Sunday, December 9, 2012

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of Dec. 11, 2012-Dec. 17, 2012

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of Dec. 11, 2012-Dec. 17, 2012

Tuesday December 11, 2012- Anael-Sexuality

Sexuality is the physical expression of our soul’s essence. It is the part of us that connects to the physical world. Sexual energy connects us to our bodies and inspires us to express ourselves thought use of our bodies, though clothes, make-up, body art and dance. It is though our sexuality that we reveal the deeper side of our nature. This is revealed in the particular way we choose to decorate ourselves and move in our bodies.

Our sexual energy brings us to life. It puts a sparkle in our eyes, a kick in our step and a sway in our hips.

It is through our senses that we develop “sensitivity” on all levels. Though touch, sight, sound, smell and taste we awaken to the richness of life. It is though pleasure that we celebrate life and though ecstasy that we experience oneness with divinity and the nature of the divine.
This may be a time for you to begin exploring and becoming sensitive to your physical self. Have you been honoring your body and sexuality as sacred? Does your physical being, reflect and express your spiritual being? Do you allow yourself to feel sensitive and awake inside your body? Do you feel free to express yourself physically and sexually?

This is a time for reflecting on these questions and bringing balance to this area of your life. If you have a relationship that needs healing in this area or you wanting to bring in a new partner, you must first heal and balance these things within yourself. Others will only ever reflect the true and often hidden feelings you have about yourself.

Therefore, this is the time to love yourself, explore your sensuality, become sensitive, honor your body as scared and enjoy your sexuality.

Wednesday December 12, 2012- Archangel Ariel-The Earth
Archangel Ariel is the Archangel who governs the Earth and all its creatures, from the animals to the trees. Archangel Ariel can be called upon to help you to become more grounded, feel more connected to the Earth and become more in tune to the healing properties of the natural world. Good for understanding/working with crystals, animal medicine and also for connecting to the realms of Earth Angels (fairies, etc).

Ariel means “Lioness of God.” A warrior and protector of God’s beautiful creation and our home,
Earth-from the forests, oceans and deserts, to all the animals, stones and nature spirits-Ariel governs the natural world and all that is wild and pure.

Humans are also part of the natural world. We are intricately linked to every cell that exists and we are completely dependent on the Earth itself to survive.

Ariel guides and inspires our wild self. Our connection to life and every living organism, our connection to the raw and authentic self, the part of us that is pure and untouched by fear, approval issues,  “should” and other ego-based issues, the pure, wild self that is truth, integrity, fearlessness and connection to life and  life’s cycle.

Ariel inspires us to dance in the moonlight, rejoice in the sunlight, swim in the oceans, put our feet in the sand, open up to our place on this planet and strengthen our connection to life and its cycles.
Stand on the ground and stand up strong.

It seems you may be feeling confused, wiped out, wishy-washy or you can’t get out of your head or stop thinking and getting ahead of yourself, it’s time to snap back down to Earth. Stop thinking about what you “should” do and stop ignoring your present moment.

Just stop and bring your attention back to your body, back to the present, back to you connection to life and its cycles, to the Earth and finally, back to your real self.

Be quiet until your truth emerges. You are being beckoned to awaken you wild and true nature.

Thursday December 13, 2012- Archangel Jophiel-Illumination

Archangel Jophiel means “Beauty of God” She is the Angel of illumination. She appears to bring light where there is darkness and is a shining light of hope at the end of a seemingly endless night.

Illumination occurs when light fills a space where there was once darkness. The light of consciousness spreads, allowing us to see into the space that was once darkness and mystery of the unknown.

Illumination often occurs when least expect it. When we are lost in the dark and forgotten what the light and it looks like, up comes the sun in all its glory, lighting our way and filling us with new insight and inspiration.

When we are in darkness we often lose sight of the bigger picture.  We can easily forget everything comes in phases.  Without the darkness of introspection and the unknown changes cannot occur.  The phases we experience are extremely important to growth and success in our lives.

The sun is rising for you now, illuminating all the dark corners of your life and consciousness. This is a time of rebirth, renewed life and renewed clarity and inspiration. Within the light of the sun, every color exists, ready to bring color into our world.

There is unlimited potential all around you right now. You have the power to create anything you want for yourself and your life. All color is available to you now. 

Pay close attention to awakenings, realizations, ideas, answers and inspirations.  All the answers you are looking for are revealing themselves to right now.

Friday December 14, 2012- Samuel- Battle

Samuel (meaning "poison of god") is a representation of the shadow side of existence. As both a member of the heavenly host and a fallen angel, Samuel is said to be the one who impregnated Eve. He has been depicted as the seducer, the destroyer and is a powerful figure in battle.

When up against seemingly unsurmountable odds and opposition Samba can assist in war, legal battles etc.

It is the universal truth that the world is made up of opposites: where there is light, there's also darkness. Samuel has earned a reputation as Angel to be feared, but it is only through acceptance and knowledge of our shadow self that we can ever truly be whole.

All throughout history there are stories and myths about heroes going into battle; fighting dragons or even battling through dangerous territory at sea. These stories represent the hero standing the face of danger, ready to confront his or her shadow. They represent the hero's willingness to surrender to a higher state of consciousness at the expense of all ego attachments such as pride, greed and compulsion. The hero is even willing to die as he or she is connected to being part of the eternal consciousness of life, rather than the ego or identity state of consciousness.

So is the hero goes out to battle dragons in order to bring the goods actives are town, here she is actually going on a journey to face the shadow in order to bring the goods back to his or herself so that the movement can be made into the next phase of life, on an internal level.

Just might be time for you to go on this journey. You may feel surrounded by obstacles, temptations and danger, rather than getting scared or overwhelmed it is time to stop, look at what is occurring around you, connect to your deeper sense of personal truth than battle those Dragon to whichever way you know you need to.

It's also time to sacrifice your ego and fight for your highest truth with courage and integrity. Everything in this universe is perfect and imperfect order. It is interacting polarities that keep things in place and moving imperfect synchronicity.

Decide now where do you want to be in life. What are you willing to fight for? Have you become disconnected or numb, lost in mundane thought, TV and routine? 

Well, is absolutely time for you to wake up! This is a call to adventure. What are you going to fight for? This is a call to arms!

Saturday December 15, 2012- Melchizedek Peace

Melchizedek is known as "The Divine Mediator". He serves to bring peace, spiritual awakening and understanding to our lives. Also a master of healing (especially healing with the use of color) Melchizedek can help bring harmony and a feeling of wholeness at times only feel like our equilibrium has been disturbed.

He occurs when we transcend the dual mind. When we see and feel the world in balance, our mind becomes still in our emotions become calm. Our insides make peace with themselves, as all things ourselves and perceived in a harmonious, synchronistic dance of life.

There are many things that may bring peace into our hearts and lives. Being in nature, having a realization, music, meditation and yoga, are among the many ways we can nurture peace with that. Through peace we feel acceptance and through acceptance in we feel peace, which puts us in accord with all that is.

In our busy, fast-paced lives is often hard to make the time to find that space that we desperately need, but this Angel is telling you this is what you must do.

You might be feeling chaotic, out of touch, possibly frustrated at all you see around you
. You need to make some time for yourself and connect with life, nature and the spiritual space around you, whatever that may mean to you.

You have music, meditation, yoga dance, so that you may connect to nature, both your nature and nature of life, so that you can find peace. You need to take a break from the business of life, and put yourself back into accord with the experience of life, nature, spirituality and the silence of the eternal space within.

Sunday December 16, 2012- Archangel Michael - Clearing

In all major faiths or religions, the Archangel Michael is considered the highest angelic ranks. 
Archangel Michael is the Angel of protection and clearing. You can call upon him to provide protection to yourself, your loved ones, your home or property and can also help you cut any negative ties in your life.  

In order to clearly in your life you must be clear. There also time, old issues and old thought patterns. There any mental, spiritual, emotional or physical clutter.  

This message has, for you; this means there are areas in your life in need of clearing. 
On a physical level, it may be time to clear your home. When anything that is not relative to you now for the future life you want. Clean out all closet and corners. Get light and air circulating through your home. Clear your bodies fill yourself with fresh, nourishing food that is easy to digest and supports your system. Most importantly drank at least 2 liters of water every day. 
If you feel unclear on an emotional level, the first thing you can do is spend some time writing or journaling exactly what you are feeling. It will provide you with a direct reflection of what is going on for you and what you can do to resolve present issues. It also will provide you with the space to release pent up energy.  

You may also need to release someone or something from your life. You may need to cut ties with the person, place or event or clean an old emotional issue. Once you take the time to see what needs clearing and releasing, it becomes easier to take the action necessary to allow this to happen.  

It may be necessary to review your mental and spiritual space at this time. What are the old thought patterns, beliefs and self -talk habits polluting your mental and spiritual space? 
Quite often the key breaking a habit is to create a new one that is more supportive to your growth and happiness. If you are telling yourself things that are not in line with your highest truth and highest potential, it’s time to simply start telling yourself something different. This will take work, lots of discipline and awareness, but you'll get through and change the mental pattern if you keep repeating and honoring the new thought pattern.  

Ultimately the message here is that you need to take space for yourself now. Create a sense of inner stillness and calm. Then with strength and courage, clear away the clutter and destructive tides in your life.  

Monday December 17, 2012- Archangel Azrael - Completion

Known as the Angel of Death, (in Islamic and Christian faiths), her primary role is to help souls crossover and to supply comfort to the grieving. She is the Angel who accompanies souls to heavens after that passed on.  

You can call upon her to help you through the grieving process and help you come to terms with and accept the natural cycle of life and death.  

Grief is a natural emotion during certain death cycles that involve both loss and the experience of something dear to you having come to an end. Often through grief, we honor what is lost in our feelings concerning that loss. If you are experiencing any grief at this time, it is important that you honor, respect and express this natural part of the human cycle.  

You must remember though, that the grief you feel is for yourself. If you have lost loved one, they had already moved on to the next stage of their cycle. They are where they are meant to be.  

If stage in your life has completed itself, this too has been necessary in order for you to move forward within your life and grow.  

New opportunity is present for you now and while it doesn't replace where you have been, it is essential for your growth to begin a new phase.  

Therefore, while is important that you feel and express what you are feeling at this time, you must always remember the bigger picture.  

You just cannot allow yourself to become stuck on the wheel of grief. Acceptance is your next part of this cycle to reach a place where you honor your sadness but also understand the bigger picture and become willing to move forward into your next phase of life.  

The Angels have given us our weekly messages from beyond. Take heart and know things are never as bad as they seem. This past week has been bumpy but it will bounce back. For a more in depth psychic or tarot reading please visit  to order.

Angel Blessings

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