become something, whether this is a career or an internal state.

All these things give us “clues” to what we need to gain and experience in order to learn and grow in this life and they show us what are soul longs to express  and feel.  It is time to look at what these clues are telling us about you.

It is time to truly feel the perfect God/Goddess that exists at the core of your being. It is then that  you may better see the true path that your experiences are taking on and what parts of yourself and your life must let go of in order to experience more happiness and integrity. Right now this is a time of awakening in your life, of waking up to the core of who you are and immense potential that you hold in each moment of your life.

Wednesday April 24, 2013 - Archangel Amathiel - Hope

Amathiel is the angel of hope and renewal and is the ruler of the season of spring.
She can bless any situation in which seeds for something new in our lives are being planted and can teach us about the constant renewal of the life/death cycle, providing us with hope and the fertility of new beginnings.

Hope is one of the most powerful of all human emotions. It awakens within us the strength, courage, and inspiration to do almost anything. But is this experience of “true” hope, the hope that comes even after our struggles, even when things seem pointless, hard or hopeless, that gives us new eyes to see with. This allows a new perspective to emerge from our being and we are reborn.
It is though this burst of clarity and inspiration, that we become able to manifest a new life for ourselves,. We take a renewed attitude with a renewed action and become able to attract the people and opportunities we need to create new beginnings and a new life.

If you are finding life’s struggles to be overwhelming, if you have felt confused, frustrated or defeated, it may be time for you to let go and surrender to the natural cycles of life. Just as nature has seasons and cycles, we do too! You may have been experiencing a “winter” within your psyche. Sit, breathe and allow yourself to connect to your deeper self.

If you are willing to take the time to connect, you will notice a change taking place within you. New life, new courage and new seeds are beginning to grow within you. A new phase of life is beginning, so be conscious and use this time well.

Thursday April 25, 2013- Archangel Raziel - Hidden Worlds

There are realms that exist beyond our everyday perception. Realms of color, sound, thought, feeling, and realms of myth. Realms of unimaginable vastness that cover both time and space.

There are times of increased awareness and increased sensitivity, where everyday perception shift in our senses become heightened. This occurs during major life or personal transition, the artistic or creative process and during the heightened spiritual or psychic awareness.

During these periods, the veil that separates the world become thinner in our everyday awareness becomes hyper awareness. Our senses become refined as we tune into new colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings, myths and the vastness of time space. All the sudden you seem to be experience in a time of putting awareness. This is a time for truly listening, feeling and opening up to the hidden worlds of the universe.
You may have thought yourself drawn to new thoughts, ideas and new experiences recently. You may become more aware of signs or omens from universe. Strange synchronicity may be occurring regularly. Your dreams are becoming stronger, stranger and more vivid. The veil may be thinning at this time, to reveal new worlds from both within and around you.

It is asked dreamily importance that you take note of what is revealing itself to you. There are secrets, keys and signs from the universe that want to reveal to you. It is an ideal time to write, draw, meditate, communicate and create. Let the secrets of the hidden world inspired you into a new state of consciousness. With this being 2013 a being the year of new beginnings and new start this message is extremely important for everyone to practice.

Friday April 26, 2013- Archangel Michael – Clearing

Archangel Michael is the Angel of protection and clearing. You can call upon him to provide protection to yourself, your loved ones, your home or property and can also help you cut any negative ties in your life.  

In order to clearly in your life you must be clear. There also time, old issues and old thought patterns. There any mental, spiritual, emotional or physical clutter.  

This message has, for you; this means there are areas in your life in need of clearing. 
On a physical level, it may be time to clear your home. When anything that is not relative to you now for the future life you want. Clean out all closet and corners. Get light and air circulating through your home. Clear your bodies fill yourself with fresh, nourishing food that is easy to digest and supports your system. Most importantly drank at least 2 liters of water every day. 
If you feel unclear on an emotional level, the first thing you can do is spend some time writing or journaling exactly what you are feeling. It will provide you with a direct reflection of what is going on for you and what you can do to resolve present issues. It also will provide you with the space to release pent up energy.  

You may also need to release someone or something from your life. You may need to cut ties with the person, place or event or clean an old emotional issue. Once you take the time to see what needs clearing and releasing, it becomes easier to take the action necessary to allow this to happen.  

It may be necessary to review your mental and spiritual space at this time. What are the old thought patterns, beliefs and self -talk habits polluting your mental and spiritual space? 
Quite often the key breaking a habit is to create a new one that is more supportive to your growth and happiness. If you are telling yourself things that are not in line with your highest truth and highest potential, it’s time to simply start telling yourself something different. This will take work, lots of discipline and awareness, but you'll get through and change the mental pattern if you keep repeating and honoring the new thought pattern.  

Ultimately the message here is that you need to take space for yourself now. Create a sense of inner stillness and calm. Then with strength and courage, clear away the clutter and destructive tides in your life.  

Saturday April 27, 2013- Archangel Jophiel-Illumination

Archangel Jophiel means “Beauty of God” She is the Angel of illumination. She appears to bring light where there is darkness and is a shining light of hope at the end of a seemingly endless night.

Illumination occurs when light fills a space where there was once darkness. The light of consciousness spreads, allowing us to see into the space that was once darkness and mystery of the unknown.

Illumination often occurs when least expect it. When we are lost in the dark and forgotten what the light and it looks like, up comes the sun in all its glory, lighting our way and filling us with new insight and inspiration.

When we are in darkness we often lose sight of the bigger picture.  We can easily forget everything comes in phases.  Without the darkness of introspection and the unknown changes cannot occur.  The phases we experience are extremely important to growth and success in our lives.

The sun is rising for you now, illuminating all the dark corners of your life and consciousness. This is a time of rebirth, renewed life and renewed clarity and inspiration. Within the light of the sun, every color exists, ready to bring color into our world.

There is unlimited potential all around you right now. You have the power to create anything you want for yourself and your life. All color is available to you now. 

Pay close attention to awakenings, realizations, ideas, answers and inspirations.  All the answers you are looking for are revealing themselves to right now.

Sunday April 28, 2013 - Sachiel - Prosperity

Sachiel is the angel of money, wealth and prosperity. He rules over the day Thursday, and is one of the angels of the planet Jupiter. (The planet of luck and good fortune). 
The can be called to help bring wealth and abundance into your life. 

Money is energy. Pure energy. It is a piece of paper that represents our time, work and energy and it represents the potential of living. It takes care of our basic survival such as food and shelter as well as offering the means to create what we want in our life. The ability to travel, have better work options or be pampered. It gives us the means to live life the way we want to. 

Money will not hold or cuddle you, it won't give birth to your children, TV spiritual awareness or have a conversation with you but it will pay for the couch you cuddle on, pay for your child's clothes and nappies, by books that inspire spiritual awareness and pay for the coffee you converse over. While money doesn't bring you love or happiness, it does provide you with the means to nurture love and happiness in your life. 

Money is also the energetic equivalent of your time and energy. When you work, you received money in exchange for your time, energy and talent. Every dollar you spent is worth a certain amount of your time and energy. When you overspend or stop noticing where your money is going, you are essentially not valuing yourself or your time and leaking your money, thereby draining yourself of both energy and resources. 

It's essential right now to notice your feelings, beliefs and behaviors regarding money. It is time to truly love, honor and respect your money and in turn it will want to be with you and work for you. If you take the time and the effort to truly look after this area of your life that gives you so much, you will find that the rewards can be infinite. If you think of money as a friend that you are happy to make the time and effort for, money will be your friend in return. 

However, you ignore, roadway, or think lowly of a friend you cannot possibly expect a good relationship to develop. Likewise you fear losing, playing to in this trust your friend, you are likely to scare your friend way. It is time to develop healthy, loving relationship with money. 

Abundance comes from within, not without. You have the power to create accumulate wealth and prosperity now. 

Monday April 29, 2013 - Archangel Metatron-Heaven & Earth

Archangel Metatron serves as the link between the human and the divine; heaven and Earth. Metatron is also the patron Angel children. Metatron is considered one of the mightiest of all Angels. He has been given the title the King of Angels and is said to be the record keeper of all that occurs in heaven.

Heaven and Earth, human and divine, the flesh and the spirit. These polarities are often considered so different and yet, one does not exist without the other. This is the truth that, once integrated, truly sets us free. What if we couldn't exist without the God/Goddess and God/Goddess couldn't exist without us? What if we were God/Goddess dreaming? God/Goddess experiencing itself for pleasure, movement and evolution? What if we were existing in the psyche of the God/Goddess, play our roles, using free will to the extent that we choose, yet operating with that greater spirit energy? 

We could have the power to create revolution/evolution within this space. We would truly be co-creators with the God/Goddess. When we connect the idea that we were intricately linked to everything in existence, become larger than ourselves. 

We become eternal. Become one with all will come before us and those who will follow.

All things become reflections of ourselves and reflections of the God/Goddess simultaneously.

Once we realize that we exist in a state of oneness, we may begin to open up to the power and potential we hold on this plane.

Everything we do, pink and believe affects the whole. Yet most of the time we walked blindly through life, believing we have free will, yet choosing to act based on personal fears and limitations, family, social or cultural beliefs about what is and isn't the right thing to do. Or we act based on destructive beliefs or neurosis that we have developed the various influences or traumas we may have experienced in our lives. When we act or attract from this place, the outcomes are generally mundane and predictable and not the product of free will rather the product of programming. The true use of free will occurs when we think and act from a place in our hearts the place that is free and at one with the divine, holding the power and potential of all that it. It comes to understanding the true potential that exists within every moment in the understanding that everything we do and think affects what will occur in our life, what we will experience and then turn will affect the whole of existence.

Once we realize that the idea the heaven and earth, the flesh and the spirit, human and divine, although polarities are all one and we have the power to affect and experience oneness with the whole, we will become conscious and awakened.

There’s always an Angel
Monday’s Angel looks down from above,
Tuesday’s Angel will wrap you in love,
Wednesday’s Angel is healing and caring,
Thursday’s Angel shares the load you are bearing,
Friday’s Angel will shoulder your woes,
Saturday’s Angel will lift you, when low,
Sunday’s Angel will send you affection,
and steer you and point you in your life’s direction.
All of your Angels are protective and giving
you reason to cherish the life you are living.
Whenever you need them, whatever the day,
your Angels will be there to show you the way.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Animal Message of the Week of April 15, 2013 – Wild Boar

Animal Message of the Week of April 15, 2013 – Wild Boar

Wild Boar
Meaning: Confrontation, Courage, Assertive
Whatever tradition or others expect of you, only to yourself be true.

Jungle lore casts meaty Wild Boar as a banquet for others, but Boar reverses
the role of predator and prey proving tradition wrong. If you allow society of individual to dictate the part you play in life, constant friction between outer persona and inner desire will cause stress, deep unhappiness and with time, coruscation resentment. If you role is a sham then your relationships with others will also be false. Boar counsels that you be true to yourself so that you may in turn be true to others.
Wild Boar People are learning to face their fears. This is because Wild Boar Medicine symbolizes fearlessness, aggressiveness and courage. Boar Medicine typically travels in a group (sounder), yet it is the adult experienced male Boar that is usually found alone.
The prominent ridge along Wild Boar Medicine's spine is also common, giving rise to the name ridgebacks or razorback.
When Wild Boar medicine grabs your attention it is asking you to confront your fears having full knowledge that you already have the wit and wisdom to overcome anything in your path without having to get physically tough with it. Many ancient cultures have used Wild Boar Medicine for its healing powers because of its ability to confront the unknown without fear.
Wild Boar's message is about courage and protection; while at the same time remaining defiant and confident that your wisdom through experience will get you to place that you desire to be.

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of April 14, 2013 to April 21, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of April 14, 2013 to April 21, 2013

Sunday April 14, 2013 - Samuel- Battle
Samuel (meaning "poison of god") is a representation of the shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and a fallen angel, Samuel is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and is a powerful figure in battle.

When up against seemingly unsurmountable odds and opposition Samuel can assist in war, legal battles etc.

It is the universal truth that the world is made up of opposites: where there is light, there's also darkness. Samuel has earned a reputation as Angel to be feared, but it is only through acceptance and knowledge of our shadow self that we can ever truly be whole.

All throughout history there are stories and myths about heroes going into battle; fighting dragons or even battling through dangerous territory at sea. These stories represent the hero standing the face of danger, ready to confront his or her shadow. They represent the hero's willingness to surrender to a higher state of consciousness at the expense of all ego attachments such as pride, greed and compulsion. The hero is even willing to die as he or she is connected to being part of the eternal consciousness of life, rather than the ego or identity state of consciousness.

So is the hero goes out to battle dragons in order to bring the goods actives are town, here she is actually going on a journey to face the shadow in order to bring the goods back to his or herself so that the movement can be made into the next phase of life, on an internal level.

Just might be time for you to go on this journey. You may feel surrounded by obstacles, temptations and danger, rather than getting scared or overwhelmed it is time to stop, look at what is occurring around you, connect to your deeper sense of personal truth than battle those Dragon to whichever way you know you need to.

It's also time to sacrifice your ego and fight for your highest truth with courage and integrity. Everything in this universe is perfect and imperfect order. It is interacting polarities that keep things in place and moving imperfect synchronicity.

Decide now where do you want to be in life. What are you willing to fight for? Have you become disconnected or numb, lost in mundane thought, TV and routine? 

Well, is absolutely time for you to wake up! This is a call to adventure. What are you going to fight for? This is a call to arms!

Monday April 15, 2013 - Archangel Gabriel -Art
Gabriel is the patron angel of communication and is known as “The Messenger Angel”.  He assists all matters of communication, whether it be on a personal level (as far as personal expression is concerned) or as the messenger of creative inspiration for artists (and for all art related projects).

Art is the message. Indefinable colors, symbols and found to contain an express the indescribable. Art is the manifestation or materialization of consciousness that exists in ethereal form. This is why when a new artist emerges and finds a way to express a vibration that has been bubbling below the surface of our awareness, a revolution takes place.

Whenever a society becomes rigid, represses and energy or becomes too much the extreme of an energy or value system, new art always emerges to challenge and bring balance to the whole.  From Picasso to the Beatles, the artist dives deep into the unconscious to bring forth something new.

The artist is a channel; an explorer of the tangible realms, a messenger of what was found or what found the artist.
To be an artist is to be open to the colors, sounds, symbols or stories that embody the world and are talking to you; to be willing to explore what is hidden in the unconscious worlds and to be brave enough to be a messenger of what you experience.
The moment the intellect or ego becomes involved, the artist becomes a blocked channel. Fear, arrogance, pride and insecurity are feeling that relate to the ego and the identity. The artist comes to you because it needs to be expressed and it is you is the correct birth canal.

It doesn't want you to take credit or own or judge what it. Just be a good parent nurture and protect it. The artist is the messenger not the message.
Now it is time for you to open yourself up these new ideas and new worlds of creative opportunity.

Release your fears, your pride and be brave enough to go to new territories within your inner landscape. The messages, images, sound and ideas you receive now are important to you personally, spiritually, creatively and vocationally.

Pay attention and be brave and open.

Tuesday April 16, 2013 - Ramaela-Joy
Joy is the expression of the heart at its highest vibration. The ability to stop and experience the beauty and perfection of life, without focus on outcomes, to be able to celebrate the beauty and grace of the goddess. That is what we experience will be allowed joy into our hearts.

Joy is the freedom of the heart, the inner child, the wild self, the true self. When we liberate ourselves from the heaviness of the mind, we free our hearts and give ourselves permission to be an express ourselves without the usual set of rules and limitations. These moments are food and nectar for the soul.
Joy connected to her true self the inner fire alive. Too much of this fire can burn out but not enough can leave us an empty vessel. Joy and the expression of joy is vital to our body, mind and soul.

Now is the time for laughter, play and the exploration of all things that bring you joy. It may be a time for being irreverent and carefree, a time to bring balance serious aspects of the self.

In many cultures of the world, there exists a trickster archetype, who trips people up when things are getting too serious or when they are taking themselves too seriously.

This is a time for you to trip yourself up in order to get back to earth. It is essential now let go of the heaviness that is around you, and have fun, play dance with life and find the lightness within the heart, mind and soul.

Find out what lights the flame of joy within your heart and give yourself the freedom to experience beautiful soul enriching feeling in your life right now.

Wednesday April 17, 2013 - Cassiel-Dark Night of the Soul
Light is consciousness. It reflects a waking world to us so that we can experience its reflection; interpreting and making sense of it so that we can more effectively walk within this world.

When the world around us or within us begins to changes, our conscious minds cannot make sense of the new data as the old interpretations and meanings no longer apply. We enter a new territory and the mind needs to release old ideas, illusions and patterns and at the same time expand to integrate a new level of consciousness.

Consciousness are usually shocking, disorientating and overwhelming. The mind leaves the safety, clarity, comfort and warmth or the day and must journey into the unconscious realm of night. Here we experience the breakdown of our previous reality and begin to experience a new truth emerging from within.
The whole process is scary but ultimately it is this type of death and rebirth of consciousness, that allows us to grow, expand and proceed through the phases of life.

You are currently experiencing a dark night of the soul. You may feel lost, scared, confused, stuck, angry or overwhelmed. You may feel helpless and hopeless, as though nothing can or will change, no matter what you do. You may feel alone, isolated, like no one in the world understands you. You may feel scared, angry and confused that what you believed to be your fixed reality has been shattered.
It is important for you to understand that this is a necessary shift in consciousness. You must leave the past behind and surrender to being in this strange, unknown space until all that must be faced is faced, all that must be cleared is cleared and all the must be integrated is integrated.

This rebirth occurs thought the passage of time and it will bring more to you than you could ever imagine and when that sun rises, a new and clarified self will emerge into a new day, where a new world of possibilities will be open to you.

Thursday April 18, 2013 - Archangel Amathiel - Hope
Amathiel is the angel of hope and renewal and is the ruler of the season of spring.

She can bless any situation in which seeds for something new in our lives are being planted and can teach us about the constant renewal of the life/death cycle, providing us with hope and the fertility of new beginnings.

Hope is one of the most powerful of all human emotions. It awakens within us the strength, courage, and inspiration to do almost anything. But is this experience of “true” hope, the hope that comes even after our struggles, even when things seem pointless, hard or hopeless, that gives us new eyes to see with. This allows a new perspective to emerge from our being and we are reborn.

It is though this burst of clarity and inspiration, that we become able to manifest a new life for ourselves,. We take a renewed attitude with a renewed action and become able to attract the people and opportunities we need to create new beginnings and a new life.

If you are finding life’s struggles to be overwhelming, if you have felt confused, frustrated or defeated, it may be time for you to let go and surrender to the natural cycles of life. Just as nature has seasons and cycles, we do too! You may have been experiencing a “winter” within your psyche. Sit, breathe and allow yourself to connect to your deeper self.

If you are willing to take the time to connect, you will notice a change taking place within you. New life, new courage and new seeds are beginning to grow within you. A new phase of life is beginning, so be conscious and use this time well.

Friday April 19. 2013 - Archangel Ariel-The Earth      
Archangel Ariel is the Archangel who governs the Earth and all its creatures, from the animals to the trees. Archangel Ariel can be called upon to help you to become more grounded, feel more connected to the Earth and become more in tune to the healing properties of the natural world. Good for understanding/working with crystals, animal medicine and also for connecting to the realms of Earth Angels (fairies, etc).

Ariel means “Lioness of God.” A warrior and protector of God’s beautiful creation and our home, Earth-from the forests, oceans and deserts, to all the animals, stones and nature spirits-Ariel governs the natural world and all that is wild and pure.

Humans are also part of the natural world. We are intricately linked to every cell that exists and we are completely dependent on the Earth itself to survive.
Ariel guides and inspires our wild self. Our connection to life and every living organism, our connection to the raw and authentic self, the part of us that is pure and untouched by fear, approval issues,  “should” and other ego-based issues, the pure, wild self that is truth, integrity, fearlessness and connection to life and  life’s cycle.

Ariel inspires us to dance in the moonlight, rejoice in the sunlight, swim in the oceans, put our feet in the sand, open up to our place on this planet and strengthen our connection to life and its cycles.
Stand on the ground and stand up strong.

It seems you may be feeling confused, wiped out, wishy-washy or you can’t get out of your head or stop thinking and getting ahead of yourself, it’s time to snap back down to Earth. Stop thinking about what you “should” do and stop ignoring your present moment.

Just stop and bring your attention back to your body, back to the present, back to you connection to life and its cycles, to the Earth and finally, back to your real self.

Be quiet until your truth emerges. You are being beckoned to awaken you wild and true nature.

Saturday April 20, 2013 - Sachiel - Prosperity
Sachiel is the angel of money, wealth and prosperity. He rules over the day Thursday, and is one of the angels of the planet Jupiter. (The planet of luck and good fortune). 

The can be called to help bring wealth and abundance into your life. 
Money is energy. Pure energy. It is a piece of paper that represents our time, work and energy and it represents the potential of living. It takes care of our basic survival such as food and shelter as well as offering the means to create what we want in our life. The ability to travel, have better work options or be pampered. It gives us the means to live life the way we want to. 

Money will not hold or cuddle you, it won't give birth to your children, TV spiritual awareness or have a conversation with you but it will pay for the couch you cuddle on, pay for your child's clothes and nappies, by books that inspire spiritual awareness and pay for the coffee you converse over. While money doesn't bring you love or happiness, it does provide you with the means to nurture love and happiness in your life. 
Money is also the energetic equivalent of your time and energy. When you work, you received money in exchange for your time, energy and talent. Every dollar you spent is worth a certain amount of your time and energy. When you overspend or stop noticing where your money is going, you are essentially not valuing yourself or your time and leaking your money, thereby draining yourself of both energy and resources. 

It's essential right now to notice your feelings, beliefs and behaviors regarding money. It is time to truly love, honor and respect your money and in turn it will want to be with you and work for you. If you take the time and the effort to truly look after this area of your life that gives you so much, you will find that the rewards can be infinite. If you think of money as a friend that you are happy to make the time and effort for, money will be your friend in return. 

However, you ignore, roadway, or think lowly of a friend you cannot possibly expect a good relationship to develop. Likewise you fear losing, playing to in this trust your friend, you are likely to scare your friend way. It is time to develop healthy, loving relationship with money. 

Abundance comes from within, not without. You have the power to create accumulate wealth and prosperity now. 

Sunday April 21, 2013 - Phuel-Intuition
Phuel , the  angel of the day Monday, is known as the angel of the moon and oceans. Governing intuition, emotion and psychic awareness. She can assist you to tap into these feminine energies expand your emotional awareness especially when called upon Monday or on a full moon.

Every answer to every question we have lies within us. The voice inside, the feeling in our gut and in our bones is our intuition. Intuition is another human sense. Our eyes and ears tell us what is around us, touch gives us texture, smell and taste interact with our surroundings, intuition tells us how we feel about our world, beyond what the physical  five senses can tell us.

Intuition guides us to our own personal higher cause. It tells what choices will best suit us, who we want in our lives and how to interpret the energy of our environment. On a higher level, intuition may tell you universal truths.

It is our intuition that connects us to ourselves and what we need for ourselves on a deeper level. When we lose touch with inner voice that guides and directs our lives, we become lost. When we  make choices based on lower impulses that serve the ego or we become dependent on outside sources to be the only guide and director of our lives, we become easily confused and indecisive or even begin to fear and lack faith and trust in life.

In this day and age it is essential to make time to listen to yourself. We are being fed so much information that tells us what to do, how to feel and what to think and we are so busy doing and distracting ourselves with tools of escape in our spare time that it is easy to forget to stop and just be with the self.

The answers you seek are inside you already. . Stop, be still and feel the truth within you. No one knows what is right you better than yourself. Have faith in yourself and listen to your intuition for that will always steer you in the right direction and the right path.

"Why does the night sky sparkle? Because each star is a jewel carried by an Angel!"