Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mercury Retrograde

Well I have to say that some retrogrades come and go with out a hitch. Then you have some like the current one where every thing and any thing is hitting the fan.
It started off with getting up on the wrong side of the bed then one thing after another. Add finding out T mobile lied to us just to sell phones. Hmm talk about unethical practices.
Then my son has a crisis...yeah that is how he deals them out. His scope broke on his airsoft gun.
Woke up the am to no central air. The power outage we had tripped the fuse ok so about 90 degrees in the house fixed that. Cleaned the house then lit some herbal garden incense. Ah the feeling of ah I can relax.
During this ahh feeling my son reminds me that we need to go out in 98 degree heat to vaccum the pool. Ok so I revol in my ah feeling inhaling the incense before I got out to clean the pool.
Well the ahh moment was over the second I reached for the pool hose. I reached up yellow jackets come flying (swarming) out of the canopy pole. About 20 to be surrounded by during this episode. I got stung a few times in the cheek by one then in the leg by another. After screaming in pain using my epi-pen, calling my Mom then my husband...oh and my doc who said sorry no urgent care ER. I went outside to do battle. I was on the phone with my husband who is telling me he will take care of them later. I said forget that I am drowning them suckers in wasp killer. One or two of them dam things stung me and I am pissed and in pain. Those suckers are going to die now. My dear husband reminded me you dont attack wasps, yellow jackets during the day. I told him they attacked me There is no night and day for them. Just elimination....
He came home from work checked my kill job. Told me he will deal with the rest later. Got to the ER doctor told me great thinking in using my epi-pen. He then told me yellow jackets are mean and I will feel the sting/pain for 24 hours and gave me predisone and told me to rest.
Stared at the ceiling dreaming about how to blow planet Mercury out of retrograde....

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