Sunday, April 21, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of April 22, 2013- April 29, 2013

Angelic Wisdom Messages Week of April 22, 2013- April 29, 2013

Monday April 22, 2013 – Archangel Michael-Protection

In all major faiths or religions, the Archangel Michael is considered the highest angelic ranks.

He is always shown with a golden sword; Michael is the angel of protection and clearing. He can be called upon to provide protection to yourself, your loved ones, your home and property and can also help you to cut any negative energy or ties in your life.

Protection exists in our ability to draw boundaries in your life. Protection occurs when we learn about what is and isn’t good for us and we learn how to take the appropriate action to ensure that our boundaries are respects.

Even when we are in strange and frightening places, we become more able to protect our self when we clearly know our boundaries. We make better decisions, inform ourselves more thoroughly and project a stronger energy.

Even with all the protection in the world, sometimes we are meant to have certain experiences in order to learn and grow into what we are meant to be in our lives and there is nothing we can do in those circumstances other than surrender to the higher plan playing out.

Oftentimes, we do have the power to protect and honor ourselves and our boundaries. Divine protection is always available to us. By simply calling on the higher powers of protection and asking for assistance, we can experience the love and protection of our guides, angels and the universe.

There is also something that needs to be known about overprotecting yourself. If you have built walls around you, protecting you from love, life, intimacy, success or anything else, it is definitely the time to re-evaluate where this is getting you. If you feel the need to be overprotected, then there is an issue with feeling unsafe.

You need to reflect and clear a hurt or pain you are holding onto. You may need to let go of the inner voice that is telling you that you are not safe. Clarify your boundaries, do not let them be crossed, call on the divine assistance and let those walls down.

You are asked to start reflecting on the boundaries in your life and what you can do about them.

You may need to ask yourself; do you know what your boundaries are in relation to work, relationships, home and other important areas of your life? Are you feeling safe in your home, workspace, relationships etc? What can you do now to ensure that your needs are met and you are able to feel safe and protected in your life?

Ask yourself these questions this week as you reflect on your boundaries.

Tuesday April 23, 2013 – Archangel Jeremiel- Awakening

Archangel Jeremiel means “Mercy of God” she is the angel of clarity. With the ability to help you gain perspective and review your life experiences and patterns, Jeremiel can help you awaken or resurrect lost parts of yourself.

Each person is born a unique fingerprint of God. We are the summation of a multitude of ingredients that together make us who we are.

We are born into specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing that we need to learn and grow into who we are to become.

Beyond that, we are made up of instinctive traits, fears, passions and longings that also reflect our nature.

Then we have a set of experiences for our lives where we may experience challenges or awakenings that move us even further along the path of who we are. We learn certain lessons or get naturally guided to different experiences and places. Beyond all that, we feel a calling; a drive to do, experience and become something, whether this is a career or an internal state.

All these things give us “clues” to what we need to gain and experience in order to learn and grow in this life and they show us what are soul longs to express  and feel.  It is time to look at what these clues are telling us about you.

It is time to truly feel the perfect God/Goddess that exists at the core of your being. It is then that  you may better see the true path that your experiences are taking on and what parts of yourself and your life must let go of in order to experience more happiness and integrity. Right now this is a time of awakening in your life, of waking up to the core of who you are and immense potential that you hold in each moment of your life.

Wednesday April 24, 2013 - Archangel Amathiel - Hope

Amathiel is the angel of hope and renewal and is the ruler of the season of spring.
She can bless any situation in which seeds for something new in our lives are being planted and can teach us about the constant renewal of the life/death cycle, providing us with hope and the fertility of new beginnings.

Hope is one of the most powerful of all human emotions. It awakens within us the strength, courage, and inspiration to do almost anything. But is this experience of “true” hope, the hope that comes even after our struggles, even when things seem pointless, hard or hopeless, that gives us new eyes to see with. This allows a new perspective to emerge from our being and we are reborn.
It is though this burst of clarity and inspiration, that we become able to manifest a new life for ourselves,. We take a renewed attitude with a renewed action and become able to attract the people and opportunities we need to create new beginnings and a new life.

If you are finding life’s struggles to be overwhelming, if you have felt confused, frustrated or defeated, it may be time for you to let go and surrender to the natural cycles of life. Just as nature has seasons and cycles, we do too! You may have been experiencing a “winter” within your psyche. Sit, breathe and allow yourself to connect to your deeper self.

If you are willing to take the time to connect, you will notice a change taking place within you. New life, new courage and new seeds are beginning to grow within you. A new phase of life is beginning, so be conscious and use this time well.

Thursday April 25, 2013- Archangel Raziel - Hidden Worlds

There are realms that exist beyond our everyday perception. Realms of color, sound, thought, feeling, and realms of myth. Realms of unimaginable vastness that cover both time and space.

There are times of increased awareness and increased sensitivity, where everyday perception shift in our senses become heightened. This occurs during major life or personal transition, the artistic or creative process and during the heightened spiritual or psychic awareness.

During these periods, the veil that separates the world become thinner in our everyday awareness becomes hyper awareness. Our senses become refined as we tune into new colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings, myths and the vastness of time space. All the sudden you seem to be experience in a time of putting awareness. This is a time for truly listening, feeling and opening up to the hidden worlds of the universe.
You may have thought yourself drawn to new thoughts, ideas and new experiences recently. You may become more aware of signs or omens from universe. Strange synchronicity may be occurring regularly. Your dreams are becoming stronger, stranger and more vivid. The veil may be thinning at this time, to reveal new worlds from both within and around you.

It is asked dreamily importance that you take note of what is revealing itself to you. There are secrets, keys and signs from the universe that want to reveal to you. It is an ideal time to write, draw, meditate, communicate and create. Let the secrets of the hidden world inspired you into a new state of consciousness. With this being 2013 a being the year of new beginnings and new start this message is extremely important for everyone to practice.

Friday April 26, 2013- Archangel Michael – Clearing

Archangel Michael is the Angel of protection and clearing. You can call upon him to provide protection to yourself, your loved ones, your home or property and can also help you cut any negative ties in your life.  

In order to clearly in your life you must be clear. There also time, old issues and old thought patterns. There any mental, spiritual, emotional or physical clutter.  

This message has, for you; this means there are areas in your life in need of clearing. 
On a physical level, it may be time to clear your home. When anything that is not relative to you now for the future life you want. Clean out all closet and corners. Get light and air circulating through your home. Clear your bodies fill yourself with fresh, nourishing food that is easy to digest and supports your system. Most importantly drank at least 2 liters of water every day. 
If you feel unclear on an emotional level, the first thing you can do is spend some time writing or journaling exactly what you are feeling. It will provide you with a direct reflection of what is going on for you and what you can do to resolve present issues. It also will provide you with the space to release pent up energy.  

You may also need to release someone or something from your life. You may need to cut ties with the person, place or event or clean an old emotional issue. Once you take the time to see what needs clearing and releasing, it becomes easier to take the action necessary to allow this to happen.  

It may be necessary to review your mental and spiritual space at this time. What are the old thought patterns, beliefs and self -talk habits polluting your mental and spiritual space? 
Quite often the key breaking a habit is to create a new one that is more supportive to your growth and happiness. If you are telling yourself things that are not in line with your highest truth and highest potential, it’s time to simply start telling yourself something different. This will take work, lots of discipline and awareness, but you'll get through and change the mental pattern if you keep repeating and honoring the new thought pattern.  

Ultimately the message here is that you need to take space for yourself now. Create a sense of inner stillness and calm. Then with strength and courage, clear away the clutter and destructive tides in your life.  

Saturday April 27, 2013- Archangel Jophiel-Illumination

Archangel Jophiel means “Beauty of God” She is the Angel of illumination. She appears to bring light where there is darkness and is a shining light of hope at the end of a seemingly endless night.

Illumination occurs when light fills a space where there was once darkness. The light of consciousness spreads, allowing us to see into the space that was once darkness and mystery of the unknown.

Illumination often occurs when least expect it. When we are lost in the dark and forgotten what the light and it looks like, up comes the sun in all its glory, lighting our way and filling us with new insight and inspiration.

When we are in darkness we often lose sight of the bigger picture.  We can easily forget everything comes in phases.  Without the darkness of introspection and the unknown changes cannot occur.  The phases we experience are extremely important to growth and success in our lives.

The sun is rising for you now, illuminating all the dark corners of your life and consciousness. This is a time of rebirth, renewed life and renewed clarity and inspiration. Within the light of the sun, every color exists, ready to bring color into our world.

There is unlimited potential all around you right now. You have the power to create anything you want for yourself and your life. All color is available to you now. 

Pay close attention to awakenings, realizations, ideas, answers and inspirations.  All the answers you are looking for are revealing themselves to right now.

Sunday April 28, 2013 - Sachiel - Prosperity

Sachiel is the angel of money, wealth and prosperity. He rules over the day Thursday, and is one of the angels of the planet Jupiter. (The planet of luck and good fortune). 
The can be called to help bring wealth and abundance into your life. 

Money is energy. Pure energy. It is a piece of paper that represents our time, work and energy and it represents the potential of living. It takes care of our basic survival such as food and shelter as well as offering the means to create what we want in our life. The ability to travel, have better work options or be pampered. It gives us the means to live life the way we want to. 

Money will not hold or cuddle you, it won't give birth to your children, TV spiritual awareness or have a conversation with you but it will pay for the couch you cuddle on, pay for your child's clothes and nappies, by books that inspire spiritual awareness and pay for the coffee you converse over. While money doesn't bring you love or happiness, it does provide you with the means to nurture love and happiness in your life. 

Money is also the energetic equivalent of your time and energy. When you work, you received money in exchange for your time, energy and talent. Every dollar you spent is worth a certain amount of your time and energy. When you overspend or stop noticing where your money is going, you are essentially not valuing yourself or your time and leaking your money, thereby draining yourself of both energy and resources. 

It's essential right now to notice your feelings, beliefs and behaviors regarding money. It is time to truly love, honor and respect your money and in turn it will want to be with you and work for you. If you take the time and the effort to truly look after this area of your life that gives you so much, you will find that the rewards can be infinite. If you think of money as a friend that you are happy to make the time and effort for, money will be your friend in return. 

However, you ignore, roadway, or think lowly of a friend you cannot possibly expect a good relationship to develop. Likewise you fear losing, playing to in this trust your friend, you are likely to scare your friend way. It is time to develop healthy, loving relationship with money. 

Abundance comes from within, not without. You have the power to create accumulate wealth and prosperity now. 

Monday April 29, 2013 - Archangel Metatron-Heaven & Earth

Archangel Metatron serves as the link between the human and the divine; heaven and Earth. Metatron is also the patron Angel children. Metatron is considered one of the mightiest of all Angels. He has been given the title the King of Angels and is said to be the record keeper of all that occurs in heaven.

Heaven and Earth, human and divine, the flesh and the spirit. These polarities are often considered so different and yet, one does not exist without the other. This is the truth that, once integrated, truly sets us free. What if we couldn't exist without the God/Goddess and God/Goddess couldn't exist without us? What if we were God/Goddess dreaming? God/Goddess experiencing itself for pleasure, movement and evolution? What if we were existing in the psyche of the God/Goddess, play our roles, using free will to the extent that we choose, yet operating with that greater spirit energy? 

We could have the power to create revolution/evolution within this space. We would truly be co-creators with the God/Goddess. When we connect the idea that we were intricately linked to everything in existence, become larger than ourselves. 

We become eternal. Become one with all will come before us and those who will follow.

All things become reflections of ourselves and reflections of the God/Goddess simultaneously.

Once we realize that we exist in a state of oneness, we may begin to open up to the power and potential we hold on this plane.

Everything we do, pink and believe affects the whole. Yet most of the time we walked blindly through life, believing we have free will, yet choosing to act based on personal fears and limitations, family, social or cultural beliefs about what is and isn't the right thing to do. Or we act based on destructive beliefs or neurosis that we have developed the various influences or traumas we may have experienced in our lives. When we act or attract from this place, the outcomes are generally mundane and predictable and not the product of free will rather the product of programming. The true use of free will occurs when we think and act from a place in our hearts the place that is free and at one with the divine, holding the power and potential of all that it. It comes to understanding the true potential that exists within every moment in the understanding that everything we do and think affects what will occur in our life, what we will experience and then turn will affect the whole of existence.

Once we realize that the idea the heaven and earth, the flesh and the spirit, human and divine, although polarities are all one and we have the power to affect and experience oneness with the whole, we will become conscious and awakened.

There’s always an Angel
Monday’s Angel looks down from above,
Tuesday’s Angel will wrap you in love,
Wednesday’s Angel is healing and caring,
Thursday’s Angel shares the load you are bearing,
Friday’s Angel will shoulder your woes,
Saturday’s Angel will lift you, when low,
Sunday’s Angel will send you affection,
and steer you and point you in your life’s direction.
All of your Angels are protective and giving
you reason to cherish the life you are living.
Whenever you need them, whatever the day,
your Angels will be there to show you the way.

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