Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Top 10 Toxins in your Home

Top 10 Toxins in Your Home, Room by Room http://www.organicauthority.com/sanctuary/top-10-toxins-in-your-home-room-by-room.html

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mri Today

Good Morning all, 
Snowing here in c town getting ready to go for my mri today. Then come home and catch up on readings.

Since the carbon monoxide I have been sensitive to many things. I break out easily in hives. But the past year I have been very sensitive to cat scans, and mris. I break out in an eczema type rash some of which had stayed. If you happen to experience this you should check with your doctor.

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Psychic & Healer Christine https://www.facebook.com/psychichealerchristine

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of March 24, 2013- April 1, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages
Week of March 24, 2013- April 1, 2013

Monday 25, 2013
Archangel Raguel - Conflict Resolution

Raguel (which means “Friend of God”) is known as the angel of order and fairness. He is said to have been entrusted with the job of watching over other Angels to ensure their good behavior.

Being a master at resolving conflicts, Archangel Raguel can be called upon whenever you find yourself stuck in situations or disputes it seemed almost impossible to remedy any helping hand to restore harmony or diplomacy.

Conflict resolution occurs when polarities balance the heart and the mind is able to harmonize. Like the positive and negative charges of Adam, polarities exist to balance the whole. Although polarities may seem like total opposites, they are actually connected at the core. It is just that they hold the opposite aspects of thing in a place so that the whole is actually balanced.

If you feel your experience in complex with another person at this time, in order to heal the situation, you must see the person as a reflection of yourself. There may be something you don't want to look at in yourself or your life, is now become a reflection of that it may seem that you are in opposite states of mind are opposite places in your life that you can see beyond the surface issue you will be able to see what it is that this person is reflected within you. 

Then take action based on a higher truth. 

You may be experiencing an inner conflict where you notice your feelings, and your mind taking opposite stances. In this circumstance you must come silent so you hear and feel what fear is and what is truth, what is ego what is higher self. 

Is very important at this time to open up to experiencing a sense of oneness in connection with all that is. The world around you is a total reflection of you, and you are total reflection of the world this includes relationships you have, the work that you do in the way you respond to people.

Right now you need to realize that when you see to polarities playing out is always forming the whole picture. If we are balance to begin with then we don't need to play out the players outside of ourselves. When you consider the lesser within the conflict you can then balance issue within yourself and thereby release the needs of the issue, which releases others having play out their role in the conflict to. 

This is the alternate form of conflict resolution and the road to forgiveness. 

Tuesday March 26, 2013
Archangel Raphael - Health 

The name "Raphael" means "God Heals "Raphael, known as the "Divine Physician", is the angel of healing and healers. As both a healer and a teacher, Raphael can assist in healing illness, disease and sickness and is also the patron Angel who guides our study the healing arts. True health of occurs when the mind, body and spirit if this balance state of harmony. 

When one aspect of health becomes imbalanced, it affects all aspects of health too. This is something we seek constantly in our lives. When the mind becomes stressed, strained, over or under worked, our bodies react immediately. We make variants digestive problems, sleep problems, headaches or worse. Likewise when the body is in pain, congested or restricted, we may feel anger, stress or depression. 

In order to function in true health, we must look at every aspect of our lives to find a balance. 
A healthy, balanced diet, exercise, water and vitamins, balance with sleep, rest and play, all assist the body think that, strong, stimulated and relax, which helps the mind to stay centered and the spirit to feel alive and free. 

Meditation, study and creativity can keep the mind centered and stimulated, allowing the body to experience more life and energy. 

When we connect to the spirit and connect to being part of something bigger, it is the mind perspective and allows our bodies to the strong center. 

When intents are outdated emotion builds up in our system without any form of healthy release, it becomes poison in our bodies and can turn into serious illness. If you have been experiencing illness or disharmony of any kind it may be time for you to tune into your body, mind, emotions and spirit to find the root of what's causing you pain on a deeper, unexpressed or unresolved level so that you can take the action necessary to clear the problem. 

Is essential for you to observe yourself now and explore what you need to do in order to experience true health and true balance. 

Whether it is a diet, exercise, rest, meditation or journaling to release pent up energy, it is essential that the action is taken now in order to bring your life and health into balance. 

I offer and energy cleansing that is known to chakra balancing or chakra cleansing right now it is on special on my sales page. A chakra balancing will help to clear all the blocks you are experiencing. Also a chakra balancing is a wonderful tool to add to the beginning of a diet, positive out the conception, or just get your body back into balance needs to be healthy and well.

Wednesday March 27, 2013

Phuel, the angel of the day Monday, is known as the angel of the moon and oceans. Phuel governs intuition, emotion and psychic awareness. She can assist you to tap into these feminine energies expand your emotional awareness especially when called upon Monday or on a full moon. 

Emotions are energy in motion. Emotions can tell us what the input we are receiving means to us. They also show us with input we are feeling ourselves to us. Often we can change or old emotional experience just by changing our perspective. Many times we have an emotional reaction to things because of an association we have developed in the past. For example we may have fallen off a bicycle and hurt or embarrassed ourselves as children. Now as adults we may feel too afraid or vulnerable ever try again, even though circumstances are very different. In this case we have transferred one upsetting experience into all our future ones. Often this happens with finances, health, relationships, social interactions just to name a few. 

Emotions have the power to alert us to different issues we may have. We may feel upset when asked to do something because we need to be honoring our boundaries more. We may feel anger towards someone because they're hitting a nerve or we feel that we simply need to be honored and respected more. Whatever the reaction is, it's always a call for introspection, followed by action based on personal truth. Our emotions deliver information on our inner world is relating to our outer world and our mind gives us the tools we need for balance to the whole. 

It's extremely difficult to gain a true understanding of what your emotions are communicating what you are overwhelmed. In this situation there is no space for the higher mind to process what is occurring for you. It is also extremely difficult to get a sense of what is occurring for you if you're feeling disconnected from your feelings and emotions. Either way uses a sense of what you are experiencing on a deeper level and begin to operate on a completely unconscious level, unaware of how you are interacting with the world both around and within you. 

The true key to creating harmony is balance. Balance of the mind and the emotions. 
This message means that it is imperative that you balance this area of yourself. This means whether you are overwhelmed or disconnected, you must stop and reconnect with yourself. You must demand and create the space to be quiet with yourself. Often journaling or writing is the most direct way to communicate with yourself. You must allow yourself to freely express exactly how you are feeling until you experience a clear resolution on what you must do to bring balance to your life. 

It's time for you to reconnect to your inner world so that you may successfully move forward into the next phase of your life.

Thursday March 28, 2013
Melchizedek Peace

Melchizedek is known as "The Divine Mediator". He serves to bring peace, spiritual awakening and understanding to our lives. Also a master of healing (especially healing with the use of color) Melchizedek can help bring harmony and a feeling of wholeness at times only feel like our equilibrium has been disturbed.

He occurs when we transcend the dual mind. When we see and feel the world in balance, our mind becomes still in our emotions become calm. Our insides make peace with themselves, as all things ourselves and perceived in a harmonious, synchronistic dance of life.

There are many things that may bring peace into our hearts and lives. Being in nature, having a realization, music, meditation and yoga, are among the many ways we can nurture peace with that. Through peace we feel acceptance and through acceptance in we feel peace, which puts us in accord with all that is.

In our busy, fast-paced lives is often hard to make the time to find that space that we desperately need, but this Angel is telling you this is what you must do.

You might be feeling chaotic, out of touch, possibly frustrated at all you see around you.

You need to make some time for yourself and connect with life, nature and the spiritual space around you, whatever that may mean to you.

You have music, meditation, yoga dance, so that you may connect to nature, both your nature and nature of life, so that you can find peace. You need to take a break from the business of life, and put yourself back into accord with the experience of life, nature, spirituality and the silence of the eternal space within.

Friday March 29, 2013
Samael - The Shadow Self

Samael is a representation of the Shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and fallen angel, Samael is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and a powerful fighter in battle.

When you seem up against insurmountable odds and opposition Samael can assist you.

The shadow self holds the keys to unlocking the wisdom of the deeper self. It is the shadow that holds the secrets to creating true and profound change and realization. All our hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions lie in the shadow.

Through facing our shadow we can dissolve the underlying impulses that govern our lives, thereby allowing a deep and profound shirt in consciousness to occur. We can become capable of standing whole, in our integrity as we direct our lives forward.

We all have hidden impulses, secret fears, judgments, projections, illusions, limitations and seductions. When they exist and operate underneath our conscious awareness, we lose our sense of what is occurring or us in our life. We may complain about money, work, relationship or health, not seeing how our unconscious workings are dictating all of these things.

When we face our shadow, we reclaim full ownership and responsibility or our lives and give ourselves the power to transform both ourselves and our lives into what we want them to be.

Saturday March 30, 2013
Samuel- Battle

Samuel (meaning "poison of god") is a representation of the shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and a fallen angel, Samuel is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and is a powerful figure in battle.

When up against seemingly unsurmountable odds and opposition Samba can assist in war, legal battles etc.

It is the universal truth that the world is made up of opposites: where there is light, there's also darkness. Samuel has earned a reputation as Angel to be feared, but it is only through acceptance and knowledge of our shadow self that we can ever truly be whole.

All throughout history there are stories and myths about heroes going into battle; fighting dragons or even battling through dangerous territory at sea. These stories represent the hero standing the face of danger, ready to confront his or her shadow. They represent the hero's willingness to surrender to a higher state of consciousness at the expense of all ego attachments such as pride, greed and compulsion. The hero is even willing to die as he or she is connected to being part of the eternal consciousness of life, rather than the ego or identity state of consciousness.

So is the hero goes out to battle dragons in order to bring the goods actives are town, here she is actually going on a journey to face the shadow in order to bring the goods back to his or herself so that the movement can be made into the next phase of life, on an internal level.

Just might be time for you to go on this journey. You may feel surrounded by obstacles, temptations and danger, rather than getting scared or overwhelmed it is time to stop, look at what is occurring around you, connect to your deeper sense of personal truth than battle those Dragon to whichever way you know you need to.

It's also time to sacrifice your ego and fight for your highest truth with courage and integrity. Everything in this universe is perfect and imperfect order. It is interacting polarities that keep things in place and moving imperfect synchronicity.

Decide now where do you want to be in life. What are you willing to fight for? Have you become disconnected or numb, lost in mundane thought, TV and routine? 

Well, is absolutely time for you to wake up! This is a call to adventure. What are you going to fight for? This is a call to arms!

Sunday March 31, 2013
Archangel Amathiel - Hope

Amathiel is the angel of hope and renewal and is the ruler of the season of spring.
She can bless any situation in which seeds for something new in our lives are being planted and can teach us about the constant renewal of the life/death cycle, providing us with hope and the fertility of new beginnings.

Hope is one of the most powerful of all human emotions. It awakens within us the strength, courage, and inspiration to do almost anything. But is this experience of “true” hope, the hope that comes even after our struggles, even when things seem pointless, hard or hopeless, that gives us new eyes to see with. This allows a new perspective to emerge from our being and we are reborn.
It is though this burst of clarity and inspiration, that we become able to manifest a new life for ourselves,. We take a renewed attitude with a renewed action and become able to attract the people and opportunities we need to create new beginnings and a new life.

If you are finding life’s struggles to be overwhelming, if you have felt confused, frustrated or defeated, it may be time for you to let go and surrender to the natural cycles of life. Just as nature has seasons and cycles, we do too! You may have been experiencing a “winter” within your psyche. Sit, breathe and allow yourself to connect to your deeper self.

If you are willing to take the time to connect, you will notice a change taking place within you. New life, new courage and new seeds are beginning to grow within you. A new phase of life is beginning, so be conscious and use this time well.

Monday April 1, 2013
Dokiel Balance

Dokiel, Angel balance, is known as" The Weighing Angel". In the testing of Abraham XIII stated that Dokiel is the Angel" who is like the sun, holding the balance in his hand" and it is also equated with the Egyptian God Anubis, "the Guardian of the scales".

Whenever there is a need for balance in our lives, the Angel Dokiel can provide us with assistance.

All of life is made up of the will forces. Polarities holding in place opposite aspects of the same central force. Masculine and feminine, day and night, the flesh and spirit, activity impasse activity, thought and feeling, all of life operates through these opposing forces.

When we become aware of the Zhongshan polarities that make up the way of life, we see that our perceptions about right and wrong, good and bad are essentially one-sided views and therefore not true of the whole

In order to see clearly, we must recognize that both polarities operate within everything, which makes it impossible for anything the only right and wrong, good or bad. In fact it is always both and they cancel each other out, making everything perfect just as it is, no matter which side of the coin your mind wants to wreck nice. Once we are able to see the to joule T of life and release are limited, one-sided perceptions of reality except perfection present within each moment, we can reflect on what role we wish to play as part of the greater whole

Now is the time for reflecting on how you can bring a greater sense of balance to the perceptions you have in your life, yourself and your world, so that you can go to the eternal space within that is unattached to petty thought and emotion and find your own truth. This truth will guide you on your way. This Angel teaches us about balance extremes. What goes up, must come down, what things in one direction, must at some point, swing the other way. This message reminds you of this.

"Angels exist in our lives every day, but unless we remember how to listen, we are not aware of their presence"

Animal Message of the Week March 25, 2013- March 31, 2013 Rhinoceros

Animal Message of the Week March 25, 2013- March 31, 2013 Rhinoceros


Still the chatter within to see your true path in life.
Ancient Wisdom
Rhinoceros is a solitary animal and teaches how to be comfortable within yourself.
Rhino is the embodiment of the axiom:  "Know thyself!"
Since Rhino is an ancient animals, it often gives it totem people
insight into their own past lives.
Meditating on Rhino can often result in unlocking those memories.
Often how you see your Rhino gives insight into that past life.
Two horned Rhinos come from Africa while one horned Rhinos are from Asia.
People with a Rhino totem have a heightened sense of smell.
The sense of smell is symbolic of higher discrimination, spiritual idealism
and higher wisdom and Rhino gives all of these to their totem people.
Trust your inner wisdom.
Don’t look at appearance only – go beyond and trust your internal senses.
Rhino will help you see the wisdom in your life.
It has a solidity that will help you put your life in its proper perspective.
Wisdom, past life connections, ancient connections, brings energy in for one's own solitude, spiritual idealism, high sensitivity to feelings and smell. Rhino spans an assimilation of 17-18 months will arise new opportunities on all levels. He helps show you the wisdom of life and the innate wisdom to apply it at present time. Rhino's are very thick skinned creatures which can teach how to be tough to against comments, rejections and overall pain. Rhino will show the balance of being open to life but keeping protected as well. He aids in personal power and heightening intuition in which will aid in sharpening your instincts for discrimination and discernment. Do you prefer to work alone? Maybe it's time to work with others? Or vice versa? How are you handling others? Are you trusting you instincts at this time? Rhino will show you these key areas to work on for his wisdom is great.
Ancient behemoth, repository of primordial wisdom, Rhino, like supreme masters has no need for society. Rhino stands sturdily in your cards to counsel that you still the constant chatter in your head, take time out from hectic socializing, and simply be. At first your mind will echo with a thousand thoughts, but soon it will quieten and the true nature of your path and dreams will make themselves known. With Rhino by your side, you may turn them into reality.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Why our noses are different shapes

Sent from the CNN App for Android Why our noses are different shapes http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2013/03/20/why-our-noses-are-different-shapes/

Carbon Monoxide Damage

Well I have been trying to let everyone know how serious carbon monoxide poisoning is. Well this week was my vestibular therapy. Your vestibular system controls things like balance. The balance that you need to get out of bed, stand up, walk, motion etc..

I was informed that my brain and my vestibular system aren't talking to each other. This wasn't a surprise to me or it shouldn't have been since my cns and my ans (central nervous system and autonomic nervous system) are as my doctor put it perturbed... But it was. I knew it wasn't linked to the current concussion plus I was dxed with vertigo about two years ago this was after the dx of chronic nausea.

On the way home I googled carbon monoxide and vestibular damage and what a surprise (not) it is linked very little studies have been done on it. But according to what I read it is permanent. I was told need to use my walker or cane all the time. Going to be going to therapy in order to help it.

This post concussion syndrome I have probably didn't help my damage I had already.

If when I am done writing my stories and you don't have a carbon monoxide detector I really suggest you get one. Ours was from our home we just had bought in 2002. It is a hard road and people wonder how I can deal with it. Truthfully I don't know how I do either. I just have to keep moving forward I guess the go with the flow. I am tired of the way it keeps flowing but carbon monoxide poisoning kills and if it doesn't kill it leaves lasting effects that you will have forever. Even at low levels. It causes serious and disabling illnesses. Yes I said illnesses. For your body is destroyed. Your main system that runs your body becomes disconnected from everything else and from there it seems each other system disconnects from the other and so on. There are no cures just treatment.

I say I am broken. My body is broken but my spirit hasn't. That is what may be what keeps me strong...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Animal Message Week of March 11, 2013- Mouse

Animal Message Week of March 11, 2013

Quietly creeping,
accomplishing his purpose without attention,
The wise little mouse trusts the Creator.
Help me, small one, to true and find initiative
So that wonderful changes come my way.

Scrutiny, Detail

Mouse medicine is both a great power
and a great weakness.
It is good to pay attention to all details,
but bad to over-analyze every little thing.

Mouse people can be fixated on methodology and appear to be nit-pickers.
They will make the simplest task fraught with difficulty.
Everything must be in order in a Mouse's house.

Often, Mouse people are fearful of life.
You should try to see the larger picture
Even if you live in a small house in Los Angeles,
you are also part of the Earth, galaxy and universe.

If a Mouse totem has recently entered your life,
ask yourself if you have neglected the trivial but necessary things in life.
Have you become too focused on one or two activities
and neglecting opportunities around you?
Or are you trying to do too many things at the same time?

Mouse medicine can show how to focus
and how to attain the big things by working on the little things.

Animal message from the mouse
Be persistent and indecisive and all obstacles will be overcome
Mouse is tiny and gentle but no shell is so hard that mouse cannot reach the delicious center within, and no obstacle so tough that it cannot be overcome. As your guide this week, mouse counsels persistence so you, too, may break through the barriers that block success. Vulnerable to many, mouse must scrutinize and look beyond the obvious to the pattern within and assess the hidden agendas of others. Emulate mouse, and your path through life be safe.

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of March 12, 2013- March 18, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of March 12, 2013- March 18, 2013

Tuesday March 12, 2013
Archangel Jeremiel-Awakening
Archangel Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the ability to help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and patterns, Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself.
Each person is born a unique fingerprint of God. We are the summation of a multitude of ingredients that together make us who we are.
We are born into specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing that we need to learn and grow into who we are to become.
Beyond that, we are made up of instinctive traits, fears, passions and longings that also reflect our nature.
Then we have a set of experiences for our lives where we may experience challenges or awakenings that move us even further along the path of who we are. We learn certain lessons or get naturally guided to different experiences and places. Beyond all that, we feel a calling; a drive to do, experience and become something, whether this is a career or an internal state.
All these things give us “clues” to what we need to gain and experience in order to learn and grow in this life and they show us what are soul longs to express  and feel.  It is time to look at what these clues are telling us about you.
It is time to truly feel the perfect God/Goddess that exists at the core of your being. It is then that  you may better see the true path that your experiences are taking on and what parts of yourself and your life must let go of in order to experience more happiness and integrity. Right now this is a time of awakening in your life, of waking up to the core of who you are and immense potential that you hold in each moment of your life.

Wednesday March 13, 2013
Archangel Metatron-Children 
Archangel Metatron serves as the link between the human and the divine; heaven and Earth. Metatron is also the patron Angel children. Metatron is considered one of the mightiest of all Angels. He has been given the title the King of Angels and is said to be the record keeper of all that occurs in heaven.  
Children completely live in the now. They live in the truth of their feelings and perceptions. Children completely from the goddess and through childhood and learn to integrate into the human world. As adults, we hope to integrate the lesson that the human world is the God space dreaming and at the end of our lives we return to that original source.  
As children, the world is full of possibility. Is a magical place to be explored and enjoyed. Feelings, magic, curiosity, adventure and imagination. All these qualities live, breathe and express themselves through the open and innocent heart of the child. 
It is time for you to start opening up to the wonders of life. It is time for you to connect the child within. It is time to play, explore, feel and connect to the realms of possibility. It is time to let go of the need to do and embrace the need to be.  
A release from the “should dos”, the pressures, responsibilities and seriousness of busy, uptight and often grumpy adult life is necessary now.  
In this time of your life be curious, explore, play and connect to the magic of life.  
If you have children or are close to children, use them as your guide. Let that be your teacher and remind you of house be free in your spirit and explore the wonders of life, creativity, imagination and possibilities.  

Thursday March 14, 2013
Archangel Israfel-Music
Sound is at the core creation. Anything made of atoms vibrates, resonates and sings. Our whole world is made up of sound. Whether birds, traffic, people or machinery, we are constantly being inundated with sonic information.
There are also many staff that surround us that we cannot even hear, as human hearing only register certain decibels and frequencies.
Sound is created through waves of compassion.
We experience these ways. With your hearing but also physically as the sound wave interacts with both are energetic and physical bodies.
Each sound made great and energy. Is extremely important for you to pay attention to what sonic information you are receiving and take note of how this affecting you.
Each individual fibers to different frequencies in response the frequencies that harmonize most effectively with individuals energetic make-up. Therefore it is important to be aware of what sound and music heal you, inspire you and bring you back to your core self.
The power of sound of music is so profound that each time we listen to a song, our whole energetic system transforms to either harmonize with the song or repel it
Our energy fields, emotions, body and spirit are actually transform and become reborn with each sonic interaction.
This is the study power of creation; have new experiences, new worlds, deeper or buried parts of ourselves open up to us through the power of sound and music.
It is time to use the power of sound and music to empower, to heal, inspire nurture and transform our lives.

Friday March 15, 2013
Archangel Cassiel - Stillness
Before we can move on to the next stage in our lives there needs to be a clearing out of the old. Cassiel, the angel of tears and solitude, is the ruler of the planet Saturn and teacher us about the dual nature of life and about reconciling opposites.
Astrologically, everyone goes thought a period known as a Saturn Return (occurring roughly every 29 years) which is a speeded-up time of karmic examination and rapid clearing. This is commonly a hard time, where people are forced into what is known as a “Dark night of the Soul” where they have no choice but to be face to face with all there karmic lessons.
Cassiel can provide the much important stillness you need to go within and examine your life so that you may come out the other end (changed forever) and move on to the next stage.
It is within the stillness and silence of the womb that all life is formed. It is often though the space of non-activity that we allow something deeper to emerge. When we surrender out will to the universe we become receptive to the will of the divine. We become open to life while we allow new life to from within us.
Stillness and silence are essential parts of your daily balance. Without sleep we cease to function, both physically and psychologically.
Still needs in this fast-paced, action-packed world, both physically and psychologically, is considered a hindrance and an annoyance. Yet every process of life; integration, healing and manifestation requires a period of stillness. This is a period where action and force actually hinder and hold up the process,, a period where true surrender is the only option.
If you see to think you are feeling confused, frustrated or stuck, it may be time for you to stop trying to force action and outcome in your life. For the moment just let it all go. Just let go.
You may be feeling anxious or excited to have a particular sort of movement in your life or experience a particular outcome but it is not yet the time for that outcome to occur, It is a time of surrendering.
When the time is right for activity and movement you will know because it will be natural and easy rather than frustrated and forced.
It is a time for stillness and going within ourselves, for pruning our inner gardens before we decorate them.

Saturday March 16, 2013
Melchizedek-Color Healing
Melchizedek is known as “The Divine Mediator”.  He serves to bring peace, spiritual awakening and understanding to our lives. Master of healing especially healing with the use of color he can help bring harmony and a feeling of wholeness at times only feel like our equilibrium has been disturbed.
Our world exists in shades of life within that light, there's every color of the spectrum. As that light touches the world around us, the colors are absorbed and reflected.
If the object is green, it will absorb all other colors in the spectrum and reflect green. That green frequency is then reflected onto us and our skin and eyes receive this information and we become affected by that vibration. The interesting thing is that the object itself is anything but green. That is why the green is reflected rather than absorbed and that is why we interact with it.
Color has an enormous part to play in our lives. In our clothes, homes and work environment, it is a dominant part of the vibrational information we receive.
Being surrounded by red will bring a sense of alertness, energy and will naturally give you a charge, whereas blue print sense of calm, peace and openness.
The colors that surround us in our lives have a powerful impact on our health and energy levels. Sunlight contains within it all the colors in a natural balance. This provides us with the nourishment we need complete emotional and physical health. Our bodies cannot absorb calcium without vitamin D which we absorb ultraviolet light present in the sunlight.
Artificial light contains significantly lower amounts of red and ultraviolet light and a prolonged lack of sunlight can produce depression and lower energy levels.
We also require periods of complete darkness in order for the hormones we need for immunity, healing of the body and mind and general well- being, to be secreted.
Light and color have an enormous amount to do with our health and well-being.
It's time for you to taken note of light and color in your life. You might want to ask yourself :
Are you getting enough sunlight?
You get a solid sleep in complete darkness?
How do the colors in your clothing, and work environment affect you?
What is needed in order to create more healing and balance in your life right now?
By bringing awareness to what stimuli you are receiving, you empower yourself, so that you can bring into your life more balance, healing and harmony.
I will be offering color healing in the healing section of my website in the future.

Sunday March 17, 2013
Archangel Raziel - Hidden Worlds
There are realms that exist beyond our everyday perception. Realms of color, sound, thought, feeling, and realms of myth. Realms of unimaginable vastness that cover both time and space.
There are times of increased awareness and increased sensitivity, where everyday perception shift in our senses become heightened. This occurs during major life or personal transition, the artistic or creative process and during the heightened spiritual or psychic awareness.
During these periods, the veil that separates the world become thinner in our everyday awareness becomes hyper awareness. Our senses become refined as we tune into new colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings, myths and the vastness of time space. All the sudden you seem to be experience in a time of putting awareness. This is a time for truly listening, feeling and opening up to the hidden worlds of the universe.         
You may have thought yourself drawn to new thoughts, ideas and new experiences recently. You may become more aware of signs or omens from universe. Strange synchronicity may be occurring regularly. Your dreams are becoming stronger, stranger and more vivid. The veil may be thinning at this time, to reveal new worlds from both within and around you.
It is asked dreamily importance that you take note of what is revealing itself to you. There are secrets, keys and signs from the universe that want to reveal to you. It is an ideal time to write, draw, meditate, communicate and create. Let the secrets of the hidden world inspired you into a new state of consciousness. With this being 2013 a being the year of new beginnings and new start this message is extremely important for everyone to practice.

Monday March 18, 2013
Archangel Jeremiel-Clarity
Archangel Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the ability to help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and patterns, Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself.
Clarity is the state attained when the mind becomes still. When our fears, assumptions, expectations and projections stayed long enough for the fog to clear from our eyes, our ability to see returns. When we let go of coddling the inner voices of the ego and emotions fog of our perceptions and take it out of the present moment, we cannot be free to see the bigger picture.
To experience your clarity we must still the chatter of the mind, let go of staying stuck in the fog the motion and step away from ourselves long enough to see ourselves and our lives from a higher perspective.
When we feel clear, we are able to see ourselves and our lives clearly. We understand with clarity what is occurring for us and why, and we know what action to take to best honor our personal truth.
Oftentimes, to achieve this state we must clear with the fog and medicine our lives-from cleaning and clearing our homes, to cut any negative ties to clearing away replacing negative self- talk. We have to engage in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual clean out. It will always give us the space necessary to find clarity.
Now it is essential to clear way what has been keeping you in the fog and find a space necessary for you to return to your center. This may mean cleaning your house, letting go of grief or anger or demanding a space for yourself in your life.
Clarity is coming to you now if you're willing to step up and embrace it.
Another form of clarity is a chakra balancing. A chakra is a point within the body's energy system. Another way to define chakras is to call them points in space and time where our physical bodies meet with metaphysical energies. When the chakras are open, aligned, and balanced we are at our absolute optimal levels of health. But when one or more of our chakras become closed, unbalanced, or out of alignment we can suffer from great discomfort and even a wide variety of health problems. Chakra treatments have also been known to heal or relieve serious issues even when traditional medicine has failed to do so.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and the Heart

Effects of Carbon Monoxide on Heart Muscle Cells | Research Project Database | NCER | ORD | US EPA http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncer_abstracts/index.cfm/fuseaction/display.abstractDetail/abstract/2325

This is important to me as I am an 11 year survivor as well as victim of the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning.