Monday, July 30, 2012

Rune for the season

Salutations The Rune for this season is Wunjo. It is a symbol of joy and success. It is also the origin of the word joy.

Wunjo, when upright, is a very positive rune. The ancient’s defined joy as someone who has few worries, is blessed and has a good home. Roughly translated, it is being in tune with your body, mind and soul.

Wunjo (Woon-yo)

Other Names: Wynja, Wynn, Wyn

Great happiness, high spirits, joy, pleasure, satisfaction


Understanding, realization of ambition, success in romance
and good health. Partnerships flourish. New beginnings are
blessed with joyfulness. Your eyes are opened to the truth.
Wunjo is linked to a reward, a feeling of goodness and
satisfaction, peaceful winning, and ultimate achievement. It
contains the idea of everything going well because you are
in total harmony with life. Wunjo also implies close cooperation
and companionship with other people, because joy
is not usually a solitary emotion. When so much of life can
be negative, it is important to allow Wunjo’s joy to reach
into every part of your life.

Personal Interpretation

Happiness is yours if you are willing to work for it. You must
strive for balance and harmony in your life. Always look for
solutions rather than dwell on problems. For happiness to last, it
must be founded on truth and honesty. Hide from the truth and you
hide from true happiness. Seek only what is good and right, and
good fortune cannot fail to follow.

Reverse: Misunderstanding. Ambition stalled. Romantic or partnership difficulties. Not a good time for new ventures.

Converse: The truth is hidden from you. Success is elusive - work hard. Imagined love is false. Partnerships under strain through secretive behavior.

Happiness and joy, glory. The battle well-fought and won. A wand. Prosperity and
good fellowship. Peacefulness.

There is a term in Anglo-Saxon, "wuldortanas", which is "glory twigs." which
many experts associate with the rune.

It is especially good in bind runes for ensuring victory. Old Norse _vend_or
Vindr, "Wind." As such wynn, or vend, can be visualized as a wind-vane, which
shows "which direction the wind is blowing." Wend, also means to change the
direction of something, to turn or to run with or against the wind. To change
one situation into another, is another use of Wunjo both magically and in
divination. It is, in its essence, that which is favorable.

This rune also suggests the peaceful joy found in the shamanic ecstatic state of
bliss, that place where the spirit can travel and experience a pleasure and
peace that the body cannot travel to. In this, there are many joy's, that of
love, sexual, a simple contentedness or at ease. Wunjo can promote these things
and indicate a time of favor. For this reason, Wunjo appears significantly in
sex magicks in that attempt to promote the harmony of forces between two people
and their energy, as well as the increase of energy to achieve ecstatic bliss.

Divination: Favorable time ahead, the victory in a struggle, calm waters..
potentially a happy love.

Magickal: Promote accord in energies, increase favorable outcomes, build
energies in that of emotions.

Rune Poem: Verse VIII

He enjoys Delight who knows little of
Of suffering and sorrow,
And has for his own prosperity, pleasure,
Eke the plenty of cities

Modern Rune Poem

It is bliss to reach the state of happiness;
No suffering, no sorrows, great joy.
To have the necessities of life
And to be able to help others
Even in a reversal of fortune
One who is truly free
Can still find joy
In this world and in other realms.

Rune Correspondence

Associated Gods: Odin, Frigg
Astrological Correspondence/Sign: Leo
Color: Light Blue
Corresponding Alphabetical Letter: W
Element: Ice (Water)
Gemstone: Diamond
Herb: Flax
Polarity: Male
Rune Number: 8
Tarot Correspondence: The Star 
Tree: The Ash

I hope this rune reading helped you gain some insight into your season.
Psychic Healer Christine

Tarotscope for the week of July 30, 2012 - August 5, 2012

Tarotscope for the week of July 30, 2012 - August 5, 2012

Happy end of July all I am looking forward to August and the coming of fall, it has been a hot summer. We visit with the Fae again for our Tarotscope. I apologize about not having one the past few weeks. I wanted to re-do the Tarotscope of the week. I hope you like the new change.

 I wanted to do a new approach to it. Tarotscope’s are for all walks of life men and women alike. Tarotscope’s are a unique experience for everyone who reads them. They also offer guidance and insight that you may not expect.

I will be offering a new weekly Tarotscope on my readings page for $50 at an introductory rate. It will be for a one month Tarotscope it will detail your Career, Finance, Relationships, and your Soul Focus for each week. You can click here to order!!!

I am visiting with the Fae again for your reading. They are in a great mood preparing for the harvest and the sabbat of Lammas. I will be posting a special Lammas reading on my blog this week as well.

The 4 of Swords is a card that signifies a break (or need for a break) from normal life. This can also mean that you or someone in your life may withdraw for a time. This withdrawal is not likely to be permanent. It also occasionally means illness or time in the hospital or (even more rarely) in jail. It’s a clear signifier to give people their space. This card usually means that you need some time and space to yourself. Others may be pushing too hard for bits of your time and attention. Don’t hesitate to draw boundaries for yourself or to say no. Conversely, when others say no to you, take them at their word. Pushing in this circumstance is asking for trouble.

The Fae’s message to you is the if you are facing a difficult situation and find that you don’t have the strength to deal with it, then don’t take a break, and get some rest.

Your mind cannot function well if you are worn out. Even though your problem will still be there when you wake up of come back to it, you will be much better equipped to deal with it wisely. And sometimes people do find solutions to problems in their dreams.


The King of Wands signifies wise, open, positive, adventurous masculine energy. As with all court cards, the king can indicate a literal person in your life; most often a man with hair on the lighter end of the spectrum. When the King appears, you are likely to have an abundance of energy which you are inclined to use in a positive direction.

The King of Wands is also positive omen. Even when he does not represent a literal individual
in your life, he signifies that men around you are generally supportive and think well of you. You will be feeling ambitious and goal-oriented, and furthermore, you will have the wherewithal to accomplish what you have in mind. Think positively.


The 6 of Cups is often a card about nostalgia; looking back on how things “used” to be. It can be (but is not always) connected with children or childhood. It's important not to spend too much time and effort thinking about the “good old days.” We all have happy memories to reflect on from time to time, but if we start thinking that the “best of all years have gone by”, then that can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Your Fae message is that something or someone is missing from your life, and you feel that loss quite deeply. You find a sort of peace in living in the past. Memories are funny things and easily altered by time and distance. They can be bewitching and invasive. They can even be tyrants, Reliving memories can be comforting, but don’t let them keep you from living in the present.


The 8 of Pentacles can indicate a period of very hard work. This does not have to be a negative thing, but you must be prepared for it. Think about what it is that you are working for. This work can be personal or professional. Be prepared to ask for help if you need it. This card points to necessary efforts. You will have a lot on your plate that you must accomplish. Dedication to the tasks at hand is important (and admirable,) but working for its own sake can be counterproductive. Be clear on what you are trying to accomplish. Strive for balance. No one can or should work all the time.

Now is a time to learn something new…either brand new or to challenge yourself by improving something you already know how to do. Or perhaps it is time for you to teach someone else something new. The thing to keep in mind about teaching is that teachers can learn things, too.


The Wheel of Fortune tells you that in general, it looks as though things are changing. In most cases, this indicates positive, needed changes but for some people, change itself is very difficult and can almost be traumatic. This is a very spiritual and “Karmically” oriented time. Change is part of the cyclical nature of life. This card always reminds us that “this too shall pass.” Whether that's good times or bad times, it passes. If suddenly you find yourself “sitting on top of the world,” keep your perspective, as that too, like everything else, changes. Live in the now, count your blessings, and just realize that much of life is outside of your control, but that even that is okay. Roll with any changes, and think positively.

You answer isn’t so much about what is happening to you now, but rather about how you face what is happening. See all challenges as opportunities. Look for spiritual lessons as you experience sadness. Remember to express gratitude thought your joys. The more you learn to do this, the less traumatically you will be affected with each turning of the wheel.


Strength indicates the importance of mind over matter, and reminds you to focus on what you do want rather than what you don't want in your life. Its main point is that you have the ability to harness your thoughts and to use them for your - and everyone else's - highest good. Not only do you have the ability; you have the responsibility. So conquer your fears, control your impulses, and never lose patience with yourself or what you are doing.  It is important now for you to make time to meditate and contemplate and spend some time alone even if you are in a committed relationship and have 9teen children! Do not allow yourself to spend time in preoccupation and fear. Outward things will be going all right but what is of the most paramount importance is keeping your head on straight.

If you have found yourself in this thicket as night is falling, and  you’re not quite sure what to do, Strength would remind you to understand your inner dragon . Reconnect with the part of you that is fiercely connected with the deep power of the earth. Find the molten center that will fire your courage. Then infuse it with wisdom so you can wield your power with elegance, grace, and precision.

The Magician is about making higher - and better - use of all of one's power. Spiritual, emotional, and otherwise. This is another card that often signifies new beginnings and great expectations. This is a very powerful, positive omen in a reading. This card reminds us that we have the power to make a difference, in our lives and in the greater world, if we simply make a point to try.  You may notice many synchronicities, which point towards deep, spiritual events taking place regardless of the “importance” of their superficial appearances. You should be finding that you have the knowledge, strength, and inspiration needed to meet your challenges. In general this is a very positive time for you.

While in this part of the garden of life, you are reminded that you have more control over your life than you may think or feel at the moment. That’s a wonderful empowering notion. But humans can be careless, thoughtless, or even short-sighted. You must be aware that everything you do has consequences, sometimes further reaching then you can imagine. Like the Magician, you have power and ability; use it well.


When the 10 of Wands appears, you may feel as though you are carrying a very heavy burden. You may want to look hard at this and see if there are any ways that you might “lighten your load” either literally or figuratively. If you look carefully you may find that part of the “burden” you are carrying emotionally actually “belongs” to someone else. It will be important for you to pace yourself now. Don’t try to do “too much.”  Sometimes the 10 of Wands indicates that you have been “too” successful and would be well-served by scaling back. You are probably tired, you’ve been working very hard, personally and professionally, and could use a break. Give yourself one.

You are carrying a very heavy burden. Responsibilities overwhelm you. Your life feels pretty miserable. There will be times in your life when this is true. In those cases, you must find hope and strength where you can, such as truing to others for help or inspiration. However, you should make sure that you aren’t carrying at burden needlessly. When you are feeling overwhelmed examine your load.

Do you really need to be responsible for it all?
Is there perhaps a better way to handle the load?
Is there some way to make your path easier?


Unlike a number of the Swords cards, the Knight of Swords actually brings a fairly upbeat and cheerful energy. Knights can often mean that someone or something desirable is about to seek you out. The Knight of Swords also points to your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy being at a peak. If you’re waiting for news from someone or something, you are likely to like what you hear. The Knight of Swords can point to lots of activity, travel, being out and about, getting things accomplished. You are unlikely to feel like waiting for anything to come to you; that’s a good thing… go after your heart’s desire.


When the 3 of Wands appears, you are likely to find that your finances are going much better, in fact this can be the month that your proverbial “ship has come in.” You are likely to be feeling very strong…and with good reason. You may be finally experiencing some important success after you’ve been through some difficulty.  In general the 3 of Wands refers to work, in an extremely positive way. Even if you don’t work outside the home, it means that your efforts are seen, appreciated, and are well respected. Give yourself some credit.

It is almost time to move forward. But first, you must consider all the possibilities. Do some research, write out all the options, and think about what goal is more appealing to you. Make a map of your journey and a list of the things you’ll need. You’ll want to be sure that you’ll need along the way, that you know where you want to go, and that you’ll know what you want to do once you arrived.


The King of Cups speaks of balanced male and femi9 energy; he holds all the positive qualities of  both masculine and femi9. Often he indicates a literal man in your life. Usually, when he represents a ‘live person', he's referring to a very kind and loving man, who will generally have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum. Know that you are supported by the universe, in ways seen and unseen, when he appears. The King of Cups represents kindness and compassion. There is an element of pure and true love in your life no matter what your situation when he appears. Nurture yourself, and allow others to nurture you, when you receive this card in a reading.


The Moon indicates that things may seem somewhat confusing to you now. You may find it hard to understand where you are coming from, much less what others are thinking and feeling! You need to try to sit with the uncertainty, don't try to force things or people to do things before they are ready. This card is the “Pisces” of the tarot deck. You are definitely in a more psychic and intuitive phase than usual, so it will be important for you to trust your instincts and your impressions, even if you don't know where they are coming from. Also, note that you need to be mistrusting, but it will be helpful for you to realize that when this card appears, it's possible that all is not what it seems. If you feel you can't trust someone, then you probably can't. Go with your gut. If you are waiting on an answer from someone, it may, unfortunately, take longer than you would like for it to. Try to stay patient.

If you are lost on the Moon fae’s night, your answer is as shadowy as moonlight itself. What is clear is that your subconscious is stirred up. What is emerging---your fears, your hopes, or your dreams?

Pay attention to your intuition and your dreams. Listen carefully for messages from the universe. Take care, and make sure you want to seek the truth. In this situation, you are in danger of seeing what you want to see of hearing what you want to hear.

I hope you enjoy the change to the Tarotscopes. Feel free to comment below about what you think of them or how they have inspired you.

Goddess Blessings

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Angel Messages for the week of July 30, 2012

Angel Messages for the week of July 30, 2012

Monday July 30, 20121 -Sachiel (Prosperity) 

Sachiel is the angel of money, wealth and prosperity. He rules over the day Thursday, and is one of the angels of the planet Jupiter. (Planet of luck & good fortune). 

The can be called to help bring wealth and abundance into your life. 
Money is energy, pure energy. It is a piece of paper that represents our time, work and energy and it represents the potential of living. It takes care of our basic survival such as food and shelter as well as offering the means to create what we want in our life. The ability to travel, have better work options or be pampered. It gives us the means to live life the way we want to. 

Money will not hold or cuddle you, it won't give birth to your children, TV spiritual awareness or have a conversation with you but it will pay for the couch you cuddle on, pay for your child's clothes and nappies, by books that inspire spiritual awareness and pay for the coffee you converse over. While money doesn't bring you love or happiness, it does provide you with the means to nurture love and happiness in your life. 

Money is also the energetic equivalent of your time and energy. When you work, you received money in exchange for your time, energy and talent. Every dollar you spent is worth a certain amount of your time and energy. When you overspend or stop noticing where your money is going, you are essentially not valuing yourself or your time and leaking your money, thereby draining yourself of both energy and resources. 

It's essential right now to notice your feelings, beliefs and behaviors regarding money. It is time to truly love, honor and respect your money and in turn it will want to be with you and work for you. If you take the time and the effort to truly look after this area of your life that gives you so much, you will find that the rewards can be infinite. If you think of money as a friend that you are happy to make the time and effort for, money will be your friend in return. 

However, you ignore, roadway, or think lowly of a friend you cannot possibly expect a good relationship to develop. Likewise you fear losing, playing to in this trust your friend, you are likely to scare your friend way. It is time to develop healthy, loving relationship with money. 

Abundance comes from within, not without. You have the power to create accumulate wealth and prosperity now. I offer an Attracting Abundance Session that helps you attract abundance.

It is done weekly where you receive a series of "special" balancing’s and affirmation’s and visualizations to attract abundance to you. 

Click here to order.

Tuesday July 31, 2012-Archangel Azrael-Surrender
Archangel Azreal means “Whom God helps” A gentle beautiful being, Azrael is the angel who accompanies souls to heaven after they passed on. You can call upon him to help you through the grieving process and help you come to terms with the natural cycles of life and death.

Death, like life, is constant. Everything in existence is constantly dying and being reborn-from the cells in our body, to our thoughts and feelings, to the constant shifting cycles of nature. Like most aspects of nature, the human psyche also goes though larger cycles. The Earth has her days, nights, 28 day moon cycle, 12 month sun cycle and seasons just to name a few.

We also cycles and more often than not they are in complete attunement to the natural cycles. Whether that be though the  day, night, the weather, seasons or astrology, we have cycles and rhythms that are in tune with nature, regardless of whether we choose to be conscious of it or not.

The part of the cycle coming up here is death. At this stage we deal with a release and surrender.  We must at this stage really some aspect of our life and our self. Beyond that we must rethink the ego; the part of our self that is attached to identity, to itself being see, being right, the part that buys into the illusion of believing that we can never truly know the unknowable. Right now surrender must occur.  Surrender to God/Goddess, to life, to the universe and a higher intelligence that exists in love.

Once this occurs, a new kind of freedom will be achieved within your psyche and the spirit and we become clean slate for a new phase to begin.

A death phase can be exciting, terrifying, ecstatic, devastating or all the above, depending on what is occurring for you. Ultimately all that can be done is to process whatever feelings are coming up and surrender to this divine and natural cycle of consciousness. Inability to surrender will only result in this part of the cycle being a longer, more drawn-out and difficult process than it necessarily has to be. Right now a true sense of liberation awaits you.  A new phase.

Change is occurring now, time to embrace and surrender to it.

Wednesday August 1, 2012-Phuel-Intuition

Phuel, the angel of the day Monday, is known as the angel of the moon and oceans. Phuel governs intuition, emotion and psychic awareness. She can assist you to tap into these feminine energies expand your emotional awareness especially when called upon Monday or on a full moon.

Every answer to every question we have lies within us. The voice inside, the feeling in our gut and in our bones is our intuition. Intuition is another human sense. Our eyes and ears tell us what is around us, touch gives us texture, smell and taste interact with our surroundings, intuition tells us how we feel about our world, beyond what the physical  five senses can tell us.

Intuition guides us to our own personal higher cause. It tells what choices will best suit us, who we want in our lives and how to interpret the energy of our environment. On a higher level, intuition may tell you universal truths.

It is our intuition that connects us to ourselves and what we need for ourselves on a deeper level. When we lose touch with inner voice that guides and directs our lives, we become lost. When we  make choices based on lower impulses that serve the ego or we become dependent on outside sources to be the only guide and director of our lives, we become easily confused and indecisive or even begin to fear and lack faith and trust in life.

In this day and age it is essential to make time to listen to yourself. We are being fed so much information that tells us what to do, how to feel and what to think and we are so busy doing and distracting ourselves with tools of escape in our spare time that it is easy to forget to stop and just be with the self.

The answers you seek are inside you already. . Stop, be still and feel the truth within you. No one knows what is right you better than yourself. Have faith in yourself and listen to your intuition for that will always steer you in the right direction and the right path.

Looking to enhance your Intuition I will be offering a Spiritual Enrichment Course soon. Click here for details.

Thursday August 2, 20121-Archangel Metatron-Heaven & Earth

Archangel Metatron serves as the link between the human and the divine; heaven and Earth. Metatron is also the patron Angel children. Metatron is considered one of the mightiest of all Angels. He has been given the title the King of Angels and is said to be the record keeper of all that occurs in heaven.

Heaven and Earth, human and divine, the flesh and the spirit. These polarities are often considered so different and yet, one does not exist without the other. This is the truth that, once integrated, truly sets us free. What if we couldn't exist without the God/Goddess and God/Goddess couldn't exist without us? What if we were God/Goddess dreaming? God/Goddess experiencing itself for pleasure, movement and evolution? What if we were existing in the psyche of the God/Goddess, play our roles, using free will to the extent that we choose, yet operating with that greater spirit energy?

We could have the power to create revolution/evolution within this space. We would truly be co-creators with the God/Goddess. When we connect the idea that we were intricately linked to everything in existence, become larger than ourselves.

We become eternal. Become one with all will come before us and those who will follow.
All things become reflections of ourselves and reflections of the God/Goddess simultaneously.

Once we realize that we exist in a state of oneness, we may begin to open up to the power and potential we hold on this plane.

Everything we do, pink and believe affects the whole. Yet most of the time we walked blindly through life, believing we have free will, yet choosing to act based on personal fears and limitations, family, social or cultural beliefs about what is and isn't the right thing to do. Or we act based on destructive beliefs or neurosis that we have developed the various influences or traumas we may have experienced in our lives. When we act or attract from this place, the outcomes are generally mundane and predictable and not the product of free will rather the product of programming.

The true use of free will occurs when we think and act from a place in our hearts the place that is free and at one with the divine, holding the power and potential of all that it. It comes to understanding the true potential that exists within every moment in the understanding that everything we do and think affects what will occur in our life, what we will experience and then turn will affect the whole of existence.

Once we realize that the idea the heaven and earth, the flesh and the spirit, human and divine, although polarities are all one and we have the power to affect and experience oneness with the whole, we will become conscious and awakened.

Friday August 3, 2012-Samuel -Batttle

Samuel (meaning "poison of god") is a representation of the shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and a fallen angel, Samuel is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and is a powerful figure in battle.

When up against seemingly unsurmountable odds and opposition Samba can assist in war, legal battles etc.

It is the universal truth that the world is made up of opposites: where there is light, there's also darkness. Samuel has earned a reputation as Angel to be feared, but it is only through acceptance and knowledge of our shadow self that we can ever truly be whole.

All throughout history there are stories and myths about heroes going into battle; fighting dragons or even battling through dangerous territory at sea. These stories represent the hero standing the face of danger, ready to confront his or her shadow. They represent the hero's willingness to surrender to a higher state of consciousness at the expense of all ego attachments such as pride, greed and compulsion. The hero is even willing to die as he or she is connected to being part of the eternal consciousness of life, rather than the ego or identity state of consciousness.

So is the hero goes out to battle dragons in order to bring the goods actives are town, here she is actually going on a journey to face the shadow in order to bring the goods back to his or herself so that the movement can be made into the next phase of life, on an internal level.

Just might be time for you to go on this journey. You may feel surrounded by obstacles, temptations and danger, rather than getting scared or overwhelmed it is time to stop, look at what is occurring around you, connect to your deeper sense of personal truth than battle those Dragon to whichever way you know you need to.

It's also time to sacrifice your ego and fight for your highest truth with courage and integrity. Everything in this universe is perfect and imperfect order. Its interacting polarities that keep things in place and moving imperfect synchronicity.

Decide now where do you want to be in life. What are you willing to fight for? Have you become disconnected or numb, lost in mundane thought, TV and routine? 

Well, is absolutely time for you to wake up! This is a call to adventure. What are you going to fight for? This is a call to arms!

Saturday August 4,2012-Dokiel -Balance

Dokiel, Angel balance, is known as" The Weighing Angel". In the testing of Abraham XIII stated that Dokiel is the Angel" who is like the sun, holding the balance in his hand" and it is also equated with the Egyptian God Anubis, "the Guardian of the scales".

Whenever there is a need for balance in our lives, the Angel Dokiel can provide us with assistance.

All of life is made up of the will forces. Polarities are holding in place opposite aspects of the same central force. Masculine and feminine, day and night, the flesh and spirit, activity impasse activity, thought and feeling, all of life operates through these opposing forces.

When we become aware of the Zhongshan polarities that make up the way of life, we see that our perceptions about right and wrong, good and bad are essentially one-sided views and therefore not true of the whole

In order to see clearly, we must recognize that both polarities operate within everything, which makes it impossible for anything the only right and wrong, good or bad. In fact it is always both and they cancel each other out, making everything perfect just as it is, no matter which side of the coin your mind wants to recognize.. Once we are able to see the duality of life and release our limited, one-sided perceptions of reality except perfection present within each moment, we can reflect on what role we wish to play as part of the greater whole

Now is the time for reflecting on how you can bring a greater sense of balance to the perceptions you have in your life, yourself and your world, so that you can go to the eternal space within that is unattached to petty thought and emotion and find your own truth. This truth will guide you on your way. This Angel teaches us about balance extremes. What goes up, must come down, what things in one direction, must at some point, swing the other way. This message reminds you of this.

Sunday August 5, 2012- Samael (The Shadow Self)

Samael is a representation of the Shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and fallen angel, Samael is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and a powerful fighter in battle.

When you seem up against insurmountable odds and opposition Samael can assist you.
The shadow self holds the keys to unlocking the wisdom of the deeper self. It is the shadow that holds the secrets to creating true and profound change and realization. All our hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions lie in the shadow.

Through facing our shadow we can dissolve the underlying impulses that govern our lives, thereby allowing a deep and profound shirt in consciousness to occur. We can become capable of standing whole, in our integrity as we direct our lives forward.
We all have hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions. When they exist and operate underneath our conscious awareness, we lose our sense of what is occurring or us in our life. We may complain about money, work, relationship or health, not seeing how our unconscious workings are dictating all of these things.

When we face our shadow, we reclaim full ownership and responsibility or our lives and give ourselves the power to transform both ourselves and our lives into what we want them to be.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s messages the angels are always there for you and when they give you messages you need to pay close attention to them for they are talking to you.

Goddess Bless )0(

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Angel Message Readings July 23- July 29, 2012

Monday July 23, 2012-Archangel Gabriel-Art

Gabriel is the patron angel of communication and is known as “The Messenger Angel”.  He assists all matters of communication, whether it be on a personal level (as far as personal expression is concerned) or as the messenger of creative inspiration for artists (and for all art related projects).

Art is the message. Indefinable colors, symbols and found to contain an express the indescribable. Art is the manifestation or materialization of consciousness that exists in ethereal form. This is why when a new artist emerges and finds a way to express a vibration that has been bubbling below the surface of our awareness, a revolution takes place.

Whenever a society becomes rigid, represses and energy or becomes too much the extreme of an energy or value system, new art always emerges to challenge and bring balance to the whole.  From Picasso to the Beatles, the artist dives deep into the unconscious to bring forth something new.

The artist is a channel; an explorer of the tangible realms, a messenger of what was found or what found the artist.

To be an artist is to be open to the colors, sounds, symbols or stories that embody the world and are talking to you; to be willing to explore what is hidden in the unconscious worlds and to be brave enough to be a messenger of what you experience.
The moment the intellect or ego becomes involved, the artist becomes a blocked channel. Fear, arrogance, pride and insecurity are feeling that relate to the ego and the identity. The artist comes to you because it needs to be expressed and it is you is the correct birth canal.

It doesn't want you to take credit or own or judge what it. Just be good parent nurture and protect it. The artist is the messenger not the message.

Now it is time for you to open yourself up these new ideas and new worlds of creative opportunity.

Release your fears, your pride and be brave enough to go to new territories within your inner landscape. The messages, images, sound and ideas you receive now are important to you personally, spiritually, creatively and vocationally.

Pay attention and be brave and open.

Tuesday July 24, 2012-Micah-Time

The angel of time and plans can help you with acquiring patience when it feels like things aren’t moving as fast as you would like them to. Everything happens in its right time and sometimes things cannot be rushed. You can also call upon this angel to help you with your Divine Plan and show you what moves to be made next.

Time is what we use to measure cycles. The cycles of the sun, the moon, the Earth. Cycles of progress, cycles of age and cycles of change.

We are constantly in the middle of shifting cycles. Daylight, summer, winter, childhood, parenthood, ideas turning to manifestations. There is a constant transition and constant movement forward and there is always enormous gift and every moment.

In order for any successful shift to occur, we must go through the entire cycle properly.

Often times may find ourselves wishing, wanting or wasting away our time, being stuck in the past or the future, instead of being fully aware and present in this moment.

In every single moment, there exists every single possibility in existence. If we are aware that we truly understand that every moment offers endless possibilities and incredible potential and opportunity for growth and movement, then we can receive the gift that the present moment offers.

Every decision, every action, has a consequence. Our lives are made of many small and seemingly insignificant decisions. Decisions that include how we choose to interpret and react to the world around us.  If we are aware and present each moment, we have the potential and empower decision to take this where you want to go in our lives.

If you find yourself wishing your time away, believing that everything we better when “blank” happens, is absolutely time to snap out of it.

Nothing will ever happen keep your head in the future and the present. Tomorrow never comes. All you will ever have now. You can't do it now, you will never do it.

There'll be no hand coming out the sky to make all your dreams come true. You must at that to the present and make your own dreams come true, right now!!!!

Only then will you find yourself exactly where you need to be.

If you have found your head stuck in the past is also time to snap out. Until you put your head on straight you have no idea what kind of existence you are living, let alone what opportunities you may be missing.

Life is made up cycles; the wheel must continue is rotations forward. You can go with it or be crushed by it. That's your choice.

Maybe you are currently in the middle of the cycle that requires a period of waiting, processing and patient. Allow yourself to surrender to this process, knowing that every stage of each phase is necessary in order to get to the next point. Try enjoying the process and surrendering all the thoughts about possible outcomes.

It is time to keep your awareness in the present.

Wednesday July 25, 2012-Archangel Metatron-Heaven & Earth

Archangel Metatron serves as the link between the human and the divine; heaven and Earth. Metatron is also the patron Angel children. Metatron is considered one of the mightiest of all Angels. He has been given the title the King of Angels and is said to be the record keeper of all that occurs in heaven.

Heaven and Earth, human and divine, the flesh and the spirit. These polarities are often considered so different and yet, one does not exist without the other. This is the truth that, once integrated, truly sets us free. What if we couldn't exist without the God/Goddess and God/Goddess couldn't exist without us? What if we were God/Goddess dreaming? God/Goddess experiencing itself for pleasure, movement and evolution? What if we were existing in the psyche of the God/Goddess, play our roles, using free will to the extent that we choose, yet operating with that greater spirit energy? 

We could have the power to create revolution/evolution within this space. We would truly be co-creators with the God/Goddess. When we connect the idea that we were intricately linked to everything in existence, become larger than ourselves. 
We become eternal. Become one with all will come before us and those who will follow.
All things become reflections of ourselves and reflections of the God/Goddess simultaneously.

Once we realize that we exist in a state of oneness, we may begin to open up to the power and potential we hold on this plane.

Everything we do, pink and believe affects the whole. Yet most of the time we walked blindly through life, believing we have free will, yet choosing to act based on personal fears and limitations, family, social or cultural beliefs about what is and isn't the right thing to do. Or we act based on destructive beliefs or neurosis that we have developed the various influences or traumas we may have experienced in our lives. When we act or attract from this place, the outcomes are generally mundane and predictable and not the product of free will rather the product of programming. The true use of free will occurs when we think and act from a place in our hearts the place that is free and at one with the divine, holding the power and potential of all that it. It comes to understanding the true potential that exists within every moment in the understanding that everything we do and think affects what will occur in our life, what we will experience and then turn will affect the whole of existence.

Once we realize that the idea the heaven and earth, the flesh and the spirit, human and divine, although polarities are all one and we have the power to affect and experience oneness with the whole, we will become conscious and awakened.

Thursday July 26, 2012-Archangel Jeremiel-Clarity

Archangel Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the ability to help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and patterns, Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself.

Clarity is the state attained when the mind becomes still. When our fears, assumptions, expectations and projections stay long enough for the fog to clear from our eyes, our ability to see returns. When we let go of coddling the inner voices of the ego and emotions fog of our perceptions and take it out of the present moment, we cannot be free to see the bigger picture.

To experience your clarity we must still the chatter of the mind, let go of staying stuck in the fog the motion and step away from ourselves long enough to see ourselves and our lives from a higher perspective.

When we feel clear, we are able to see ourselves and our lives clearly. We understand with clarity what is occurring for us and why, and we know what action to take to best honor our personal truth.

Oftentimes, to achieve this state we must clear with the fog and medicine our lives-from cleaning and clearing our homes, to cut any negative ties to clearing away replacing negative self- talk. We have to engage in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual clean out. It will always give us the space necessary to find clarity.

Now it is essential to clear way what has been keeping you in the fog and find a space necessary for you to return to your center. This may mean cleaning your house, letting go of grief or anger or demanding a space for yourself in your life.

Clarity is coming to you now if you're willing to step up and embrace it.

Another form of clarity is a chakra balancing. A chakra is a point within the body's energy system. Another way to define chakras is to call them points in space and time where our physical bodies meet with metaphysical energies. When the chakras are open, aligned, and balanced we are at our absolute optimal levels of health. But when one or more of our chakras become closed, unbalanced, or out of alignment we can suffer from great discomfort and even a wide variety of health problems. Chakra treatments have also been known to heal or relieve serious issues even when traditional medicine has failed to do so.

To order your chakra balancing click here.

Friday July 27, 2012-Samael-Battle

Samael (meaning "poison of god") is a representation of the shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and a fallen angel, Samuel is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and is a powerful figure in battle.

When up against seemingly un-surmountable odds and opposition Samael can assist in war, legal battles etc.

It is the universal truth that the world is made up of opposites: where there is light, there's also darkness. Samael has earned a reputation as Angel to be feared, but it is only through acceptance and knowledge of our shadow self that we can ever truly be whole.

All throughout history there are stories and myths about heroes going into battle; fighting dragons or even battling through dangerous territory at sea. These stories represent the hero standing the face of danger, ready to confront his or her shadow. They represent the hero's willingness to surrender to a higher state of consciousness at the expense of all ego attachments such as pride, greed and compulsion. The hero is even willing to die as he or she is connected to being part of the eternal consciousness of life, rather than the ego or identity state of consciousness.

So is the hero goes out to battle dragons in order to bring the goods actives are town, here she is actually going on a journey to face the shadow in order to bring the goods back to his or herself so that the movement can be made into the next phase of life, on an internal level.

Just might be time for you to go on this journey. You may feel surrounded by obstacles, temptations and danger, rather than getting scared or overwhelmed it is time to stop, look at what is occurring around you, connect to your deeper sense of personal truth than battle those Dragons to whichever way you know you need to.

It's also time to sacrifice your ego and fight for your highest truth with courage and integrity. Everything in this universe is perfect and imperfect order. Its interacting polarities that keep things in place and moving in perfect synchronicity.

Decide now where do you want to be in life. What are you willing to fight for? Have you become disconnected or numb, lost in mundane thought, TV and routine? 

Well, is absolutely time for you to wake up! This is a call to adventure. What are you going to fight for? This is a call to arms!

Saturday July 28, 2012-Archangel Michael-Clearing

In all major faiths or religions, the Archangel Michael is considered the highest angelic ranks. 
Archangel Michael is the Angel of protection and clearing. You can call upon him to provide protection to yourself, your loved ones, your home or property and can also help you cut any negative ties in your life. 

In order to clearly in your life you must be clear. There also time, old issues and old thought patterns. There any mental, spiritual, emotional or physical clutter. 

This message has, for you; this means there are areas in your life in need of clearing. 
On a physical level, it may be time to clear your home. When anything that is not relative to you now for the future life you want. Clean out all closet and corners. Get light and air circulating through your home. Clear your bodies fill yourself with fresh, nourishing food that is easy to digest and supports your system. Most importantly drank at least 2 liters of water every day. 

If you feel unclear on an emotional level, the first thing you can do is spend some time writing or journaling exactly what you are feeling. It will provide you with a direct reflection of what is going on for you and what you can do to resolve present issues. It also will provide you with the space to release pent up energy. 

You may also need to release someone or something from your life. You may need to cut ties with the person, place or event or clean an old emotional issue. Once you take the time to see what needs clearing and releasing, it becomes easier to take the action necessary to allow this to happen. 
It may be necessary to review your mental and spiritual space at this time. What are the old thought patterns, beliefs and self -talk habits polluting your mental and spiritual space? 

Quite often the key breaking a habit is to create a new one that is more supportive to your growth and happiness. If you are telling yourself things that are not in line with your highest truth and highest potential, it’s time to simply start telling yourself something different. This will take work, lots of discipline and awareness, but you'll get through and change the mental pattern if you keep repeating and honoring the new thought pattern. 

Ultimately the message here is that you need to take space for yourself now. Create a sense of inner stillness and calm. Then with strength and courage, clear away the clutter and destructive tides in your life. 

Sunday July 29, 2012-Archangel Chamuel-Divine Love

Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love and relationships, both with the self and with others. He can be called upon to heal, strengthen and improve relationships, and can help with resolving relationship issues or challenges. Chamuel also teaches you how to love and accept yourself more wholly.

Love is the essence of all things. If everything in the universe is in divine and perfect order and every situation, event and experience brings about the next step of the cosmic dance, then every experience whether happy or sad, is God/Goddess’s love working though our lives, teaching us and helping us to grow and evolve.

When you can look at your experiences and see what your soul has gained, you allow the love of the God/Goddess into your heart. Every experience offers you the opportunity to learn and grow and this is the greatest gift of all.

Life the muscles in the body, when the psyche is not challenged and exercised, it becomes weak, limp and eventually dies.

The time has come to realize that you are loved! You are love! That is the simple truth whether you are conscious of it or not. The time has come for turning the act of love inward on yourself. The universe offers endless supplies of love but what you do with that is your choice. All relationships are a reflection of what you feel about yourself and what you feel you deserve.

It is the time to really start noticing what you relationships are saying about you. It is time to go within and really give yourself, set new boundaries of pamper and adorn yourself. Whatever it is, it is imperative that you pinpoint what it is you really need and work on fulfilling that need for yourself.

Sit down and look at what you feel is missing in your relationship or what is attracting you about a person and in turn give those things to yourself.

Once you take it upon yourself to love, honor and respect yourself and remove any harmful influences, you will find that the world will reflect that love right back to you.

Your angels this week send you guidance and love. Take heart in what they say and let this guidance lead you though your week.

Love & Light