Hello everyone I
hope the angel messages this week bring you awaking and joy to your daily
Monday September 10, 2012- Archangel
Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the
ability to help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and
patterns, Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself.
Each person is
born a unique fingerprint of God. We are the summation of a multitude of
ingredients that together make us who we are.
We are born into
specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing
that we need to learn and grow into who we are to become.
Beyond that, we
are made up of instinctive traits, fears, passions and longings that also
reflect our nature.
Then we have a
set of experiences for our lives where we may experience challenges or
awakenings that move us even further along the path of who we are. We learn
certain lessons or get naturally guided to different experiences and places.
Beyond all that, we feel a calling; a drive to do, experience and become
something, whether this is a career or an internal state.
All these things
give us “clues” to what we need to gain and experience in order to learn and
grow in this life and they show us what are soul longs to express and
feel. It is time to look at what these clues are telling us about you.
It is time to
truly feel the perfect God/Goddess that exists at the core of your being. It is
then that you may better see the true path that your experiences are
taking on and what parts of yourself and your life must let go of in order to
experience more happiness and integrity. Right now this is a time of
awakening in your life, of waking up to the core of who you are and immense
potential that you hold in each moment of your life.
Tuesday September 11, 2012-Ramaela-Joy
Joy is the
expression of the heart at its highest vibration. The ability to stop and
experience the beauty and perfection of life, without focus on outcomes, to be
able to celebrate the beauty and grace of the goddess. That is what we
experience will be allowed joy into our hearts.
Joy is the
freedom of the heart, the inner child, the wild self, the true self. When we
liberate ourselves from the heaviness of the mind, we free our hearts and give
ourselves permission to be an express ourselves without the usual set of rules
and limitations. These moments are food and nectar for the soul.
Joy connected to
her true self the inner fire alive. Too much of this fire can burn out but not
enough can leave us an empty vessel. Joy and the expression of joy is vital to
our body, mind and soul.
Now is the time
for laughter, play and the exploration of all things that bring you joy. It may
be a time for being irreverent and carefree, a time to bring balance serious
aspects of the self.
In many cultures
of the world, there exists a trickster archetype, who trips people up when
things are getting too serious or when they are taking themselves too
This is a time
for you to trip yourself up in order to get back to earth. It is essential now
let go of the heaviness that is around you, and have fun, play dance with life
and find the lightness within the heart, mind and soul.
Find out what
lights the flame of joy within your heart and give yourself the freedom to
experience beautiful soul enriching feeling in your life right now.
September 12, 2012- Archangel Chamuel-Divine Love
Chamuel is the angel of love and relationships, both with the self and with
others. He can be called upon to heal, strengthen and improve relationships,
and can help with resolving relationship issues or challenges. Chamuel also
teaches you how to love and accept yourself more wholly.
Love is the
essence of all things. If everything in the universe is in divine and perfect
order and every situation, event and experience brings about the next step of
the cosmic dance, then every experience whether happy or sad, is God/Goddess’s
love working though our lives, teaching us and helping us to grow and evolve.
When you can
look at your experiences and see what your soul has gained, you allow the love
of the God/Goddess into your heart. Every experience offers you the opportunity
to learn and grow and this is the greatest gift of all.
Life the
muscles in the body, when the psyche is not challenged and exercised, it
becomes weak, limp and eventually dies.
The time has
come to realize that you are loved! You are love! That is the simple truth
whether you are conscious of it or not. The time has come for turning the act
of love inward on yourself. The universe offers endless supplies of love but
what you do with that is your choice. All relationships are a reflection of
what you feel about yourself and what you feel you deserve.
It is the time
to really start noticing what you relationships are saying about you. It is
time to go within and really give yourself, set new boundaries of pamper and
adorn yourself. Whatever it is, it is imperative that you pinpoint what it is
you really need and work on fulfilling that need for yourself.
Sit down and
look at what you feel is missing in your relationship or what is attracting you
about a person and in turn give those things to yourself.
Once you take
it upon yourself to love, honor and respect yourself and remove any harmful
influences, you will find that the world will reflect that love right back to
September 13, 2012- Archangel Raphael - Health
The name "Raphael" means "God Heals "Raphael,
known as the "Divine Physician", is the angel of healing and healers.
As both a healer and a teacher, Raphael can assist in healing illness, disease
and sickness and is also the patron Angel who guides our study the healing
arts. True health of occurs when the
mind, body and spirit if this balance state of harmony.
When one
aspect of health becomes imbalanced, it affects all aspects of health too. This
is something we seek constantly in our lives. When the mind becomes stressed,
strained, over or under worked, our bodies react immediately. We make variants
digestive problems, sleep problems, headaches or worse. Likewise when the body
is in pain, congested or restricted, we may feel anger, stress or depression.
In order
to function in true health, we must look at every aspect of our lives to find a
healthy, balanced diet, exercise, water and vitamins, balance with sleep, rest
and play, all assist the body think that, strong, stimulated and relax, which
helps the mind to stay centered and the spirit to feel alive and free.
study and creativity can keep the mind centered and stimulated, allowing the
body to experience more life and energy.
When we
connect to the spirit and connect to being part of something bigger, it is the
mind perspective and allows our bodies to the strong center.
intents are outdated emotion builds up in our system without any form of
healthy release, it becomes poison in our bodies and can turn into serious
illness. If you have been experiencing illness or disharmony of any kind it may
be time for you to tune into your body, mind, emotions and spirit to find the
root of what's causing you pain on a deeper, unexpressed or unresolved level so
that you can take the action necessary to clear the problem.
essential for you to observe yourself now and explore what you need to do in
order to experience true health and true balance.
it is a diet, exercise, rest, meditation or journaling to release pent up
energy, it is essential that the action is taken now in order to bring your
life and health into balance.
I offer
and energy cleansing that is known to chakra balancing or chakra cleansing
right now it is on special on my sales page. A chakra balancing will help to
clear all the blocks you are experiencing. Also a chakra balancing is a
wonderful tool to add to the beginning of a diet, positive out the conception,
or just get your body back into balance needs to be healthy and well.
Friday September 14, 2012-
Cassiel-Dark Night of the Soul
Light is
consciousness. It reflects a waking world to us so that we can experience its
reflection; interpreting and making sense of it so that we can more effectively
walk within this world.
When the world
around us or within us begins to changes, our conscious minds cannot make sense
of the new data as the old interpretations and meanings no longer apply. We
enter a new territory and the mind needs to release old ideas, illusions and
patterns and at the same time expand to integrate a new level of consciousness.
The inner or
outer changes that occur to provoke these shirts in consciousness are usually
shocking, disorientating and overwhelming. The mind leaves the safety, clarity,
comfort and warmth or the day and must journey into the unconscious realm of
night. Here we experience the breakdown of our previous reality and begin to
experience a new truth emerging from within.
The whole
process is scary but ultimately it is this type of death and rebirth of
consciousness, that allows us to grow, expand and proceed through the phases of
You are
currently experiencing a dark night of the soul. You may feel lost, scared,
confused, stuck, angry or overwhelmed. You may feel helpless and hopeless, as
though nothing can or will change, no matter what you do. You may feel alone,
isolated, like no one in the world understands you. You may feel scared, angry
and confused that what you believed to be your fixed reality has been
It is important
for you to understand that this is a necessary shift in consciousness. You must
leave the past behind and surrender to being in this strange, unknown space
until all that must be faced is faced, all that must be cleared is cleared and
all the must be integrated is integrated.
This rebirth
occurs thought the passage of time and it will bring more to you than you could
ever imagine and when that sun rises, a new and clarified self will emerge into
a new day, where a new world of possibilities will be open to you.
September 15, 2012- Nathaniel -Passion
(which means gift of God) is the Angel of fire. The elements of fire rules
drive, passion, purification, creativity, spirit and change. Nathaniel can be
called upon to assist with these qualities are required.
Passion is the
flame the lights the soul. It keeps us warm, connected,
integrated and alive. It awakens within us a desire and a drive.
A desire for knowledge, love, travel, expansion, expression and change.
It drives us forward and awakens in us the need to truly experience life.
Like fire,
passion comes with the danger of burning out of control and wreaking havoc on
our insides as well as our outsides. It also comes with the danger of burning
When nurtured
and cared for, fire has the power to bring life, light and warm into our lives
and so does passion.
When we
surrender our ego and personal will to something higher, the power, energy, ecstasy
of the divine is given room to move within us. We are filled with the
all-consuming essence of love and the overwhelming ecstasy occurs when the
barriers of the ego dissolve and we experience unification.
It is from
this state that we have a deeper and higher experience of passion. This
is the passion that ignites and inspires love. This is the
passion that drives and inspires us to do great things. This is the
passion that awakens our sense of purpose.
Now is a time
to allow a higher sense of passion and purpose to fill your heart, for
the light of that flame to illuminate the path ahead, leading you to new paths
and new adventures in your life.
Now is the
time to surrender your personal will to the higher will of God/Goddess allowing
a true sense of purpose to fill you. This is the time to release the ego,
allowing a sense of oneness to permeate your being and let the power and
passion of love to move within you. This is a time to be passionate, courageous
and inspired. Take a leap of faith and let the light of passion guide you to
your new adventures.
September 16, 2012- Phuel-Intuition
Phuel ,
the angel of the day Monday, is known as the angel of the moon and
oceans. Governing intuition, emotion and
psychic awareness. She can assist you to tap into these feminine energies
expand your emotional awareness especially when called upon Monday or on a full
Every answer
to every question we have lies within us. The voice inside, the feeling in our
gut and in our bones is our intuition. Intuition is another human sense. Our
eyes and ears tell us what is around us, touch gives us texture, smell and
taste interact with our surroundings, intuition tells us how we feel about our
world, beyond what the physical five senses can tell us.
guides us to our own personal higher cause. It tells what choices will best
suit us, who we want in our lives and how to interpret the energy of our
environment. On a higher level, intuition may tell you universal truths.
It is our
intuition that connects us to ourselves and what we need for ourselves on a
deeper level. When we lose touch with inner voice that guides and directs our
lives, we become lost. When we make choices based on lower impulses that
serve the ego or we become dependent on outside sources to be the only guide
and director of our lives, we become easily confused and indecisive or even
begin to fear and lack faith and trust in life.
In this day
and age it is essential to make time to listen to yourself. We are being fed so
much information that tells us what to do, how to feel and what to think and we
are so busy doing and distracting ourselves with tools of escape in our
spare time that it is easy to forget to stop and just be with the self.
The answers
you seek are inside you already. . Stop, be still and feel the truth within you.
No one knows what is right you better than yourself. Have faith in yourself and
listen to your intuition for that will always steer you in the right direction
and the right path.
Let the angels
messages help give you advice and guide you through the week. I would also like
to send a healing message to those who lost loved ones in the September 11th
attack you are remembered…always.
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